Positive thinking: features, importance and development

Life is easy and simple if all the people around you are in a great mood. This factor has a great effect on the organization and productivity of labor. It is also necessary in family life. What do I need to do? Very little. You just need to think positively. At first glance, it would seem that such a condition is quite easy to fulfill. However, in reality, everything is not so simple. The emergence of a positive depends on many components, but first of all it depends on the person himself.

What it is?
Positive thinking was well described in the book Norman Vincent Peel... It put forward the theory that a person's thought influences his feelings, and those, in turn, influence his behavior.
The essence of the theory is that all events can affect something or someone only when you create them.
That's why positive thinking is a person's choice, that is, the choice of certain thoughts and desires to act. This means that if an individual consciously chooses positive, his thinking becomes positive. Otherwise, everything happens the other way around. With negative thoughts, negative thinking is born in the morning.

The science of psychology defines the problem in this way. If you want to go to the bright side of your consciousness, you go to it. If you don't, you are staying on the dark side. No wonder experts say: "It is necessary to change thinking, and everything around the event will also change"... If the consciousness is tuned to the negative, then the body will certainly get sick. Conversely, positive thinking contributes to the healing of the body. This is how psychosomatics manifests itself.
In other words, positive thinking is a concept that originates from inspiration. It can contribute to a good mood. And then there is complete satisfaction from life.
Correct, namely positive thinking, is used in various seminars where they teach the basics of human development, or in some scientific areas, including literature, in training programs.
Why is it important?
Undoubtedly, positive thinking is important for any person. it will allow you to be less annoyed and constantly radiate inner harmony in the soul and success. This direction in mental activity must be had under any circumstances.
If something goes wrong, you need to try to turn negative factors into positive ones. For example, if a girl (guy) left (ate) from you for another (oh), think that you are incredibly lucky. Why do you need such a person who can betray at any moment and on whom it is impossible to pin any hopes? It seems that the answer is obvious.

To find happiness, lightness and attract good luck into your life, you need to smile more often. The importance of this point is that positive thinking will definitely work if you believe in it.
Get the right mindset for the Law of Attraction to work.
Remember: all living things attract their own kind. As soon as you begin to tune in to the joyful perception, then the joyful perception from people will begin to tune in to you. This is the law of attraction.
And then it is necessary learn to give correctly. Show attention to the people around you, and everything will return to you. This is how the law of giving is manifested, which is ensured by positive thinking.
When a person tunes in to love of life, then he transforms irritation, anger, bad mood into a positive attitude. This moment is very necessary in order for your environment to change. This is how the law of the opposite action works.
And one moment. When any of us directs our thoughts towards achieving positive goals, then she herself The universe is starting to help.

The importance of optimism is undeniable. Consider the options that will occur after a person begins to experience harmony in his soul.
- Any individual will improve the work of the whole organism. Even headaches and heartaches will go away.
- With positive thinking, a person's brain function improves.
- He will learn to love himself and those around him.
- He will gain confidence in the future and believe in miracles.
- He will be confident in himself and will become active.
- Can deal with issues of charity.
- A person will not be afraid of any stress. He can easily get out of depression.
- He will focus on his inner strength and become even stronger, both mentally and physically.

How does it affect life?
There is no doubt that positive thinking helps to live and can help restore a person's faith in generally accepted values. The influence of love of life on a person cannot be overemphasized.
The above statement is not unfounded. It has been proven in practice. For example, Fredrickson even set up a little experiment, which was as follows. Several groups of people were selected, each of which consisted of five people. Clips with joy were shown to two of them. The other two groups were asked to watch a video that was neutral and did not contain any special emotions. The rest of the people watched stories with negative scenarios.
After viewing, all subjects were handed out a sheet of paper, pens and asked to finish the phrase.: "I would like to…". As a result, those people who watched only positive video material wrote many positive phrases. Other subjects could not do this.

This experiment showed that when a person experiences joy, his the brain begins to work actively. Namely, the person himself tries to find various options that allow him to move on and even safely get out of depression if it occurs. If there is no positive in mental activity, then there are no options for a way out of a bad situation. At the same time, thoughts become scarce.
In addition, the study showed that thanks to positive thinking, a person can easily achieve peace of mind and change his life. All this will happen due to the fact that he will constantly look for exits.
Did you know that positive thinking develops skills and abilities? If not, then you need to read the following information. For a more detailed explanation, the following example is best suited. All guys love to play. Those children who are constantly among their peers, play, jump, joke and laugh, develop rapidly and learn about the world around them.
Each child positively shares his skills and abilities with other children. When a large company gathers, each of its members makes a certain contribution to the development of both himself and his peers. This suggests that positively minded children learn to talk, move correctly, learn a lot of interesting information.

All knowledge acquired in childhood is consolidated for the rest of your life, again thanks to a positive attitude. Such necessary groundwork will remain, despite the fact that pleasant emotions may end at some point. The skills and knowledge gained through positive thinking are practically not lost.
Positive emotions can many times increase the feeling of self-confidence, and this entails the birth of various thoughts, which, in turn, develop the skills necessary for application in many industries.
Nevertheless, there are specialists who find some harm in positive thinking. This happens if a person is too carried away and received an overabundance of positive.
In this case, he may experience:
- difficulty in the process of spiritual development - from a sense of his own superiority, a person can get too hung up on himself and stop fully communicating with people;
- a person will begin to manipulate his own consciousness, and this process is fraught with irrevocable withdrawal into the world of illusions;
- stop recognizing their weaknesses and paying attention to problems, and as you know, if problems are not solved, then they destroy a person;

Remember, before you impose positive thinking on yourself and others, you need to consider some points in your character. In addition, you should pay attention to the state in which the person is. For example, if you saw the presence depression, lability, low self-awareness or lack of critical thinking, then it is better to give up activities that increase a positive attitude at least for a while.
Plus, people with positive thinking often fall into traps. An individual who is too attuned to the positive may be defenseless in the face of the cruel world around him. Such a person is easy to offend and even deceive.
Sometimes positive thinking gets in the way of looking at the world soberly. For example, if a person constantly instills in himself that everything is good for him, but in fact his affairs are going very badly, then these actions will not end with anything good. Problems tend to accumulate. When there are too many of them, they will fall on the head of the imaginary "lucky woman" with incredible force.

If we consider this issue further, then it should be noted that reassessment of opportunities, which can happen because of the "off-scale" positive, will develop into arrogance. This personality trait considered a negative manifestation, as it interferes with making the right decisions.
You cannot look for false sources of happiness. People who are too carried away with a positive attitude begin to look for good even where there is none.
For example, a husband who is cheating on his wife, or a bank employee who stays at work after hours in the hope that he will be promoted. All these manifestations are inevitable lead to mental breakdown and depression.
Such information suggests that you need to control your behavior. Moreover, no one can perform these actions for you and better than you. Remember that measure is needed everywhere. Therefore, you should not get too carried away by various theories that do not always justify themselves.

Our thoughts materialize therefore, as we think, so we live. Many people are trying to prove it and convey this truth to the whole world. This is exactly what I did Christopher Hansard. He wrote a book called "The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking" which describes the ways and techniques of achieving positive.
Let's consider some principles. For example, the following technique can help restore emotional state and motivation for further action.
Find a place where you feel comfortable. Next, monitor your condition, while breathing should be even. It should go as if through the heart muscle. Feel how with each new inhalation and especially exhalation the negative energy is extinguished.

If a new one appears, not a very pleasant emotion, do the same with her as in the first case. Extinguish in yourself everything that is unpleasant for you to remember. This is how your thought energy will begin to work, and this is how you will understand how you need to act in order to develop balance. Besides, with such breathing exercises you will awaken your natural wisdom.
As a result, your mental energy, coming from the depths, will be replaced by a happier one. In this way, you can defeat even a disease that seems fatal to you.
With the formation of a negative, that is, a disease, a person becomes depressed. Remember the law of attraction. All diseases are attracted by wrong thinking. If the disease does not stop or dies down for a while, then you have not fully understood the essence. That's why continue your exercises, and the brain will figure out how to proceed.
Also, for the emergence of correct thinking, you can call on the help of Tibetan medicine. It is based on the study of three fluids (they also act as life energy). These are bile, wind and phlegm. In the opinion Bon-specialists, man consists of these three elements.

Bon specialists can ask you as many as 29 questions to make the correct diagnosis. After reading the answers, practitioners will be able to accurately determine your emotional, psychological and spiritual state. In addition, physicians will necessarily study the state of the body, namely, they will feel the pulse, examine the urine, examine the face and hands. Thus, the doctor will determine which of your fluids is dominant.
A person gets sick precisely because one of these energies begins to prevail over the others. To heal it, balance must be restored.

So, let's look at the elements in more detail, and also find out how the loss of balance changes a person's life.
- The wind is our thoughts and energy, which have remained with any person since childhood. With improper mental activity, namely if you are often worried, easily aroused, angry, then the flow of the wind is disrupted. Therefore, you must always be calm, and then you will think sharply. You can restore balance with the help of prayers, meditations, which should be done before bedtime.
- Bile controls a person when a sudden event occurs, for example, excitement during an argument. She is the energy of thought inherent in adulthood. If you crave revenge, suffer from negative habits, then this means that your balance of bile is disturbed. To restore balance, you need to exercise, develop proper nutrition, and help people and animals. This will help your bile recover quickly.
- Phlegm is the base that maintains stability. Such energy stores previously acquired values, therefore it is considered the energy of old age. If phlegm prevails in you, that is, you are under the influence of someone, eat a lot, cannot work, then you need to get rid of this negativity. Otherwise, you will get sick with those ailments that are inherent in the stomach and nearby internal organs. To restore the balance of phlegm, it is necessary to properly handle money, love loved ones, and eat right.

So, Bon's teaching says that health is a continuous stream of thoughts, which change every lived moment of a person. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the fluctuations of the flows and observe your sensations.
From this statement it follows that the disease always arises from negative problems. Therefore, when you feel unwell, move on to the next exercise.
Get into a comfortable position (lying down, sitting down) and start observing your breathing. Pay attention to how you breathe. At the same time, you will feel your illness. Focus on her. If you do everything right, she will begin to glow orange and slowly change shape and shrink. Performing such exercises for a month will allow you, if you do not get rid of the disease completely, then at least feel significant relief.

How to learn?
Positive thinking skills can be developed on your own. There are some exercises below for this.
- Replace negative positions with positive ones. Thoughts shape reality. If you think you are a freak, then it will be so. Once you learn to think differently, you will feel like a pretty attractive person. Therefore, conduct sessions of suggestions that will be directed inside your "I". Remember, you won't hurt anyone if you think you are the most attractive person.
- Make it a habit to always thank people and the environment for all the good you get. Even for an unpleasant experience, thank your offenders. This will teach you how to turn negative energy into positive energy.
- The goal must be positive. For example, set a task to do family work or go to the hairdresser and change your appearance.

In addition, there is such a workout exercise called "5 pluses". It is as follows. When you have to complete any task, you must find the benefit in it. For example, if your boss sends you to a conference in another city, and you do not want to travel, then you need to find advantages in this task. The trip can bring you 5 bonuses:
- you will meet interesting people;
- have a great time;
- take a break from routine work;
- learn something new;
- you will be able to prove to yourself that you are a highly qualified specialist.

This is how you can think positively and constantly cheer yourself up. And there is also a technique called "Reconciliation with the past."
Its meaning lies in the fact that past grievances do not need to be forgotten (at the very first reminders they will emerge with renewed vigor), but, on the contrary, you need to learn to abstract yourself from them. Just love your past.
What thoughts need to be eradicated?
To change from within, root out the old stream of thoughts: fundamentally change your thinking, harmful, replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Admit to yourself that these are generally accepted rules, with which it is difficult to disagree. And then you should:
- find a definite positive goal that will become a "guiding star" to rectify the situation;
- switch all your consciousness to achieve this goal;
- try not to allow bad thoughts;
- rebuild your entire consciousness.

For this you will need a lot of strength. Once you start thinking in the old way, you need to say: "Stop". This brake light can be represented in your head in the form of a picture.For example, if you thought about the bad (the boss will give a thrashing today, the money runs out, or suddenly I get the flu), immediately imagine the picture in the form of a road sign, which depicts the word STOP.
Psychological advice
The sages say: "The colors of the world that we perceive, namely their colors, depend only on ourselves." Some people associate the sight of a puddle with dirt and germs. Positive and creative individuals will see the reflection of clouds in a puddle.
Therefore, psychologists advise first of all pay attention to your mood, constantly monitor him and keep out unpleasant thoughts.
A badly tuned individual will never be able to see the positive, even in those things that are overflowing with him.
This is roughly how thinking in adolescents works. In adolescence, a person is very much fixated on his "I". Usually, the attitude towards one's “I” is critical and negative. When a personality is not formed, it has many complexes, due to which it it is difficult to look positively at the world.

Over time, when a young person has a reassessment of values, his world changes, and he becomes more confident. All grievances and negativity gradually pass away. Consciousness becomes positive and there is a desire to move forward.
Some people who have already crossed the transitional age for a long time also need to reconsider their values and discard a number of complexes.
Come positive will change your life 180 degrees, and you can start believing in yourself again.