What do girls like and how to get their attention?

Not every young man is able to easily and simply make new acquaintances, especially when it comes to girls. Many guys get lost and fall into a stupor, not knowing how to make the first step correctly. In order to please a lady and win her interest, you need to be not only original, but also a pleasant companion. Also, don't get discouraged if your attempts to get to know each other are unsuccessful.

How to get acquainted?
In the modern world, young people increasingly prefer to communicate on the Internet, since virtuality does not require them to have an ideal appearance and does not oblige them to anything. However, dating in real life still takes place, since it is spontaneous meetings on the street that are best remembered.

Girls like persistence and masculinity in men., and therefore they would rather pay attention to a charismatic young man than to a stuttering schoolboy. Therefore, at the first meeting, it is necessary to give the impression of confidence and openness. To do this, you need to behave as relaxed as possible, sincerely and as often as possible use direct eye contact with a stranger.

You can draw the attention of a stranger to yourself simply by providing help. For example, carry heavy bags or take you home. This should be done unobtrusively, since excessive assertiveness can only scare the lady.
To interest a beautiful girl, you can use any available information, which you can get at the first meeting. Books, pictures on clothes, tattoos, and so on can be good informants. It is necessary to use the obtained data correctly and not persistently.For example, you can approach the object of your liking and ask: “Where did you buy such a T-shirt? I walked around all the shops, but she is nowhere to be found. "

The setting can play into your hands when meeting a girl. If the meeting took place at a concert or exhibition, then it is safe to assume that the tastes of the young man and the lady coincide. This is the most convenient option, as it will be much easier to start a conversation on a general topic.
Of course, every woman wants to feel desirable, and therefore, at the first meeting, it is appropriate to compliment the lady. At the same time, it is necessary to be extremely tactful and careful, otherwise the abundance of pleasant words will not so much confuse the stranger as will make the man suspect of insincerity. To get to know a girl surrounded by girlfriends, it is important to start a conversation with all the ladies. This is necessary in order not to offend them and to make a good impression. If you immediately begin to pay increased attention to the stranger you like, then you can hurt the pride of her friends. Namely, their opinion can play a decisive role in the end.

If a guy decided to meet a girl on a social network, then first of all, you need to start searching for a passion in thematic groups. Due to the presence of common interests, the interlocutors will quickly find a common language and, quite possibly, will become excellent friends in the future. When communicating on the Internet, it is important to be not only polite and compliant, but also competent. It is unlikely that any lady will appreciate the huge number of grammatical errors of a potential suitor. If there are some problems with grammar, then you can always use the online text checker for errors before sending a message to the addressee.

How to be liked on the first date?
The first date is awaited with trepidation not only by girls, but also by men. It is on them that the responsibility for organizing the upcoming pastime falls, and therefore they experience special experiences. Of course, it is easier for experienced guys to prepare for a meeting, since they know how to teach themselves and what to say. But beginners will have to study a lot of literature and take a lot of advice before going to the designated place.

Let's take a look at the basic rules for a perfect first date.
- Seat selection - in order to get to know a stranger better and set her up for long-term communication, you should choose a meeting place that is free from noise and crowds. This will give the man the opportunity to get to know his companion better, while she will feel comfortable. The planning of the cultural program should be based on the preferences of the lady. For example, if she loves active recreation, then it is worth organizing a walk for her with a further picnic.
- Punctuality - in order to make a good impression and not make the girl nervous, it is necessary to arrive at the meeting place on time. The frivolity and inconsistency of the boyfriend will allow the lady to draw disappointing conclusions and seriously ruin her mood.
- Manners - any woman wants to feel cared for by the male, and therefore it is important to be a gentleman on the first date. It is not necessary to pretend to be a gallant gentleman, it is enough just to do basic things. For example, open a door in front of a companion or help to get around an obstacle.

- Flowers - having come to a meeting with a bouquet of flowers, you can immediately endear the lady and tune her in a romantic mood. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money and choose expensive bouquets. You can pick wildflowers with your own hands or buy them in the passage from some grandmother.
- Sociability - the girl is unlikely to want to continue her acquaintance with the young man, who, during the meeting, said only a couple of phrases. To fill awkward moments of silence, a man must take the initiative and suggest a new topic of conversation. It is advisable to prepare in advance a list of topics that will help diversify the evening.
- Generosity - modern men increasingly prefer to split the bill in half. This behavior scares off most women, who are accustomed to seeing a partner as a generous protector. The general impression can also be spoiled by the announcement of prices or the indignation of the companion about the high cost of dishes.

On the first date, you need to behave not only naturally, but also tactfully. Any girl will be repulsed by the tediousness and slovenliness of a partner who does not have elementary concepts of gallantry and thinks stereotypically.
To make a good impression, it is not enough to organize the first date well; it is also important to dress properly. No woman will like a fat, ugly man with greasy hair and a scent of sweat.
- The first thing that catches your eye is the neatness and grooming. Even dirty shoes or long nails can push your companion away. To make a good impression, you first need to tidy up your hair and hands, and take care of the cleanliness and integrity of your shoes.
- It is important to take your clothing choice seriously. It would be inappropriate to attend a meeting in a city park in a classic suit. Tracksuit and out-of-size clothing will look especially bad on the first date.
- In addition to the impeccable condition of the clothes, the man must take care of a pleasant smell. To do this, you need to dress in clean clothes and use eau de toilette.
- You don't have to dress in uncomfortable clothes or create a fictional image to make a good first impression. To "hook" a girl, you need to behave in a relaxed and open manner, and this is impossible if you constantly try to keep your brand.

We take into account the age
- To please a young girl, a young man only needs to have great charm. He should be sociable, open and not afraid to take the initiative. But the older a lady gets, the more difficult it is to get her attention. What teens like is unlikely to interest a woman over 40.
- To attract the attention of an adult lady, it is not enough to shower with compliments and try to flatter. In the eyes of an adult, it will look childish, and therefore such a boyfriend will not be taken seriously. In order to really interest a stranger, it is important to behave with restraint and confidence.

A young man who wants to please an adult woman should understand that she will not pay attention to the presence of a car or expensive perfume. Only erudition and erudition can really make a lady pay attention to a young man.
- When talking with a 20-year-old girl, it is appropriate to mention your friends and tell funny stories from the past. A lady over 30 is looking for reliability and stability in the satellite, and therefore, rather, she will be interested in big plans than in stories about children's pranks.
- It is very important not to remind of the age difference when communicating with a woman. Even if the companion is much younger, there is no need to emphasize this. Thus, you can make her feel not old enough and smart enough to interest a grown man.
Behavior types
All people combine several types of temperament, which determines their general pattern of behavior. Male representatives can be conditionally divided into four types, taking into account the nature and model of behavior.
- "Warrior" - has a decisive and strong-willed character. Such a man easily starts new acquaintances and does not feel insecure on the first date. Self-realization and an active lifestyle are important to him, and therefore such an individual should choose a purposeful and open girl as a companion. In order not to scare away the stranger, the "warrior" should temporarily pacify the ardor and try to focus on the interlocutor, instead of demonstrating his strength to her.

- "Master" - has a strong temperament that allows him to be a real master of the situation.Such men are aimed at creating lasting relationships, and therefore should pay attention to domestic girls who value comfort and family. It is important for such girls to feel themselves under reliable protection, and therefore, when meeting, guys of this type must prove their ability to protect.

- "Holiday" - a type that is characterized by such qualities as inconstancy and unpredictability. It is characterized by impulsiveness and sociability, which allow the young man to always be in the spotlight. As a rule, representatives of this type are not looking for a serious relationship and often change partners. They easily make new connections and just as easily cut off old ones.

- "Creator" - the most shy type of men, which is characterized by isolation and secrecy. It is difficult for such young men to get to know each other, and therefore they prefer to remain in the shadows. As companions, they need to look for more emotional girls who can diversify the life of the "creators" and add bright colors to it. Representatives of this type can interest ladies with the help of social networks, posting the results of their creative activities in thematic groups.

Any man wants to understand the psychology of women in order to properly build relationships with them. Both the guy's behavior model and the place of acquaintance depend on the purpose of acquaintance.
- For example, to get short-term connections, it is best to head to a nightclub where most ladies are open-minded.
- If a young man wants to find a serious relationship, then it is best to go to a city park or to an art exhibition. Mutual friends and acquaintances can help find a partner, from whom you can find out in advance all the information about a stranger.
- Don't try to start a conversation on a busy street or train station. Perhaps it is at this moment that the lady is in a hurry somewhere and is not going to communicate. But in a train carriage or in an amusement park, the chances of a successful acquaintance are much greater.

- To impress a girl who for some reason doesn't like the guy, you can resort to some tricks. For example, you can find out what scents the chosen one likes and choose a men's perfume with a similar aroma. The persistence of a suitor can also work. To do this, he needs to appear more often in the field of view of the object of adoration and constantly pay increased attention to the lady.
- The quickest way to get a girl's attention is with compliments. But it is important to praise not only external data, but also mental abilities and human qualities.

For information on how to get the girl's attention, see the next video.