How to confess your sympathy to a girl?

Despite all his masculinity, not every man is able to express sympathy for the girl he likes. Very often, a young man is hindered by the fear of being rejected, and therefore he prefers to remain in the shadows. However, having properly built communication with a lady and finding the right approach to her, you can confess your feelings without fear of rejection of reciprocity.

How to hint?
Before hinting a girl about sympathy, you need to achieve her location. To do this, you need to try to spend more time with the object of adoration, communicating not only live, but also on social networks.
You can attract the attention of a lady through eye contact. Most girls believe that if a young man listens to her attentively, he will definitely look in the eyes. It is very important to be interested in the life of the chosen one and constantly support her. In this way, you can achieve the trust of the lady, which will ultimately lead to mutual sympathy.
Not all modern men show gallantry towards the weaker sex, while every girl dreams of a gentleman. To win the heart of the chosen one, you need to have not only politeness, but also compliance. You also need to be generous, showing the lady your disinterestedness.
To please a girl needs a positive attitude. A gloomy and eternally disgruntled young man is unlikely to interest a lady, but a cheerful and brave guy will certainly appeal to her. In addition, perseverance is required to win the heart of the chosen one, since girls value self-confidence in men.

Before admitting sympathy, it is important to find out her attitude towards you. For such information, you can contact your mutual friends. Unfortunately, this method may not bring results, since the girlfriends simply refuse to talk about this topic.
The following techniques can be used to express sympathy for a girl.
- Compliments allow you to express admiration and emphasize the dignity of a lady. You need to say flattering words to the place and in moderation, otherwise the girl will suspect the young man of lying.
- Honesty can help you avoid many awkward moments. Honestly admitting to the chosen one in your feelings, you can not only lighten the soul, but also instantly clarify the relationship.
- Understatement can be a great tool to keep a lady interested. A guy can hint to a girl about his feelings, but not talk about them directly.
- Focusing attention will work if there are other girls around. To do this, you need to casually say: "You are the most beautiful here" or "How good that next to me the most attractive girl."
- Jokes will be an excellent helper if the chosen one has a good sense of humor. This technique involves not only telling funny stories and anecdotes, but also using ambiguous phrases. For example, the phrase “Our children will not forgive us for this” can seriously puzzle a lady.
- A common hobby will help bring the young man closer to the target. Doing one thing or discussing things that are interesting to both, you can talk about sympathy without further ado.
- Demonstration of interest. Every girl dreams of being the only one, and therefore will surely appreciate the close attention from her boyfriend. To do this, you need to make appointments with the lady more often and write on social networks.

How to confess your sympathy?
Even being in the close environment of a girl and having achieved her location, not every young man can immediately tell her directly about his sympathy. This is usually due to the guy's low self-esteem who is simply afraid of being rejected. But if you do not express your feelings in time, then you can miss the moment and forever remain just a friend for your beloved.
It is especially difficult for a guy to confess his sympathy to a close friend. He may feel that his feelings will harm friendship or even lead to the breakdown of friendly relations. It must be remembered that most couples are based on friendship, as partners share common interests.
The advantage of a couple based on friendship is strength and reliability. Friends have known each other for a long time, and therefore will not part for a stupid reason. Many unions break up precisely because partners started a relationship at the beginning of their acquaintance. Anyone who, at the first meeting, can cause falling in love, after a couple of meetings is able to push away with stupid reasoning or slovenliness.

It is not easy to tell a girl about falling in love when she is already in a relationship with another guy. It is appropriate to start such a conversation only when you are fully confident that their union is not strong enough. For example, you can talk about feelings when a girl is in a quarrel with her boyfriend or when a young man sees that a love relationship gives the chosen one some suffering.
If a young man likes an older woman, it is not enough to express sympathy with beautiful words. It is necessary to perform courageous actions that prove the seriousness of his intentions. For example, you need to bring a lady medicine when she is sick, or help repair faulty equipment.

The easiest way is to express sympathy for the girl who herself shows interest in the young man. This can be determined by her behavior. If she is always glad to see you, immediately answers calls and SMS, agrees to spend time together, then she probably has tender feelings for you. In this case, it is much easier to tell the chosen one that you like her.
You can admit your sympathy with the help of poetry. The recognition will sound especially touching if it is written with your own hand. You don't have to be an outstanding poet - you just need to be able to rhyme and put words beautifully.
Flowers and other pleasant things will help to express feelings.For example, you can present a lady with a bouquet of soft toys or sweets. In addition, you can donate a book that the girl has long dreamed of, or invite the chosen one to a romantic film.

What to do in case of refusal?
Often, the recognition of feelings can cause confusion and even rejection. At the same time, it is important to behave correctly, since aggression or expression of resentment will not only aggravate the situation, but also ruin the guy's reputation.
A woman's “no” does not always mean refusal. The intonation with which the girl refused reciprocity can mean a lot. If the phrase is spoken with a serious expression, then “no” means “no”. But if at the same time a woman smiles and flirts, it means that she is simply "playing rejection." Sometimes representatives of the fairer sex refuse in order to increase their worth and force the boyfriend to seek her favor. They want to be sought out and romanticized for their sake.
To avoid a rude refusal, a guy should not ask a direct question about whether the chosen one will meet with him. The girl may be afraid to seem approachable, and therefore will probably refuse. But if you start with dating invitations, you can increase the chances of reciprocity.
Do not create illusions about the relationship with the object of adoration. Before you confess your feelings and offer to date, you need to make sure of reciprocity. You can understand that a lady is positively disposed by how she reacts to touch and courtship. It is logical to assume that the chosen one will refuse the guy if she initially did not make contact.

It is not necessary to officially invite a girl to date. If your meetings happen on a regular basis, and you feel at ease in each other's company, then you can just gradually move on to more serious actions. For example, you can start by hugging or kissing on the cheek.
If the chosen one still refused reciprocity, then you should not despair and fall into depression. First of all, you need to find out the reason for the refusal. Perhaps, the young man's excessive persistence or too quick transition from acquaintance to expression of sympathy is to blame.
The reason for the refusal may lie in the guy's reputation. Not very good rumors can circulate about him, preventing the lady from believing in the sincerity of his feelings. Therefore, it is important to immediately clarify the situation in order to show the beloved the disinterestedness of their intentions.
Having received a refusal, the best solution would be to bring the lady to a frank conversation. Finding out the relationship will help maintain the friendship and possibly change something. If a guy has serious intentions, then it is in his interests to do everything to correct the situation. You need to gradually return the girl's trust, using all your positive qualities for this.

Every man should understand that it is not enough to have a presentable appearance in order to win the heart of a woman. It is necessary to be a versatile person, capable of attracting a lady not only with beautiful eyes, but also with a pleasant character.
Self-improvement tips.
- Watch your appearance: a girl is more likely to pay attention to a guy's courtship if he has an ideal appearance. In this case, we are not talking about natural data, but about neatness and cleanliness. Therefore, when going to a meeting with the object of sighing, it is important to make sure that your hair, nails, shoes and clothes are in perfect condition.
- Develop your mind: intellectually developed men attract women much more than pumped up ignoramuses. Good looks can make a first impression, but later on, you need to use your mental faculties.
- Build your character: any girl dreams of a strong man who can stand up for a lady of the heart and solve any of her problems. If a young man does not fulfill his promises and runs away from trouble, then he will rather quickly disappoint the chosen one and provoke a breakdown in relations.
- Radiate optimism: gloomy and eternally dissatisfied people are not able to arrange the interlocutor. A girl would rather reciprocate a cheerful and sociable guy than pay attention to a secretive and pessimistic young man.
- Be generous: girls love generous men. If on the first date a guy starts to loudly calculate expenses or offers to split the bill, then the companion will most likely refuse to meet again.

There is a popular belief that girls like bad guys. In fact, any person dreams of a knight who can protect a lady of the heart. For this reason, it is important for young men to have masculine qualities that will help them achieve reciprocity in relationships with the weaker sex.
For information on how to confess your feelings to a friend, see the next video.