How to determine that a child is an introvert and how to interact with him?

Some parents get worried when they realize that their child is an introvert. But do not worry, because raising such a baby is extremely easy. You just need to find an approach to it and try to help in all your endeavors.

The direction to one's own inner world from childhood is the main distinguishing feature of introversion. It is there that a person will draw energy, while extroverts get it from communicating with other personalities. Introverted children are unable to connect with anyone. The kid does not need other people all the time, he feels great alone with himself. He enjoys solitary activities. Other children will think that he is withdrawn, but this is not so, because introverts also need communication. This is a problem, since he cannot make contact, but there is a need for this.

Introverts get tired of social contact pretty quickly. After attending an event with many people, they need to recover. Therefore, they try to stay alone. Children have a reserved character, they will not tell their parents about their emotions and thoughts. If they are worried about something, the mother will not know about it. This behavior is normal, don't worry.
An introvert can be in a small group or have one best friend. If he is surrounded by a large number of people, he is not too comfortable and he tries to be invisible.
It is good and comfortable for such a child only with those who are close to him. In this case, the baby will be able to open up and communicate, talk about experiences and thoughts.

Several signs of an introverted child.
- He tries not to contact strangers with his eyes. He does not like meeting new personalities, so children try not to do this. Thus, they try to protect themselves from criticism and evaluation of themselves, as well as from the need to communicate with someone.
- With severe fatigue, the baby begins to become hysterical. This happens not because he is capricious, but due to the fact that the nervous system is not able to cope with this load.
- Such children are quiet, most often they will communicate with toys. They will not attract attention to themselves and behave badly in the store, they always stand calmly next to their parents.
- Introverts are imaginative.
- Such children will not have a lot of friends, only those whom they trust unconditionally.
- Trying something new is extremely difficult for an introvert. Changes can scare a child.
- They are not able to speak in full view of people, it is better for them to be in the crowd.
- They practically do not express their emotions, sometimes they seem indifferent.

The signs of introversion in adolescents are similar to signs of the same quality in children. They are reserved people with a rich inner world. More often they are drawn to knowledge than to interaction with society. Will not go to various parties. If they get there, they always try to make sure that they are not noticed. Introverted adolescents are extremely sensitive; they notice the colors, smells and sounds of the world around better than others. They see a lot of small details. These are creative individuals who have out-of-the-box thinking.
Such adolescents are able to listen carefully to a person, to understand other people's emotions. They have quite a few friends, but this friendship is dear to them. If the trust of a loved one is lost, it greatly upsets the child.

Differences from autism
A striking difference between an introvert and a child with autism is the ability of children with introversion to be calm in society. They can learn and interact with others if needed. With autism, it is incredibly difficult for a baby to communicate with people, he completely detaches himself from the world. Autistic children have a rather narrow range of interests. An introvert can be wide. Autistic people are not able to understand others, their experiences and emotions. Introversion, on the other hand, allows children to be quite familiar with the personalities around them.

Difference with Asperger's Syndrome
A kid with this syndrome uses a minimal amount of facial expressions, practically does not use expressive sign language. Coordination is impaired, and movements may look strange and awkward. Can bump into a variety of objects, sometimes walls. It is extremely difficult for children with this diagnosis to play sports and physical activity.

Difficulties in parenting
It is important to try to understand the baby, try to put yourself in his place and realize that introverts are people who like communication, but they cannot communicate with others for too long. It’s hard. Constant fear and isolation is what prevents these children from expanding their social contacts. The introvert will be afraid to speak in front of the class, which is a problem for emotional well-being and learning.
When a child is punished, he will not express resentment, but simply leave it inside him. Parents may think that the kid did not understand the lesson, but in fact, trust in them is undermined and the next time, if something happens, the son or daughter will not talk about it so that adults do not judge. Introverts are more likely to be silent, and it is difficult for them to hear an answer or a story about what causes anxiety.

How to adapt to life in society?
Many parents think that the baby does not want to communicate, but this is not entirely true. Introverts need social contact, they may not feel very good if they are practically nonexistent. You should try to adapt the baby to society, help to learn how to be in a team.But if the child does not want to do this, it is better not to force it. The ideal option is to generate interest.
An introvert is afraid of new situations, so you need to try to introduce the child to them not abruptly. If the baby goes to kindergarten or school, you should talk to him about it, talk about what is incredibly interesting and safe there, you can learn a lot of new information.
It should be noted that such children are slow. There is no need to rush them. It's also important to understand that introverts need to recover their energy. It will be better if he has the opportunity to be alone for a while.

An introvert child needs some kind of hobby that will become an assistant in development. If he likes to design or to be creative, it is worth giving the opportunity to do so. But you need to remember that social skills are also important, so you should develop them as well. It is necessary to make a special place for this, where the child can play and rest on his own.
The worst thing for parents of an introvert is the need to send the baby to kindergarten and school. Extroverts get to know people without any problems and go to school with great pleasure. Their opposites need help.

Methods for preparing a baby for kindergarten.
- Before the child starts attending kindergarten, you need to talk about what he is and why the child needs to go there.
- First, you should leave him in the garden for a few hours so that the baby gets used to the environment, has a little chat with other children and shows interest in toys. It is difficult for introverts to get used to new places, so they need to be given some time to adapt. Adaptation is an important aspect.
- After the child has been in the group, you should ask about what he did there, with whom he communicated, what interesting information he learned.
- It is important to choose a caregiver very carefully and carefully, as such children will not be able to tolerate negligent and rough treatment. Treating them this way can increase stress and tension in the baby. The work of a teacher with a preschooler is extremely important.

Many parents try to protect their children from worries and do not send them to the garden. This option is good enough if the child attends a variety of developmental activities in which he can learn to communicate with other children and develop the necessary skills. If he interacts only with parents and other loved ones, a large number of problems will follow from this when the baby grows up and goes to school.

How can you help prepare for school?
Sending a crumb to school is a responsible and important moment. Children should be able to serve themselves independently, react calmly to any new situations and interact with people (as much as possible). It will be better if the child is completely calm about school and peers.
Several helpful tips.
- Children should be told that they have become more mature and now need to go to school.
- You should carefully find out if there is fear. If so, discuss it and reassure.
- It is not recommended to intimidate introverts with lessons, evil teachers, various difficulties, as this will affect the emotional state. On the first day, these babies will experience great stress.
- We must try to prepare with the children. Visit stores, choose a beautiful portfolio, buy other necessary things.
- The condition of the baby depends on the correct choice of school. It is better to send the child to a place where the individuality of each child is taken into account, and not work with all children according to the same principle.
- It is better to develop talents and encourage the child to reach for knowledge.

Recommendations for interaction with children
To properly educate a child, you should take into account character traits. If the baby wants to be quiet, do not force him to talk.Being alone with themselves, introverts restore vitality. When they communicate, she is wasted. Therefore, when children come from an event where it is noisy, they want to be silent and relax. You shouldn't try to find out about their impressions.
It is extremely difficult for such children to get used to a new situation, so you should be calm about the fact that it is quite difficult for a baby to get used to new teams. If the baby goes somewhere to visit with his parents, you need to let the baby play away from everyone if there are a large number of unfamiliar children in the company. When he gets used to them, he will quickly join the group. It's important not to try to push.

Little introvert - don't worry. If you actively help him, he will develop the necessary communication skills. And a variety of talents, of which such children have a lot, will be able to find their expression in creative activity. You need to pay attention to the independence of the child, help him and try to arouse interest in society. Parents should be a strong support for the baby, as the unfamiliar world scares him.
For tips on parenting an introverted child, see the following video.