Mutual sympathy: concept and signs

As a result of mutual sympathy between people, serious deep relationships can arise. However, at the beginning of an acquaintance, it is not always clear whether there is a chance to turn communication into something more. Let's figure out what are the signs of a man and a woman's disposition for each other, and what to do if the feelings are not mutual.
What it is?
Mutual sympathy - This is a feeling of a stable emotional predisposition of a man and a woman to each other. At the same time, emotions can be both friendly and romantic. In the first case, people are simply pleased to communicate, they do not think about a possible relationship. However, friendship between representatives of opposite sexes is quite rare, so the main focus of the article will be on romantic feelings.
In this case, people experience attraction to each other, which can subsequently develop into something more. The degree of sympathy for a person can vary from mild interest to a real storm of emotions in the soul.
True, not everyone shows this at the beginning of their acquaintance.

How does the feeling arise?
It is impossible to say unequivocally for what period of time one person realizes that he likes another. Sometimes this happens in the first seconds of acquaintance. Sometimes the feeling grows and develops gradually in the process of communication.
The factors influencing the onset of sympathy are numerous. First of all, it is appearance person. This is what they pay attention to at the very beginning. However, this factor is not decisive. It happens that in the process of communication, the first enthusiastic impression deteriorates and interest disappears. There are other situations when a person opens up in a conversation and enchants with her charismadespite the external flaws.
Stable sympathy appears when several factors add up to one combination., which a person subconsciously regards as suitable for him. it voice human, manner communication, gestures and even smell... Natural charm, intelligence, sense of humor, and other qualities that appear during communication can increase emotions and the desire to continue acquaintance.
In order for a couple to develop a harmonious relationship, interest and attraction must be mutual. Therefore, it is important to carefully observe the behavior of another person in order to understand his intentions and build a strategy for his behavior.

It's easy to tell if both people feel the same way.
- At the first meeting and at the beginning of communication people who like each other try to make a good impression.
- They unconsciously correct clothes, hair, take positioning "open" poses.
- A person who feels interested in another is attentive in conversation. He looks you in the eye, asks questions, and enthusiastically supports any topic.
- Embarrassment is another sure sign of sympathy. If a person blushes, gets confused in words, or shyly lowers his eyes, then he is afraid to show strong emotions and excitement. Often, even self-confident individuals get lost at the sight of someone they like.
- If people intersect in common companies or at work, with mutual interest, they involuntarily turn to each other, meet their gazes, try to talk and find common themes.
- If people communicate periodically, sincere interest can be determined by how good they are remember the details of conversations and other details, whether they are interested in each other's hobbies and tastes.
- Also, in the case of sympathy, there is a desire to do something pleasant. For example, men give compliments, give flowers, show care and attention, offer help in some situations.
- It is not difficult to determine the presence of mutual attraction, if after the first acquaintance a man invites a girl on a date, and she agrees. In this case, both come to the meeting well-groomed and well-dressed. They tend to get closer physically (to stand or sit closer, as if accidentally touching each other).
- Another sure sign that allows you to understand that a person likes you is his sincere smile when you meet. Even on the most unfortunate day, communication with the object of sympathy can cheer you up.
- In separation, people with feelings get bored. They write and call each other for no apparent reason. When they meet, they are equally comfortable both in conversation and in silence.
- Lovers often compromisesacrificing their principles, make pleasant surprises for their soulmate, notice changes in each other's mood.

What if there is no mutual sympathy?
Unfortunately, sometimes sympathy is not reciprocal. To find out about this, it is enough to observe the behavior of another person. If during a conversation he is distracted, constantly looking at his watch or phone, this may be a sign of lack of interest. Although, of course, it is possible that the interlocutor is simply afraid to be late for an important meeting or is waiting for a business call. But if he frankly misses, almost does not look at you, thinks about something of his own, does not ask questions at all, most likely, you could not interest him.
In this case, the choice of the option of behavior depends on how cool the other person's attitude towards you is. If the person does not show categorical dislike and absolute indifference, you can try to take the initiative. It is possible that there is still a small interest in you, it just needs to be developed and strengthened. This is especially true for the stronger sex. The more persistent a man's courtship, the more chances he has for success. Often, girls hide their feelings in order to see if a potential partner will seek their affection.
As for the beautiful ladies, the situation is more complicated here. It is not worthwhile to actively look after the chosen one, invite him on dates, and annoy him with calls and messages. But you can show sympathy unobtrusively. For example, in case of casual communication, it is worth showing a sincere interest in a man, asking him questions about his hobbies, work. In common companies or in a team, you can occasionally throw meaningful glances at the object of sympathy.
If, upon further communication, it becomes clear that there is no hope for reciprocity, the attempts at rapprochement should be stopped. If the interlocutor fences off, tries to move away, answers in monosyllables, frowns or even yawns, it is better to leave him alone.
A particularly disturbing sign is a person's joy when a third person appears during a conversation.... This means that communication with you does not bring him any pleasure.
In this case, it is better to try to find someone who will appreciate you. As a rule, even if a long "siege" of the object of adoration leads to a successful conquest, the relationship quickly ends due to the lack of sincere mutual feelings.