How to win a girl's heart?
Many guys are interested in how to achieve the location of the girl they like. In fact, in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, it is not at all enough to have money, an apartment and a car - manners, masculinity and strength are needed here.

Basic methods and rules
In psychology, it has long been proven that women are much more romantic, impressionable and emotional than men. If a girl feels romance and a fairy tale in a relationship, then she falls in love very quickly, which is why a young man has much more chances to conquer his chosen one if he admires, shows signs of attention and demonstrates his best male qualities. The ideal man in the eyes of a woman should meet the following qualities:
- cleanliness and tidiness - representatives of the strong sex should take care of their appearance, be neat, clean and smell good;
- sense of humor - women do not like those men with whom they are bored, besides, everyone knows that the owners of a good sense of humor, as a rule, are also far from stupid people, so a girl can always find a topic for conversation with them;
- a responsibility - a man must keep his promises, you are unlikely to attract a girl if you are constantly late, evade obligations or do not keep your words;
- honesty - the relationship should be transparent and open, trust is the main component of any communication between two people;
- reliability - as they say, to be married means “to a husband”, a girl must understand that her beloved is exactly the person on whom you can rely in everything;
- perfect man - necessarily kind, loyal, generous and by no means lazy, he must constantly admire, make presents, arrange surprises and compliment his chosen one.

To conquer a girl, a young man must have confidence, manners and information about his beloved, her tastes, preferences and hobbies.
To win sympathy, a man must first of all show respect for both the woman herself and her environment. Very often, young people behave gallantly towards their companions, but they show coldness and neglect to everyone around them - this is a mistake, any woman will immediately notice this, and then you will have little chance of getting her sympathy. The man who dreams of seeing girls as his companion will definitely treat parents, children, friends and older people well.

A man should strive for self-realization in the profession, he should make every effort to achieve recognition in business. Even the kindest woman will trust a person who has a certain wealth much more. Everyone knows that the candy-bouquet period ends sooner or later, and then the couple begins to face everyday difficulties, which often lead to collapse. Weak and lazy guys without goals and aspirations are unlikely to be able to keep a girl.

You definitely need to show care and attention, such signs made without any reason are especially appreciated, and by the girl's reaction it will be easy to understand whether it makes sense to continue to conquer her. Women need help, and it is better to do this without waiting for her request, she will certainly appreciate it, because in the eyes of a girl a guy who feels and understands her is a real diamond. And if he can still become a real support and support, then they will try not to miss such a person.

How to conquer a girl on a first date?
So, you met the woman you liked, overcame all your doubts, struck up a conversation and finally invited her out on a date. It is extremely important that your first meeting is perfect, because it largely depends on her whether your couple has any chances for a joint future. According to statistics, about 50% of the first dates are also the last ones, so it is very important not to make mistakes. Everyone knows that they are seen off according to their minds, but at the same time they are greeted by their clothes. Don't underestimate the importance of your appearance when you meet. Young people must certainly look good - stylish, neat and noble, girls appreciate guys with good taste.

You should wear deodorant before your date, even if it says it protects 48 hours - but use it anyway right before your date. And, of course, do not forget about the perfume, its delicate aroma always magnetically affects women. Be sure to bring along accessories that can create a sense of prosperity, such as a stylish watch, an expensive lighter, or trendy sunglasses. Now let's move on to the most important topic - no matter how well you are dressed, you will not be able to captivate the girls on your first date with just your appearance, you will have to use one more tool of yours - language.

You should talk to a woman, on the first date there is no place for awkward silent pauses and frantic search for topics for conversation. To begin with, try to talk about her, all people are selfish by nature and love to talk about themselves, and beautiful women are no exception. Ask her, listen and remember everything she says, and be sure to nod and assent at the right moments.You can also tell about yourself, but in such a way as to present yourself in the best possible light. However, you should not forget about extraneous topics for conversation - dream together, remember your childhood, discuss dreams.
In fact, you can choose any topic, but there are several taboos:
- sport, weapons and war - these are exclusively male topics that women are rarely interested in;
- computer games - the topic is interesting only for people playing the same game, in all other cases it does not cause anything but boredom;
- technical topicsrelated to profession, study or work - believe me, in this case the girl's reaction will be the same;
- relatives - no one can know on the first date how a woman's relationship with her family and friends develops, the topic is too personal, and you can easily step on slippery ground and ruin the mood of both her and herself (if a girl wants to tell you about her family, she will certainly do it).

And, of course, the girl should be given pleasant compliments, but this must be done correctly.
First of all, you need to admire a specific detail, for example, style, as well as a smile, legs, hair, eyes, and the like. A compliment can relate not only to her appearance, for example, if a girl often jokes, tell her that she is very witty. However, do not get hung up on any one moment and do not shower with "amenities" without stopping - over time it will be terribly enraging. Any girl, even the most modest and shy, loves to be touched, even if she claims exactly the opposite. The main thing is to touch correctly. You can hold her hands, hug her slightly - you need to do this already in the very first minutes of your date, but, of course, without rudeness, the movement should be gentle and delicate.

On the first date, the touch should be as if "accidental" - from time to time touch her with your shoulder or hand. You can, for example, fix her hairstyle, or you can go further - invite the girl to tell fortunes in the palm of your hand, while it does not matter at all whether you can do it or not - in any case, she will most likely like this contact, perhaps she will agree to go a bit further.

How to conquer an unapproachable girl?
If you want to conquer an inaccessible obstinate woman or a girl who does not like your type of man, patience is required here. It will not work to win the heart of such a woman with flowers and ordinary compliments - competent behavior and the gradual creation of especially sexual tension are important here.

There are some simple rules.
Don't be overly attentive, especially in the early stages of courtship. Beautiful women are accustomed to the fact that all the men they meet literally look into their mouths from the very first minutes of communication and are ready for anything, if only they agree to spend the night together. In the eyes of the girl, this behavior is not interesting, therefore, it completely discourages them from continuing their acquaintance. They are simply not interested in seeking someone who is already at their feet. Well, then, women consider low-grade those men who show attention to them at a time when they have not yet deserved it (in their female sense).

Be sure to maintain tension - this is where sexual attraction begins. If a girl is in the company of her beautiful friends - give them the lion's share of your attention, women are hunters, they will immediately "make a stand" and want to beat you off. Such tension gives rise to subconscious attempts to attract your male attention, she increasingly thinks about you and, accordingly, you rise strongly in her eyes.

Refuse her from time to time when she begins to show her own initiative, but do it beautifully and, of course, do not overdo it.
Do not offer more than two dates in a row if you were refused once - the reasons may be the most commonplace, but the second refusal already, rather, indicates that the girl does not regard your behavior as attractive.In this case, it is better to talk about something funny at the next meeting, to joke and say goodbye, without even hinting at a possible meeting. And this must be done repeatedly - and then, only then, invite to a new meeting.

Show the girl your potential, keep in mind that guys with no purpose only attract female students, as well as those who are hungry for positive emotions. Beautiful unapproachable women do not belong to one or the other category, whether you are the soul of the company and a real ringleader, they will never consider a man for the role of their companion if he does not have some great and undoubtedly worthy goal in life.

And, of course, don't overestimate its importance. If you, at every opportunity, emphasize your sympathy, the desire to please and listen to her desires, the girl will simply refuse you. For her, such actions are uninteresting and sometimes tiresome.
How to act at a distance?
In recent years, more and more young people find a girlfriend via the Internet. For example, you met a beautiful girl on social networks, she is texting you, but it turns out from personal meetings. Let's consider what to do in such a situation. It's simple - you should attract her with your text messages so that after a short time she can appear in front of your friends as your girlfriend.

The pickup experts provide several recommendations.
- Write correctly - any mistakes, whether spelling or syntactic, can spoil the impression of you quite strongly, however, if the object of your desire, like you, does not bother about literacy, then mistakes will not become a special problem.
- Don't turn your communication into everyday correspondence. There is no need to tell what you ate for breakfast, and how you bought yourself socks or hung a picture, there is enough such routine in the life of any woman without that. She wants companionship and romance from a pen partner.
- Tell her about your merits, in an unobtrusive form, describe to her some of your life stories that show you from the best side, let the girl have the feeling that you are strong, courageous, noble and generous.
- Joke more. Everyone loves funny guys, only jokes should be really funny, in no case do not turn into vulgarity.
- Take an interest in your friend's affairs, ask about her life, hobbies and interests.
- Make sure not to repeat yourself in your messages - otherwise, the girl will decide that you have absolutely no imagination.
- Be real - you shouldn't portray a tough macho or an unrecognized genius, a tired philosopher or an eccentric are also not the best options for transferring communication from online to a real plane.

If you feel like your communication is having a hard time getting to the romantic stage, then try using heavy artillery. Poems - it is not at all necessary to write a poem for her, you can use previously created works - it is important to correctly insert several lines into the text or end your message with them. Pictures - if you are good at drawing, you can devote a drawing to her, women love artists no less than poets. If there are no such abilities, then feel free to look for beautiful pictures on the Internet, for example, few people will try to see a secret message in the images of a couple under an umbrella, woven hands and footprints in the sand.

However, it is better to refrain from pictures from the "Kama Sutra", especially those accompanied by the text from the series "I want you too" - you risk being blacklisted immediately after such a message. Sometimes men, trying to fall in love with a woman from a distance, make many mistakes that simply negate all their efforts. If you really intend to achieve a real meeting, then in your messages you should not:
- deceive - there is no need to ascribe to yourself other people's merits, to portray yourself as a rich man or a specialist in demand, if in practice you are not;
- declare love in the first messages - in this case, the girl will decide that you are either an ordinary joker, or a liar or just crazy;
- make promises you can't keep - it is not necessary to turn into a henpecked already at a distance, otherwise, when they meet in person, they will wipe their feet at all;
- write vulgarities - you should not ask what the girl is wearing during the third communication session and tell what you would like to do with her right now, this is possible only if you have already met in person and your relationship has crossed the line of friendly communication;
- terrorize a woman - you don’t need to arrange a debriefing for her, to find out why she didn’t reply to the message written an hour ago, why she didn’t appear on the network last night, because such scenes can be afforded by her husband, but not by a pen pal.

How to return the love of an ex-girlfriend?
Sometimes it becomes necessary to return the location of the former lover. In this situation, the main thing is not to go ahead. The girl needs time to put everything on the shelves, cool down and miss your shared past a little.

When a few weeks, or maybe months, have passed, you can, as it were, "accidentally" arrange a meeting. At the same time, be friendly, but a little detached. You shouldn't tell her how much you missed, or how glad you are to see her, she should never guess that you are suffering. If she wants to tell you about her successes or failures, politely distance yourself from such a conversation, because you absolutely do not need her to transfer you to the category of good friends.

Flirt with another girl or even walk her home, making sure that your ex is sure to know about it (of course, not from you). Even if she does not want to meet with you again, she will still experience pricks of jealousy, and you just have to catch the right moment and invite her to a meeting. Keep in mind that the purpose of the meeting should be sex, if you persuaded her to intimacy, consider that she reciprocated you, and your relationship was revived again. Although you should not relax - otherwise you will remain for her only a partner for meetings for that period until she finds herself a permanent man.

How to win a girl's heart, see the next video.