How is pity different from compassion?

Feelings of pity and compassion are in many ways similar, but there are significant differences between them, it is important to understand what exactly they are.

Description of concepts
Compassion means the ability to empathize, to understand the feelings of other people, happening in their souls. Pity has a destructive effect on the soul of the one to whom it is directed. Compassion for others is the ability to pinpoint their emotional state. The ability, regardless of the circumstances, to act so as not to harm others. A person who causes pity, signs his own weakness and some "inferiority", his suffering is ascertained from a distance. This feeling is accompanied by destructive energy, shows the inability of the other to overcome a difficult situation on his own, recognition of his sacrificial position.
Compassion is considered a special quality, a willingness to provide help without hesitation, to express in this way inner love for a neighbor, to feel and accept his pain. A compassionate person is attentive and sensitive to those who are nearby, respects their interests and experiences. The essence of compassion is not to increase material wealth, but to clear the mind of adherence to them. I sympathize, that means I sympathize, I wish to save another from a painful, unenviable fate. The object of compassion is the suffering beings, its aspect is the desire to relieve them of suffering.
There is a touch of superiority in pity. Whoever invokes her is perceived as a failure. Do not feel sorry for someone - this feeling is destructive. Arrogance emanates from him, it has a destructive effect both on the one that regrets and on the one who provokes him.
Those who demand pity want to acknowledge their suffering.

At first glance, it might seem that pity and compassion are identical concepts, they really are similar. Both feelings express concern for others. And although the emotional overtones are different, there is definitely a similarity. Pity with compassion indicates the presence of sadness. They are characterized by sadness. These feelings demonstrate human values, they are both necessary. Humanity depends on them.
Everyone sees the similarity, but not everyone can notice the difference, but it cannot be denied.

The main differences
What is the difference between pity and compassion?
- First of all, by the fact that there is power in compassion, but in the second feeling it is absent.
- A compassionate person is always ready to be there, even if there is nothing to help. Even one presence is an indicator that the situation, no matter how difficult it may seem, can be tolerated. When there is a reliable shoulder, there will certainly be a way out. It is healing even in situations that seem hopeless. Let's say a person is on the verge of death. The situation is clear - no salvation is foreseen, but the one who sympathizes with him will still not leave. Demonstration of love has a healing effect on the soul.
- Pity is a powerless, clingy, and cloudy feeling. Compassion is characterized by activity and wisdom. It is always looking for a balance between accepting, letting go, and taking action. Many directions of Buddhism, for example, prescribe the development of certain qualities in oneself. This religion proceeds from the fact that a lot is inherent in every person. You can become a victim of circumstances, or you can successfully cope with them. The main thing is to make the right choice.
- Pity does not contain empathy, but in compassion it is present, prompting to help another in overcoming his suffering.
- The key difference between these feelings is that one is destructive and the other is constructive.
- Pity is purely about regret, and compassion is about helping you cope with unenviable circumstances.
- Another important difference is the sense of condescension. It always follows pity. But compassion is devoid of it, the other person is perceived at the same level, not lower.
- Pity is characterized by isolation, and compassion by integrity.
- People who are sorry, do not get anything good from it, continue to be victims. Nobody benefits from this attitude. Being poor and unhappy is a road to nowhere.
- Taking pity on someone, a person plunges him even deeper into darkness and misery. This behavior is a kind of message of the image of inferiority. People who are sorry, get used to being weak, may be inactive for a long time. Coping with bad circumstances often requires decisive action. But why do this, if it's easier to be poor and unhappy.
- Self-pitying people happily share their burden with others - this is an effective way to shift responsibility for their own actions and deeds, demand understanding and attention.
- The distinguishing feature of compassion lies in the fact that it comes from the depths of the soul. This feeling makes it possible to look at others without shuddering and tenderness, to always remain calm.
- True compassion is not an emotional experience, taking care of oneself beloved - it is the perception of the suffering of others on a spiritual level, acceptance of them as they are. Compassion, you can calm the suffering, take on his pain. To empathize means to be in the place of the one who has to suffer.
- To regret is to realize that a person is in trouble, but at the same time feel relief that this did not happen to you.
- Compassion is inherent in activity, it pushes to search for ways that can reduce suffering - not just to console and pretend that "everything is fine" when in reality it is not, but to find a way out of the prevailing circumstances.
- A compassionate person does not separate himself from the world around him, he feels absolute equality before everything. Compassion is a higher feeling, it stimulates the withdrawal from suffering, and pity only increases it.
People should be willing to be compassionate and avoid pity. It is in the first that the focus on strength and freedom lies, the second serves as a manifestation of weakness, generates dependence.
