Personality psychotype

Features of an introvert girl and her behavior in relationships

Features of an introvert girl and her behavior in relationships
  1. general characteristics
  2. Peculiarities
  3. How to communicate?
  4. Points of contact
  5. Advantages and disadvantages
  6. Myths about introverts

Psychology classifies each personality as a certain type of character, dividing it into introverts and extroverts. These indicators differ in many factors - they depend on the environment, upbringing, social status and, of course, on gender. This article tells about introverted girls, their behaviors, fantasies, preferences and opportunities.

general characteristics

The concept of introvert was introduced into psychology by the famous scientists Isaac and Carl Jung, describing in detail the properties of character and attitude to the world around them. The peculiarities of an introvert woman are that she perceives what is happening through the prism of her sensations, while her own feelings are given more attention than what is happening around her.

Below is the characteristic of an introvert woman.

  • Such a woman has a logical-sensory type of perception of life - she is consistent in her actions, has a certain life position, is closed from communication, even if she is in her usual environment.
  • He prefers to live by his own rules and clearly observes the chain of command.
  • Thoroughly thinks over every action, leaving no room for error. Hardly endures defeat, betrayal, betrayal, constantly returning to previous emotions.
  • Not deprived of imagination. Her head is an invaluable storehouse of innovative ideas and projects. She is observant, patient, in control of emotions and persistently pursues her goal.
  • They prefer loneliness, but cannot objectively explain the reasons for such desires and outlook on life. Sometimes he feels overwhelming shame for his behavior.

This characteristic is inherent in classical introverts, which include phlegmatic people. But this does not mean that a person voluntarily isolates himself from the world around him.

She is quite sociable, intellectually developed, capable of making non-standard decisions, but in communication she establishes a strict distance - a kind of wall that she does not cross herself and under no circumstances does she allow others to cross.


This type of character is formed from early childhood and depends on the social situation, upbringing and self-esteem. As a rule, this model of behavior is imposed by parents. At the same time, the child bound by obligations tries to meet the requirements and behaves against his will. Thus, low self-esteem, uncertainty, isolation, a tendency to ponder each step are formed, which creates a kind of attitude towards life.

Sometimes introverted girls experience significant difficulty in interacting with others. According to the psychological concept, there are two types of introverts: stable and unstable.

Unstable introverts. If a girl is sensitive, emotional and even sophisticated men give in to her sexuality, this does not mean that she belongs to the type of extroverts. Chances are, you are dealing with an unstable introvert who is attracted to his appearance and eccentric behavior. She follows her own rules, does not follow the crowd, which attracts the attention of a strong half of humanity.

At the same time, she is not able to analyze the ethical aspect of behavior and quickly respond to criticism, because she exists in her own ephemeral world, where she takes a comfortable place for herself. Such people are considered out of this world, but they, like no one else, require attention, care, recognition of their identity and universal worship.

Stable introverts. Such natures have a clear confident position, do not waste their time on trifles, do not succumb to provocations and scams, clearly observe the established rules and are steadily moving towards their goal.

They are socialized, confident, non-provocative women.who adamantly overcome obstacles on the way to realizing their ambitions. These qualities are an undeniable advantage over other character abilities - they give odds even to classic extroverts who retreat before failure after several attempts to overcome the obstacle. A stable introvert will assess the possibilities, analyze his mistakes and will definitely achieve the desired result.

How to communicate?

Do not be surprised if a new acquaintance cannot adequately answer the question of why she is sitting at home, bored, and does not want to go, for example, to the cinema. She simply prefers to spend time alone with herself: read a volume of Dumas, make some newfangled accessories, or do something that brings maximum benefit and pleasure. Therefore, if you want to make an impression, you can invite her to a charity evening, a master class, an exhibition, but you should pay attention to the number of people around you.

Such a girl needs to avoid communicating with strangers and avoid circumstances that would force her to be in the spotlight. In this situation, she will want to close her ears and leave as soon as possible - this will be the final point in the relationship.

Points of contact

When communicating with an introvert, you should not show yourself off, demonstrate your achievements and attitude towards a person. You need to show patience, give the beloved the opportunity to adapt, get used to the appearance of a new person in her life.

Sometimes communication with an introverted girl creates feelings of awkwardness, embarrassment and a desire to constantly control their emotions. But for any person, sooner or later, the limit of patience comes.

Intuitively feeling that the situation is heating up in communication, and parting is not included in the plans, psychologists advise you to follow certain recommendations.

  • You should never impose a demeanor on an introvert. Before calling such a person for a frank conversation, it is better to ask him if he is ready to open his soul in front of you.
  • You should show participation in his personal life, hobbies, way of thinking, but you should never violate his personal space.
  • You should be careful and delicate - you should not speak in a raised voice. But if you need to convey your point of view, then you need to do it tactfully, but persistently.
  • You should not put a person in front of a choice - in such cases, he will accept a forced surrender, and communication will take on a strained character.
  • When trying to find emotional contact, you need to be creative and resourceful. Give a person the opportunity to be alone, because for such people one person is already a whole crowd that requires emotional response.
  • Do not be upset if the companion reacts to bright actions with mean words - it is not typical for introverts to express emotions.
  • You don't need to force an introvert into action and pressure their opinion - this can alienate you from each other.

In all ways, you need to show admiration for the intellect of this person, and it is better to put appearance on the sidelines. In a relationship with a guy, it is important for her that personal achievements, talents and abilities are appreciated.

Advantages and disadvantages

To please an introverted girl, you will have to overcome some stereotypes and characteristics that seem at least strange to a modern person. But among these qualities there are undeniable positive features:

  • the girl is accurate and punctual, she does not change her mind seven times a day;
  • owns emotions, is not capricious, appreciates attention and analyzes actions;
  • she is exacting to details, never abandons the started business half way and is not late.

Of course, such people are not ideal - they have a hard time changing their minds, in love they are unable to compromise, get hung up on details, and they remember the reasons for small quarrels and conflicts for the rest of their lives. They do not tend to relax, they are rarely in harmony with themselves, are demanding of others and are reputed to be ardent fans of perfectionism.

Myths about introverts

Such a person does not throw words to the wind, he will not spend time with those people who are not interested in her. Sometimes such a girl sees the world in black and white, mentally removing the masks from those who are in her environment.

Getting interested, let alone falling in love with an introverted girl, is not easy. She will not introduce her friends and parents until her partner passes a test of trust, honesty, and integrity.

There is no need to reproach her with indifference, because she, like no one else, appreciates care and understanding. Her personal world is more interesting and vibrant than what you can offer in return.

The adaptation of an introvert in society is a matter of experience and time, but such people never cross the line of what is permissible, clearly observing the rules accepted in society. If the beloved is of the type of introverts, then we can assume that you are lucky - she will become a caring and loyal wife, a wonderful mother and will not stand the brain for trifles. Family life will be filled with harmony and mutual understanding if you provide a person with personal space and the opportunity to enjoy their own loneliness.

For information on how to communicate and where to invite an introverted girl, see the next video.


The article is interesting.

I tried to have an affair with an introverted girl. I myself am an extrovert. Didn't last long :) For me it is too closed and demanding. Great article that covered 99% of my case. At least I could figure out what we were dealing with. Not in me and not in her. We are just different. Thanks!

I'm an introvert. It's not true that introverts aren't emotional. We show love, admiration for gifts. It takes a long time to get used to people who are inconvenient for us (we read a person's aura - if it is bad, then we leave this person). Therefore, whatever the person says, the aura will show the truth. I agree that it’s all about the details: facial expressions, tone of voice, whether words are drawn or not, gestures, gait, and much more — the introvert's brain catches it. Then, after the date, the information is decomposed on the shelves. The brain arranges everything by itself. After that, the result is rendered (output from what he saw, heard). We are saving information in order to make a conclusion for sure.


the beauty
