Personality psychotype

Classification and principles for determining the psycho-type of personality

Classification and principles for determining the psycho-type of personality
  1. Classification of the main personality types
  2. Why do you need to know your psychotype?
  3. Principles and methods for determining the psychological makeup
  4. Alternative options

Each person has unique character traits that set the person apart from the crowd of others. However, there are some small similarities in human behavior and attitude towards life. It is for these similarities that psychologists have been trying for more than one century to create a classification of the psychotype of a person and highlight the principles of its definition.

Classification of the main personality types

In the modern world, there are a large number of options for dividing individuals into different psychological types. The most common are the theories of Carl Jung and Hippocrates. The first scientist divided all people into two main psychotypes.

  • Introvert. Such a person is reluctant to make contact with the outside world, often plunges into his inner experiences.
  • Extrovert. These people are open-minded and sociable, they cannot be alone for a long time, as they prefer frequent stay in society.

    Hippocrates created his own classification, which is currently one of the most widespread theories. According to the definition of a specialist, there are 4 psychotypes.

    • Sanguine. An optimistic person who can easily adapt to a new team. He is positive and does not like routine.
    • Choleric. He is distinguished by impulsivity, imbalance. The nature is passionate and extremely emotional, there is not enough perseverance.
    • Phlegmatic person. Such people are calm and balanced, persistent and persevering, and their emotions are stable. True, they are often slow at work.
    • Melancholic. This psychotype is distinguished by vulnerability, excessive sensitivity, he is fearful and often worries about even trifles. Often sad and prefers solitude rather than noisy company.

    There are individuals of the same type, and there are those who manage to combine two psychological types with the predominance of one specific one.

    Why do you need to know your psychotype?

    It is impossible to attribute a person exclusively to any one psychotype, because each one has character traits from different classifications. It's just that some of them appear brighter, while others - only in some situations, or not so pronounced.

    It is important to know what psychotype a person has, because it becomes possible to correct some traits that interfere with relations with loved ones, colleagues or in life in general. Self-knowledge will help you to realize yourself faster and more successfully in a certain field of activity, to adapt in society.

    It is equally important to take into account the characteristics of the character of another person in order to be able to build the right relationships between lovers, colleagues or relatives. Thus, it is possible to predict the reaction to the question or answer of the interlocutor, his behavior in a certain situation.

    Principles and methods for determining the psychological makeup

    Currently, there are a large number of options for classifying all individuals into certain psychotypes, because each scientist identifies his own distribution criteria. All of them are quite subjective, but they have a right to exist. German specialist Karl Leonhard offers his own classification and ways to determine your personality type.

    • Hypertensive. This type includes people who are active, energetic, sociable, they like to be in the center of attention and cannot stand the routine, loneliness, but do not want to listen to the opinions of others, obey them.
    • Disty. The absolute opposite of the first type: these are shy and slow people, sometimes pessimistic, do not like conflict situations, make friends with only a few, and obey only those they trust.
    • Excitable. Extremely irritable individuals who get into an argument or start a conflict is a matter of time. It would seem that now a person is calm and positive, when suddenly everything starts to annoy him terribly, he is allegedly underestimated and not respected, so you need to find out what the reason is.
    • Stuck. It can include individuals who are constantly offended with or without reason, suspect someone of something and like to teach other people. They often say about such people - "he is always dissatisfied with something."
    • Cycloid. It is difficult for such people to determine their personality type, since the mood of this person is very changeable. If positive thoughts are ripening in the head at this time, then the person is sociable and non-conflicting, but when the mood changes, he becomes withdrawn, it is difficult for him to make contact, it is better not to provoke him into a conflict.
    • Pedantic. Concreteness, building a plan, strict adherence to all points - a description of this type. They like everything to be right, so they make many demands on others.
    • Anxious. It is easy to determine your psychotype in this case - the individuals are shy, lacking in initiative, afraid to make a decision. Without the help of another person, it is very difficult for them to act in difficult situations.
    • Emotive. Vulnerable, compassionate, subtle and impressionable natures. In communicating with them, you should carefully choose the words, but they are very reliable people, because they are very responsible.
    • Demonstrative. The main thing for this psychotype is power. You constantly want to be in the spotlight and always be a leader, so spreading rumors and weaving intrigues is a frequent activity.
    • Exalted. Such people live with emotions, experiences, feelings. Creative and amorous natures, react violently even to little things. The mood is changeable.

    It is absolutely easy to determine your own psychotype and another person: a loved one, a loved one, a colleague. However, there are several other ways to "find yourself", which are described by other scientists.

    According to C.G. Jung

    The Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung created the first classification of human psychotypes. On the basis of his works, one of the modern sciences of personality, socionics, was developed. This direction studies the interaction of the individual and the surrounding world, based on the theory of psychology, sociology, informatics. There are 8 psychological types in total. Socionics goes further and defines 16, which are based on two main ones - extroverts, introverts.

      Extroverts are defined by several psychological species.

      • Logical-intuitive. A person knows exactly what he needs, easily starts new business, can take risks, but deeply appreciates what is happening around.
      • Logical-sensory. He always completes the work begun, is practical, sociable, takes care of loved ones, but can be harsh and stubborn.
      • Ethical-intuitive. The personality is distinguished by strong emotionality and can predict upcoming events, having prepared for them in advance.
      • Ethical-sensory. Has the ability to influence people emotionally, and for the sake of another person can sacrifice their interests.
      • Intuitive logical. Such a person is quickly tired of the monotony, there are a lot of new ideas in his head, which are then easily implemented.
      • Sensory-logical. Victory is what is important for this personality, even if it needs to be won by force. He will not obey others, but leading is a favorite pastime.
      • Intuitive ethical. Thinly feels other people, so he can give good advice, support and reassure.
      • Sensory-ethical. The real person is very few people know, because for others such a person tries to seem extraordinary. Knowing the weak points of his environment, he can use them for manipulation.

        A number of psychotypes are distinguished among introverts.

        • Logical-intuitive. Likes to communicate in essence, and can not stand idle chatter. He finds answers to questions by thinking, and if this does not work out, he begins to use intuition.
        • Logical-sensory. He is pedantic, loves order and severity in everything, he looks realistically at all things in life.
        • Ethical-intuitive. This type of personality has the qualities of an educator. A vulnerable, empathic nature can give good advice.
        • Ethical-sensory. In relation to other people, he keeps a psychological distance and divides everyone into "ours" and "not ours." He knows how to stand up not only for himself, but also for his relatives.
        • Intuitive logical. He does not like to take risks, makes decisions with caution, appreciates comfort, and does not like emotional outbursts.
        • Sensory-logical. He does all the work on time, the world around him learns through feelings, repels falsity from himself.
        • Intuitive ethical. He knows how to win people over to himself, as he feels them on an intuitive level. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance and rest.
        • Sensory-ethical. This person loves to feel cared for by others, does not enter into conflicts and does not suffer from routine work or monotony in life.

        According to J. Holland

          John Holland's methodology is necessary so that you can easily and quickly determine your abilities in the professional field. There are several psychotypes.

          • Realistic. Professions that require dexterity, activity, work with specific objects are suitable. They will find themselves in the economic field, in work related to chemistry and physics.
          • Intellectual. Often such people devote themselves to science. By their nature, in most cases they are introverts. Their judgments are original and independent due to their analytical mind.
          • Social. Extroverts who strive for leadership, constant presence in society.Because of their tendency to teach others, the professions in the field of medicine, pedagogy and psychology are suitable.
          • Conventional. They give preference to work according to a knurled scheme, an algorithm, they are not afraid of routine. They feel great in the workplace of a financier, accountant, merchandiser and so on.
          • Enterprising. The main feature is the desire for leadership, so professions are needed so that you can demonstrate your status, lead other people. Excellent options would be the positions of a diplomat, reporter, co-operator, manager.
          • Artistic. Intuition and imagination, a creative approach to the situation are what such a person relies on in his work. They feel great in the humanities: history, philosophy, linguistics, art.

          According to Oldham Maurice

            Another specialist, Oldham-Maurice, offered science his own version of determining the psychological type of personality.

            • Conscientious. In his work, he devotes time to details, tries to understand which decision will be correct, and only then begins to act. He always achieves goals, as he stubbornly follows them. However, an excessive desire for perfection and workaholism can harm the person himself.
            • Self-confident. Ambitious, confident, competitive individuals who often achieve success in their careers. But excessive self-confidence and self-conceit, the demand for constant praise can turn others away from themselves.
            • Devotee. Such a person always obeys the leadership, the opinions of others, is polite and tactful with others, but without their advice he cannot make a decision on his own, which often interferes with his own life.
            • Dramatic. An emotional person who loves to be in the center of events, share news, interesting stories, and also be attractive in appearance. The disadvantages include excessive dramatization of the situation and the desire to be the center of the universe.
            • Vigilant. Cautious and independent persons who easily make any decisions on their own. However, they are very suspicious, and can see a catch in everything.
            • Sensitive. It is important for such psychotypes to be in a familiar environment for them, without much change. They are polite and careful, not everyone can open up and trust.
            • Adventurous. He is not very worried about those around him, he always takes any risk, because he is full of courage and determination. True, they can be too impulsive and often cheat for their own benefit.
            • Hermit. Single people who do not need company and communication. Show indifference to almost everything.
            • Altruistic. They like to show care, submissive, often make sacrifices, contrary to their interests.
            • Aggressive. Purposeful, stubborn and persistent individuals. They like to take responsibility, they are not afraid of hard work, but they are too demanding and cruel.
            • Serious. They look at things soberly, assess the situation realistically and act only after some reflection. Self-criticism and low self-esteem interfere with life.

            Each classification reveals the psychological side of the personality in its own way, however, you can notice common character traits that are combined into a certain type.

            Alternative options

            In the modern world, whole directions have been created to reveal the psychotype of a person. For example, astrology: thanks to horoscopes and signs of the zodiac, you can determine the positive and negative aspects of a child's character by date of birth, because he still cannot prove himself in work or in a team due to his age.

            It is also easy to determine the psychological type of personality by observing some of the details. It is easy to find out the character by appearance if you pay attention to some of the nuances.

            • Eyes. Deep-set ones speak of a greedy and envious nature, wide-open ones speak of a dreamy person, and small ones speak of curiosity.
            • Nose. Owners of a strict character have a long and sharp character, a little upturned belongs to capricious and frivolous people, a broad one can speak of rudeness.
            • Mouth and lips. A small mouth indicates a weak character, a narrow mouth indicates secrecy. If the upper lip is larger, the person is selfish, and if the lower lip is more purposeful.

            It is interesting to recognize the psychotype by handwriting: a large one speaks of a kind nature, a small one - of a hidden nature, a tilt to the left indicates selfishness, and a chaotic spelling of words indicates emotional changeability.

            You can determine the character by your favorite color:

            • red is preferred by active, purposeful and courageous individuals, but quick-tempered and passionate;
            • yellow is liked by reliable, balanced people with a creative approach to solving issues;
            • green indicates generosity, kindness, as well as straightforwardness and perseverance in achieving goals;
            • blue is the color of calmness, modesty, responsibility and goodwill;
            • white is preferred by responsible and organized people;
            • black is the color of rebellion, so such a person is always ready for struggle and passion in his life.

            In the Internet space, special tests have also been created that will help you quickly and accurately determine belonging to a specific psychotype.

            For even more about personality psychotypes, see the next video.

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