Personality psychotype

What professions are suitable for introverts?

What professions are suitable for introverts?
  1. Features of introverts
  2. List of suitable professions
  3. What kind of work for introverts is better not to choose?

Introverts are a psychological type of personality. According to psychologists, they make up the majority of society. A feature of such people is a tendency to solitude. The range of introversion varies from calm characters to unsociable, withdrawn.

In any collective there are both bright representatives of this type, and not immediately distinguishable, hidden. At an extreme degree of manifestation, introverts completely withdraw into themselves, communication with the outside world is minimized.

Features of introverts

Typical introverts are thoughtful, detailed people, often shy. Reflections, fantasies, imagination have a special meaning for them. Only alone with themselves do they feel calm in their souls. With others, they always feel tension, carefully monitor their words.

The main difference between introverts is in the way they replenish their vital energy. Loneliness, personal space is not a limitation, but a necessity to restore balance. In this they will be helped by a hobby that you can do in private or the opportunity to focus on a specific business.

If an introvert is a woman, she can be easily calculated in a team. He prefers not to talk about himself, his life. Creates the impression of an extremely restrained nature, a laconic and even arrogant person. Feels shy, but can surprise with his thoughtful answers to difficult questions, be an eloquent interlocutor. Such women or girls show exceptional accuracy in everything, discipline, and prudence. They have the ability to calculate possible mistakes in advance.

If an introvert is a man, he is often secretive and rather silent.He always achieves the goals set for himself. Stands out for assertiveness, understanding of problematic issues. Seeks to avoid controversial situations.

Features of individuals with introversion:

  • concentration on personal feelings, thoughts and experiences;
  • perseverance, patience, predisposition to painstaking, possibly monotonous work;
  • try to avoid crowded places, noisy companies, public speaking;
  • strive to plan and think one step ahead, do not have a tendency to sudden decisions;
  • caution, honesty, politeness, as a barrier from the outside world.

Introversion is divided into groups. This division is arbitrary and includes several subspecies.

  • Sensory introversion manifests itself in the character of a shy, withdrawn individual. Can't be in the center of everyone's attention, a large crowd of people. He is suspicious of new acquaintances, avoids them. Does not tolerate criticism, easily offended. Long remembers the offense. Lives for today. Concrete information, precise algorithms of action are preferable to theories.
  • Logical-intuitive introversion prevails in the character of a lover of all kinds of theories, classifications. He carefully analyzes and systematizes everything. He always defends his opinion with reasons. He can be called a cold, calculating person. An introvert with a rational preference is characterized by concentration, determination, focus on the final result. Rational introverts are often found in leadership positions in the military. The list of their advantages is quite impressive. You can often hear criticism against them for their lack of communication and arrogance.
  • Logical-sensory introversion encourages creativity, the desire to see beauty in everything. Such a person gladly absorbs new things (study, self-education). Remarks are more easily tolerated from friends in the form of advice, but not as criticism. Usually he does not control others, does not achieve his goal at any cost. Most often, this type of personality is found among girls.
  • Ethical-intuitive introversion - a person basically lives by feelings. He tries to change everyone, according to his worldview. He is prone to new ideas, fantasies. Carried away, distracted, not bringing things to the end. Lack of discipline and endurance, not organized.

List of suitable professions

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses will give you a chance not to be mistaken with the choice of your favorite business. Introverts are ideally suited for professions that are not associated with constant communication, spontaneous decisions. It's hard for them to be on a team. A prerequisite is a calm environment that allows you to focus as much as possible.

  • Most suitable work with numbers, processing and analysis of data, their systematization, construction of algorithms, tables. For example, work in the financial sector, budgeting, banking. Their diligence and attentiveness will come in handy here.
  • Opportunity to work in the IT industry: programmer, system administrator, manager, designer or site administrator. Labor based on numbers and codes. Remote work, limitation of personal meetings, communication with clients by e-mail.
  • An introvert can choose a literary direction: writer, journalist, copywriter, translation of texts. Ability to competently express their thoughts, rich imagination, a tendency to think, observation. A great way to express yourself. For starters, you can work as a librarian.
  • Working as a designer... For example, individual landscape projects, a designer of clothes, jewelry, websites.
  • Top professions in science: researcher, breeder, laboratory assistant. A special predisposition, ability, experience is required.
  • For the humanities, creative professions without public speaking are ideal. Expectations: immersion in your own reality, solitude. It takes observation, self-discipline, hard work and, of course, talent.For example, an artist, with his keen vision of the world, developed imagination, desire for loneliness.
  • An introvert may well be satisfied with various technical specialties: technician, mechanic, engineer. Special specialized education is required. Alternatively, take a driving training course. At the moment, these are the most demanded professions among men. It is not uncommon to see older girls and women driving, for example, a taxi. Mindfulness, concentration, accuracy, clear rules and tasks. Irregular working hours.
  • Choose activities focused on the natural world. Veterinarian, dog handler, trainer, plant breeder, beekeeper, florist and many others. Persistence, compassion, sensitivity to nature. Less stressful, solitary work.
  • Needlework, various crafts, cooking. Now there is a real opportunity to realize your work on various sites on the Internet. City fairs.

What kind of work for introverts is better not to choose?

You should not choose a profession that implies frequent contact with people, the likelihood of stressful situations.

  • Social workers simply need such qualities as a stable psyche, the ability to communicate with ease, and resistance to stress.
  • Trade and service workers require strong nerves, eloquence, psychological skills in working with clients. It is unlikely that an introvert will be comfortable in an atmosphere of constant movement, crowds, noise.
  • All public professions: stage, show business, performances, interviews, photo shoots are probably the most inappropriate activities for an introvert.
  • Various kinds of consultants. Inevitable conflicts will become an everyday challenge for the introvert.
  • Work in medicine. Obligatory interaction with patients and their relatives will become a great moral burden for a person who prefers loneliness, and it will hardly bring relief to the sick.
  • Pedagogy. There is an opinion that it is impossible for introverts to work as a teacher, a teacher of preschool education. A lesson from such a teacher turns into a mini-lecture with theses. But it is always possible to turn your personality traits into advantages.

Interviewing for introverts is a real challenge. Perhaps recommending a successful interview will increase your chances of getting your dream job.

  • People who are prone to introversion do not have an excess of energy, communication with strangers tires them. Anxiety and doubt in their abilities affects. Consider this when planning your interview day. To be in shape, you must try to spend the morning in a relaxed atmosphere. If possible, be alone, take a walk, breathe fresh air. Concentrate on an important task, postponing other tasks for later. You can come to the meeting in advance so as not to be afraid of being late.
  • During the meeting, you need to control your condition. Try to relax, smile at the interlocutor, turn on the positive. You can use your resume to keep the conversation going. Do not take long pauses when choosing words. When talking, try to look the recruit in the eye.
  • You need to tune in to small talk. The recruit will deliberately ask generalized questions to get a closer look at the applicant. Assess his behavior, friendliness. It is advisable to maintain a conversation, not to get irritated, not to be isolated.

It is important to maintain attention throughout the conversation. In this, perhaps, this psychological method will help: you need to try to become a "reflection" of the interlocutor, repeat his posture, gestures, the pace of the conversation. Thank the other person for their time.

  • When talking about personal qualities, you can mention character traits, emphasizing the benefits. For example: "As an introvert, I am always in control of my emotions, and it is difficult to piss me off."
  • Rehearse the upcoming conversation.If you're stressed out at the interview, it's worth some practice. Try out loud, in detail, answer typical questions for the applicant (reason for changing jobs, professional skills, reasons for leaving the previous job). You can find information about the company, think in detail about each of the requirements for the applicant, the arguments.

In the next video, you will find the TOP 7 best activities for an introvert.

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