Food "VAKA"

Every person who has a pet should carefully consider the choice of food for him. Currently, you can find a wide variety of these products in stores. Today we will talk about the features of the VAKA feed.

Complete and balanced feeds from this manufacturer are distinguished by a rich composition. In their manufacture, high-quality processed raw materials, natural safe supplements with vitamins are used. The feed from this manufacturer is sold in durable bags that allow you to preserve the aroma, taste, and beneficial properties for a long time. Such packaging prevents the appearance of mold and insects. These pet products are budget options.

The odor of the feed is natural and moderate. It induces a sense of appetite in animals. Products are most often available in the form of convenient small granules. All food from this manufacturer is of high quality. It has a high content of vegetables and minerals.
When feeding pets, it is better to mix the ready-made mixture with pieces of natural food so that the diet is as nutritious as possible.

Product range
Currently, various feeds are produced under this brand.
For birds
This group includes the following types of feed.
- "VAKA" for small and medium-sized parrots. This dry formulation is also balanced and complete. In terms of calorie content, ingredients, it is fully consistent with the diet of birds that are in their natural habitat. The food is characterized by a high iodine content, it contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes. Also, iodine will be useful for thyroid diseases. The mixture contains beneficial flaxseed.It normalizes the digestive system. In the production of this feed, ingredients such as millet, hemp seeds, medicinal herbs, and seaweed are also used. The food is rich in raw proteins (16%), fiber (8%), minerals (5%).

- "Lux" for small and medium-sized parrots. This food can be suitable not only for parrots, but also for rodents. This composition belongs to the premium class. It is sold in convenient jars with two lids. There is a small key on the surface with which the container can be easily opened. The lid will keep the food fresh for a long time after opening. This complete bird feed also contains healthy flaxseed and iodine. It is recommended to pre-mix it with natural food (chopped carrots, cottage cheese).

- "Plus" for budgies. This mixture for parrots in its composition is fully consistent with the diet of birds that live in natural conditions. "Plus" contains calcium gluconate, which is able to strengthen plumage, iodine, which helps to normalize metabolic processes. It contains millet, natural biostimulants, canary seed, and various useful herbs. The food is rich in protein (about 15%), fiber (about 10%) and fat (5.5%). This feed is recommended to be mixed with sunflower seeds, with pieces of eggs, cottage cheese, carrots.

- High Quality for canaries. This multi-ingredient dry food has been specially formulated for domestic canaries. Its daily use contributes to the prevention of various diseases, improves immunity. High Quality contains canary seeds, processed oats, flax and hemp seeds, special seaweed, dried vegetable pieces, calcium gluconate, sea kale.
Such a composition is sold most often in a durable plastic bag, which allows you to maintain the freshness of the product, its aroma. The composition is enriched with fiber, raw protein and fats, vitamins.

For decorative rats and mice
This group includes the following nutritious balanced foods.
- High Quality for decorative rats and mice. This food contains healthy cereals, flax seeds and probiotics. This composition ensures the normal functioning of the digestive system, strengthens the immune system. The products are produced in the form of special herbal granules. Pumpkin seed is used in the manufacture of feed; this ingredient acts as a natural anthelmintic that cleanses the animal's body of parasites. It also contains healthy dried fruits, granulated feed, oats, barley, wheat, legume seeds, sunflower, probiotics.

- "Lux" for mice and rats. This balanced feed is classified as super premium. It is sold in cans with a double lid with a key. In the manufacture of this food, a special recipe is used. The food contains herbal granules, granulated feed, wheat, pieces of dry vegetables and fruits, sunflower seeds, legumes, pumpkin and flaxseeds. The composition is saturated with beams (not less than 14%), raw fats (not less than 5%), carbohydrates (about 60%).
In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

For chinchillas and rabbits
Food for rabbits and chinchillas is also produced under the VAKA brand.
- Lux is an excellent food for chinchillas and rabbits. This combined composition contains special granules based on cereals, clover, alfalfa, as well as compound feed, bone meal, yeast (bread and food), corn grains, pieces of dry fruits, rice grains. "Lux" is suitable for domestic chinchillas and rats of various ages. Daily use of such food helps to increase immunity.

- "High quality". This pet mix is a multicomponent. It contains herbal granules, granulated feed, barley, corn and rice flakes, dried vegetable pieces, oats.This meal is sold in convenient 500-gram bags.

For guinea pigs
The manufacturer produces the following food for guinea pigs.
- High Quality for guinea pigs. This food contains probiotics, cereals. These components accelerate the absorption of ingredients, strengthen the immune system. The composition contains special natural granules based on cereal components, bran, flax seed, bread yeast, a complex with vitamins, wheat, cereal flakes, probiotics. The food is rich in proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

- "Lux" for guinea pigs and hamsters. In the manufacture of feed, natural granules are used, created on the basis of cereals, clover, and there are also flaxseeds, bone meal, wheat bran, wheat, barley, fortified grain, flakes of plant origin (corn, rye, wheat). "Lux" is great for animals of different ages.

Currently, the brand produces various food for other animals, including the Fish Happiness line. This series includes food for various aquarium fish, including guppies, scalars, swordtails. All feeds are loaded with essential minerals and nutrients.
They are sold in cans of 50, 100, 250 ml. The composition contains flour (wheat and fish), vitamins, minerals and plankton.
Adult fish should be fed with this food twice a day, fry should be given it 5-6 times a day.

Review overview
Buyers have left varying feedback on the feed from this manufacturer. The relatively low cost of such products has earned positive reviews. At the same time, pet owners noted that such feeds can contain many unnecessary components.
Besides, Not every pet will eat VAKA food, despite the pleasant smell. Some buyers commented that there are not enough fortified granules in the diet, too much oats.