
Poodle training at home

Poodle training at home
  1. How to raise a puppy?
  2. Learning Opportunities
  3. Home training
  4. Punishment

To make life easier for the owner, you need to properly raise the puppy. An active and intelligent poodle quickly enough submits to the cultivation of forms of behavior. By following the following specific rules, you will receive a huge portion of pleasure in the process of drilling.

(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 1 out of 5)
The average
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Very clever
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Need for care
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Very easy
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
Bad guard
(Rated 2 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Poodle" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

How to raise a puppy?

Start raising your dog from the very first day you enter your home. The most convenient appearance of the dog in the house will be the morning hours. He will have a lot of time to get used to and get used to his refuge. First of all, the puppy remembers his nickname and the place assigned to him: bedding, rug or mattress. Train your four-legged friend to toilet, to absorb food only from your bowl.

Be persistent and gentle at the same time. As with any toddler, your puppy will need soft rubber toys. You can buy them at any pet store. It is advisable to conduct classes every day, allotting them 1.5 or 2 hours of time. After a month of such exercises, the dog will learn basic instructions. So that the animal has a desire to follow your commands, he must be well stimulated with a stroke, an affectionate word or a delicious treat. It is forbidden to hit and swear!

The dog must obey you. Daily walks in the fresh air will help with this. Vigorous revelry promotes quick release from useless activity and accompanies obedience. Control over it will be completely in your hands.

Learning Opportunities

The dog is obliged to understand all the rules that a human friend needs to know. This breed perfectly learns orders and shows what it has learned without any problems. Start instilling skills with basic commands. An example would be "lie", "sit", "next", "fu".

Give orders in a firm, firm voice, and praise in a softer voice. Orders must be carried out quickly and obediently. The next step will be to get used to unusual actions. Conduct classes in a great mood. This will have a positive effect on training. The poodle memorizes an enormous amount of expressions and words. He is very smart and quick-witted.

If training is carried out in a playful way, then you can get a lot of positive emotions. The poodle loves to frolic with the guys and loves being fully interested in his persona. Your main goal is to keep your pet's attention: constantly invent new techniques, and the puppy will definitely join the game.

Home training

You can raise your pet from two months, but only at home. The instilling of forms of behavior, carried out in accordance with all the rules, contributes to the regulation of the main features of this breed, makes it obedient and manageable. Start training with collar training. The right item will help your dog feel light and comfortable.

Buy a leash from a soft material, sufficiently elastic and suitable in terms of parameters. A roulette collar is more suitable for poodles. Once the dog has adapted to the collar, start training the poodle. First, teach him the commands "sit" and "beside". So that the puppy is near you, adjust its location with a leash, call with a warm, welcoming tone of voice.

Don't forget to serve up a delicious treat and be sure to compliment your pet.

All kinds of noise on the street will constantly distract the pet's attention from classes. To avoid this, teach him to execute the command "to me". Take a short break from time to time, let your baby explore the area, sniff trees, flowers, benches. Then call him to you. Two scenarios will follow:

  1. The dog will run directly to you, then praise and give his favorite treat. This will help strengthen the knowledge of this command in the dog's head.
  2. The dog will not respond to your call, and in this case, additionally entice him with the desired toy.

Important! Remember not to use physical force.


Your goal is to educate a devoted, obedient, intelligent human friend, therefore It is strictly forbidden to hit the animal! The poodle should not be afraid of the master's hand, but boldly approach it. It is only worth punishing for disobedience or misconduct. The punishment should be applied immediately, so that the animal realizes why he was scolded and understands that this can no longer be done. You can chastise your four-legged friend in a stern manner, or lightly slap a newspaper on the body.

It is not worth scolding a puppy in its resting place. This is his personal hideout, he loves it.

Do not allow your furry friend to do things that will be prohibited for him as an adult. This could cause injury in the future. Stop his unreasonable barking during your walks. Be sure to punish if the dog starts barking in the house for no reason. It is forbidden to hit with heavy and hard devices. If, when executing commands, the dog shows certain successes and excellent results, be sure to praise and pet the pet.

These tips and tricks will help you properly raise your poodle. Having such an intelligent, trained and charming animal, you will feel real pride.

For training a poodle, see the next video.

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