
Miniature poodle: color variations, breed characteristics and content

Miniature poodle: color variations, breed characteristics and content
  1. Origin story
  2. Description of the breed
  3. Character
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. How long do dogs live?
  6. How old do they grow up?
  7. Types of color
  8. Features of the content
  9. What to feed?
  10. Owner reviews

The miniature poodle has retained one of the leading positions among decorative dog breeds for many years. These intelligent animals have a good temperament, show excellent training abilities, and are suitable for keeping as companions for children and the elderly. The pros and cons of the breed often cause heated debate among breeders and amateurs. Choosing a miniature poodle, there is no doubt: this pet will definitely not let its owner get bored.

(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 1 out of 5)
The average
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Very clever
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Need for care
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Very easy
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
Bad guard
(Rated 2 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Poodle" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

Origin story

The Miniature Poodle is a breed derived from the classic royal variety of these dogs. The exact history of their origin is difficult to trace today. Among the alleged ancestors, even divers are mentioned, as well as representatives of shepherd, hunting breeds.The first references to the prototypes of modern poodles are considered to be works of painting of the 13th century. It was on the canvases of the masters of that time that one could find dogs, outwardly very similar to their curly descendants.

Originally in France, the breed was called caniche, from cane - "duck", and was associated with the hunting use of these animals in the prey of waterfowl. Love for water is reflected in the name of dwarf poodles in other countries - here they are often referred to as derivatives of the word "splash". And in Germany these dogs were called pudel-nass - literally "soaked to the skin."

When breeding a dwarf variety, the emphasis was no longer on the working qualities of animals, but on their decorativeness and external attractiveness.

The prefix "royal" ancestor of dwarf poodles also received no coincidence. Dogs with an unusual appearance were available exclusively to the nobility and royal persons. Royal life lasted more than one century - commoners did not have the opportunity to have the same animals as the mighty of this world.

Mini-versions of poodles appeared only in the 19th century thanks to the efforts of a famous Swiss scientist named Shaitlin. Small dogs not only retained the basic breed characteristics, but also remained proportionally folded. The miniature version of the dog gained recognition, and with it the first officially registered description in 1880. But the selection of the miniature poodle continued until 1936. However, the very first standard, approved in France, is considered canonical even today, it is on it that breeders and judges at exhibitions rely on when assessing the external data of breeding animals.

Description of the breed

Characteristics of the Miniature Poodle breed allows you to fully appreciate all its features. Even puppies already have pronounced signs that make it possible to determine their belonging to breeding animals. Dogs have a sturdy constitution without unnecessary grace, are a miniature repetition of their standard counterpart, and require similar care and attention.

The standard parameters inherent in the miniature poodle are as follows.

  1. Body weight in the range of 4-6 kg. In this case, the animal must have a strong constitution, which distinguishes it from the toy version, which has a graceful bone.
  2. Height at withers 28-35 cm for an adult animal with fully formed bones.
  3. The head is of regular shape, without distortion of proportions, the occipital protuberance is moderately pronounced. A characteristic feature is the presence of a groove extending longitudinally from the occiput to the nasal dorsum, it can be felt, even if this sign is not visible visually.
  4. Muzzle without obvious weakness or massiveness. The jaws are well developed, the coat gives them a U-shape. The correctness of the silhouette, according to the standard, is determined not by the silhouette of the jaw bones, but by the edges of the lips. They have a contrasting pigment (black) or to match the coat, pink spots are not considered a marriage. Scissor bite, standard, tooth enamel is snow-white, without yellow spots and chips.
  5. The nose is medium in size, the nostrils are widened, the color matches the tone of the coat and lips.
  6. The eyes are medium-sized, with a slight bevel in the inner corner. In the French version of the standard, the shade of the iris is indicated as almost black, but given the variety of shades of the coat, amber or dark brown is allowed.
  7. The ears are soft, rather thick, on the sides in the upper part, close to the head. The lower edge of the ear should reach the corners of the lips according to the standard, but lack of length is not considered a gross defect. The measurement is made without taking into account the length of the coat.
  8. The body is strong, slightly elongated, close in shape to a regular rectangle.
  9. The neck is oval, the withers are almost not pronounced, the nape is clearly defined, well developed.
  10. The croup is rounded, the lumbar region is strong, the back is short, slightly narrowed towards the femoral region.
  11. Well-defined oval chest, wide, reaching to the elbow joints. The belly emphasizes the grace of the silhouette, tucked up. High tail set, both natural length and tip docking are allowed by the standard. In motion, he should be carried high, without bends. The breed standard indicates a defect that leads to culling - this is a complete absence of a tail, bobtail.
  12. The limbs are straight, without distortion or curvature, the hind legs are muscular, the hock joint is springy.

When buying an animal for purebred breeding and participation in exhibitions, it is imperative to choose animals that are most consistent with the standard, from parents with a pronounced phenotype inherited by their offspring.


The description of the character of mini-poodles allows you to get a more complete picture of this cheerful creature. Hardy dwarf dogs have a huge reserve of natural cheerfulness and almost never lose their presence of mind. Poodles of this type are perfect for participating in competitions - they have no equal in jumping disciplines, agility. But it is worth remembering that the lack of movement, combined with abundant nutrition, rather quickly leads an active and previously mobile pet to obesity.

High intelligence is a characteristic feature of this popular breed. Learning even the most difficult commands easily and quickly, miniature poodles rightfully deserve the title of the most capable of learning. Moreover, animals react quite sensitively even to a change in the owner's mood and do not impose their society if he is not in the spirit.

If a family needs a pet that can adapt to the owner's daily routine and share his interests, dwarf poodles are the ideal choice.

But such a dog is not a toy, but a full-fledged companion, always ready to support an active game. Dwarf poodles are suitable for school-age children and adults, but it is better not to choose such a dog for a kid. Aggression against a puppy can lead to mental problems.

The presence of other pets in the house can lead to jealousy on the part of the miniature poodle. These miniature dogs do not get along too well with their own kind, preferring the company of people to them. The sense of danger makes the puppy and adult dog show anxiety, alertness towards strangers. But with people well known to them, dwarf poodles get along well.

A clear voice and a willingness to demonstrate it to others for any reason is one of the characteristics of the breed. Dogs bark from excess of feelings and fright, loudly express their displeasure. For the host, such sociability can be a problem, but on the other hand, not a single guest or casual visitor will be left unattended.

Do not forget about hunting instincts - during a walk, the dog is actively interested in the world around him and may well bring prey. In addition, the dog is an excellent swimmer and loves to be in open water.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dwarf poodles, like representatives of other dog breeds, have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the breed traditionally include:

  • the absence of the specific smell of the animal emanating from the wool;
  • the possibility of keeping in a house where people with allergic reactions live;
  • good trainability;
  • high intelligence;
  • the genetic absence of aggression, cowardice - individuals exhibiting these qualities are simply discarded.

Not without its drawbacks. Dwarf poodles, as owners of abundant coat, require a lot of attention to personal care. Dogs require a visit to a groomer or grooming at home. In preparation for exhibitions, the costs of this increase significantly. Another important point is the frequent and loud barking, which is almost impossible to cope with. It is especially difficult to wean young dogs from barking - they are much more emotionally excitable than representatives of other breeds.

The sensitivity of animals also manifests itself in the perception of the environment. Dwarf poodles react quite negatively to high noise levels, an unfavorable emotional background in a house or apartment. Aggression against an animal can also negatively affect its behavior.

A change of owner is not recommended for dogs of this breed, they are distinguished by their loyalty, they do not like changes.

In addition, in the absence of proper attention to itself, the pet may show signs of depression, be sad. This can also be attributed to disadvantages. For people who are not at home for a long time, it is better to consider another pet option.

The poor health characteristic of most dwarf breeds has not spared the poodle. Dogs with improper feeding often suffer from diabetes mellitus, they have epilepsy, hearing impairment, and vision problems.

How long do dogs live?

The record holder among his brethren in the breed is the dog Snoppy, who managed to celebrate its 20th anniversary. But usually the life span of an animal is somewhat shorter - about 12-15 years.

Heredity can affect the pet's tendency to longevity - the absence of genetic diseases makes it possible to exclude the possible premature death of the dog. For the miniature poodle, physical activity is also of great importance.

Reducing movement for a small dog is extremely dangerous as the breed is prone to obesity.

An increasing number of owners of non-breeding animals agree on the advisability of neutering or neutering pets. Such a cardinal decision is usually associated with high risks of cancer. To prevent their development on the reproductive organs, an operation is performed.

It should be noted that the pygmy poodle is a rare example of a dog with a tendency to longevity. Owners who pay enough attention to the health of the pet, the animal will feel great even at the age of 15-17. There is also a lack of propensity for early aging. Up to 10-12 years old, the animal remains physically active and does not lose its shape.

If the exact date of birth of a miniature poodle is unknown, you can determine it approximately - by the condition of the teeth. Young animals at 1-2 years old have snow-white enamel, pointed teeth with trefoil-shaped projections. In a 4-year-old dog, the state of the teeth changes - they acquire a grayish color, the protruding parts disappear, smoothed out.

From the age of 5, the canines begin to wear off, and the enamel itself gradually turns yellow. An 8-year-old animal already has not too sharp teeth, traces of significant abrasion are visible. During this period, there is an intensive formation of tartar, plaque, requiring intensive attention of a veterinarian. By the age of 10, the dog's teeth are completely yellow, sometimes they take on a brown tint. After another 2 years, the dentition looses, the bite changes.

How old do they grow up?

The size of a miniature poodle is largely dependent on the age and sex of the pet. In small puppies, weight and height change quite dynamically:

  • a month old puppy weighs about 10% of the body weight of an adult dog;
  • from 2 to 4 months, weight gain is up to 100% of the previous value every month;
  • A 3 month old puppy should weigh about 2.5-2.9 kg and grow to 23.5 cm at the withers;
  • in the period from 4 to 6 months, puppies move to the junior category, body weight reaches 3-4 kg with an increase of 27 cm;
  • 7 months is an important milestone in the life of a puppy, at this age and up to a year it reaches its maximum weight and height.

Up to 1.5 years, the miniature poodle is finally formed. By this time, the animal can grow another 2-3 cm, acquiring the final parameters: about 6 kg in weight and 33-35 cm at the withers.Dogs stop growing rapidly when they reach their first estrus and puberty. After that, the parameters of the miniature poodle practically do not change.

Types of color

The miniature poodle, like the larger or smaller members of a given breed group, can have one of two types of coat. The first is curly, rather soft, with a pronounced curl, voluminous and fluffy. The second version of the coat is corded, in which the strands are collected in a kind of twisted cords with a length of at least 20 cm. The structure of the wool in this case turns out to be denser, heavier, and looks more impressive.

Regardless of the type of coat, it should not be coarse or harsh. The guard hair keeps the shape of the haircut well.

An important feature of the coat of dwarf poodles is the absence of molting. In the process of grooming, combing has to be paid a lot of attention.

Among the colors provided for by the standard, there are several.

  • Black... The most common classic. It is characterized by high quality wool, this color does not provide for any lighter shades in certain areas of the wool, only deep anthracite. The white areas of the guard hair (except for gray hair) should not be visible.

At the same time, the skin of the miniature poodle should have a gray or bluish tint, the eyes and pigmentation in the open areas should be dark brown.

  • White... In newborn puppies of this color, spots of an orange-pink or cream shade are allowed in the chest, legs, ears. As they grow older, dogs become completely snow-white. The skin of white dwarf poodles has a pink or truffle color in the form of mottled blotches. The eyes remain brown, the edging around them, the nose, and the claws are always exclusively black.
  • Brown. This color is also called chocolate, it is characterized by the purity of the color scale without interspersed with a light brown or beige shade. The color of the nose is dark liver, the eyes are amber or brown.

As the dog grows up, the color "fades", loses its intensity.

  • Silver / gray. It should be clean, with no predominance of black or white. Silver or gray color can have many shades, it is fully formed upon reaching the age of three, the skin tone corresponds to the color of the coat. Newborn puppies have a black tone that begins to change by 6 weeks of age. The first signs of a silvery color appear on the face and paws, while the eyes are necessarily brown, and all pigmentation is black.
  • Apricot. The shade of the coat with this color can be more or less intense, but it should not turn into white or chocolate. The hair on the ears may be darker than the base color. In the first two years, the animal has a more intense tone, rather peach, but then it brightens and can even become creamy. Skin tone - pink, white, gray, gray-blue version is allowed, pigmented areas are black or brown, eyes are always only brown.
  • Red / Red. Their coat color is characteristic mahogany or coppery. The red color, like all other bright shades of the coat, loses its intensity over time. The skin is colored to match the guard hair, the pigmented areas are dark brown, the nose is black or dark chocolate, the eyes are brown or light brown.
  • Red brown... It combines shades of two colors and looks very decorative.

But over time, the richness of the tone of the coat changes and only professionals can determine whether a poodle belongs to a rare color.

  • Harlequin. This color is characterized by the presence of a white background, which occupies about 60% of the body area, and a contrasting black "cap" on the head, as well as "blankets" on the back of the dog.

Harlequin dwarf poodles are most often obtained by mixing white animals with pigmented skin and black or gray breeders that have the mottling gene.

  • Tan or black and tan, brown, red, gray main background is also found. Dark wool occupies about 80% of the body, tan marks are localized on the chest, edges of the ears, eyebrows, muzzle, in the anal region, on the surface of the paws.

Since 2007, the harlequin, tan and red-brown colors have been recognized by the RKF as official, but at the international level they are not welcomed everywhere. Among the "pioneers" of introducing new shades of wool are cynologists and breeders from the Czech Republic, the USA, and Germany. The cost of dogs of an exotic color is always higher than the classic one.

The unrecognized standard so far remains such promising dwarf poodle colors as brindle, sable, silver-beige, splash or merle - spotted with pronounced specks.

Features of the content

Caring for a miniature poodle does not require special skills, but it implies the regularity of all procedures. In particular, while maintaining a fluffy coat, your pet needs a thorough brushing every day. In the absence of timely care, the wool gets tangled. Non-show dogs should be hygienically trimmed on a regular basis, at least twice a year. The pet is bathed 6 times a year or as the coat becomes dirty.

The miniature poodle, despite its decorative status, is a rather active dog that needs a burst of energy. For her, daily double walks are required in the morning and evening hours. In addition, every year the pet is taken to the veterinarian to receive preventive vaccinations, as well as to clean the enamel surface from tartar.

Daily routines should include examination of the eyes, teeth, ears of the animal. Experts also recommend paying attention to clipping - in representatives of decorative breeds, they often do not grind enough, therefore they need additional pruning.

It is important to understand that the Miniature Poodle is a dog exclusively for domestic use. It easily adapts both to the space of a small apartment and to the interior of a country house.

The dog lacks a developed undercoat; it cannot spend a long time outdoors at negative temperatures. For the winter period, for short-cropped pets, it is recommended to purchase special overalls to provide additional warmth, exclude contact with moisture and dirt.

Owners of dwarf poodles have to pay great attention to creating a neat haircut on the pet's coat. For show pieces, only the following options are allowed.

  1. English haircut. The dog retains only lush feathering on the hind legs. The rest of the coat is cut short.
  2. Under the lion. The loin and back of the torso are cut short. The front of the body retains a lush mane. A fluffy tassel also remains on the tail.
  3. Modern. With this type of haircut, the hair is cut short over the entire surface of the body, its length is preserved only on the head in the form of a “cap” and on the surface of the tail.

Dwarf poodle hair care is carried out using a furminator or a special machine. For the show, the haircut is done by a professional groomer.

What to feed?

The standard diet of a miniature poodle should include a full range of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. The optimal solution will be the selection of ready-made premium food for small breed dogs. If an animal is purchased from a nursery, it is highly likely that it will already be accustomed to a specific type of finished product. It is important to stick to an optimal diet to avoid the obesity that all miniature poodles tend to experience.

When feeding natural food, you should not give the dog scraps from the master's table. For her, you will have to prepare a special meal that includes the following ingredients:

  • lean meats - chicken, beef (it can be offered raw), boneless turkey;
  • marine fish of minimum fat content - boiled, fillet only, given twice a week;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables, with the exception of legumes;
  • cereals - permissible buckwheat porridge, rice, cooked without salt, with a small addition of vegetable oil;
  • fresh herbs - nettle, dandelion leaves;
  • fruits - dwarf poodles happily eat slices of bananas and apples;
  • eggs - up to 2 pieces per week, chicken, quail are suitable;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, puppies can be given whole milk.

Regardless of the characteristics of the diet, the miniature poodle should have access to clean fresh water around the clock, it is regularly changed.

The choice of crockery should take into account the height of the dog. It is better to choose options for bowls on special stands.

Owner reviews

The Miniature Poodle is a breed that delights both adults and children. Owner reviews most often mention the extraordinary intellectual abilities of these small dogs. But during a walk, you need to prepare for the need to protect the pet from the immoderate attention of others and large relatives.

A huge advantage of the dwarf poodle is also called the absence of a molting period, the smell from wool. Despite the rather lush coat, the dog is suitable even for allergy sufferers and allows you to keep furniture and other interior items clean. The attractive appearance and the ability to vary the appearance of the pet are also noted by the owners as important advantages of the breed.

In addition, miniature poodles are incredibly photogenic - they can be used in photo shoots, advertising, and always receive rave reviews for the four-legged model.

Often, male owners initially consider the breed too “feminine”, but after talking to the animal closer, they radically change their minds. The miniature poodle is not just a favorite, but a real aristocrat, always ready to demonstrate courage and intellectual abilities. Thanks to its quick assimilation of commands, the dog is suitable for children as a companion for walking or getting the first experience of independent animal training.

For the characteristics of the breed, see below.

1 comment

Before the dwarf, my wife and I had big poodles, lived for 13 and 16 years. We thought not to get a dog, but after suffering for 5 years, we decided to take it. They even considered the option from the shelter, but they did not find the poodle, but to take someone else after the poodles ... For almost five years now we have a dwarf poodle, I have never met or heard anything cooler in terms of brains and character.


the beauty
