Down jackets for pregnant women

The most beautiful time in the life of every woman is when she is carrying her child. Often, some part of the long nine months of happy waiting falls on the cold season. Therefore, the question naturally arises: how to choose outerwear for the winter, so that even in the last months of bearing a baby, it does not hinder movements, is comfortable and warm? We will try to answer this and other questions in this article.

Winter models
Today, manufacturers of clothes for women who are expecting a baby offer you a huge assortment of winter models.
Among this variety of fur coats, sheepskin coats and down jackets, it is sometimes very difficult to choose what you need. Therefore, we decided to say a few words about the most popular models of winter clothes for women in position, so that you can navigate among the great variety of styles and choose the jacket that suits you.

Fur coats and sheepskin coats are suitable for those who live no further north of central Russia and travel exclusively by car.
Models made from natural fur are very rarely made with a zipper, so they will not be able to protect you from blowing in windy weather. And since the immunity of a pregnant woman is often weakened, that is, the risk of catching a cold, which is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Down jackets are much more practical in this regard. As a rule, they have a hood, a zipper, additionally covered with a windproof flap, as well as form-fitting cuffs on sleeves made of natural wool or dense knitwear. The bottom of the jacket is also supplied with a wide elastic band or drawstring-curtain, which prevents the penetration of cold air under the down jacket, and thereby keeping warm and comfortable inside for you and your tummy.

The optimal length of down jackets for pregnant women is from mid-thigh to knee. Shorter models will not be able to protect the buttocks and lower back from the cold, and the longer ones will be very problematic to fasten, because for this you will need to bend over, and the tummy growing every day will not allow you to do this

Down jackets-transformers
In addition to standard cuts with an extension at the waist, there are alternative options that will allow you to wear your favorite model even after childbirth.
Such down jackets, thanks to the zipper and special expanding inserts at the level of the abdomen, can be easily transformed into a regular down jacket for a slender girl.

Also, in some models, a special insert is provided for women who have already given birth, who prefer to carry a baby in a sling. It gives the jacket extra volume so that both mom and baby feel comfortable in any weather.

An additional advantage of the babywearing jacket is that you will save your child from the whims of dressing, because almost none of the little kids love this "tiresome" process. Also, by going into a room for a while, for example, in a store, you can unbutton your jacket so that the child does not sweat and does not catch a cold when you go outside.

A common feature that unites all maternity jackets is the presence of a wide space at the abdomen. This can be achieved with a special cut, elastic bands or additional clip-on inserts that add volume.

When choosing a trapeze jacket, it is important to choose the right size. Unlike ordinary down jackets for pregnant women, the size of which is larger than yours, not only at the level of the abdomen, the "trapezium" model is made precisely according to your parameters, without increasing the line of the shoulders. Expansion in the classic version starts from the chest, increasing evenly downward.

An alternative is a model, the expansion of which starts from the waist line, but this style is more likely to suit a non-pregnant girl. Pockets are either absent altogether, or are hidden somewhere above the waist, because they simply do not look on the flared style.

The length of the trapezoid jacket can be of several options:
- Classic - up to mid-thigh;
- Shortened - to the level of the hip joint;
- Elongated - up to the knee.
- Asymmetrical - shortened at the front with lengthening at the back.

Selection Tips
When choosing a jacket to wear during pregnancy, you should carefully consider all the options, because not only your health, but also the health of your unborn baby depends on how comfortable and warm you will be in it.

Points to pay special attention to are:
- The size. Remember that your belly is constantly growing, and the jacket should not tighten it until the very birth.
- Jacket length. It should be no shorter than the level of the buttocks and no longer than the knees. When trying on a jacket, raise your hands up - if in this position the lower border of the buttocks is covered, then this length is suitable for you;
- Filler quality. The ideal option is the down and feathers of waterfowl, usually the white goose and loon. The latter is warmer. A cheaper, but not the worst option is a synthetic winterizer. It is important that the thickness of its layer does not let through, and, which is important, retains heat inside the jacket;
- Clasp. Set aside the button-down models immediately. In the conditions of the Russian winter, such jackets are easily blown by the wind and let the cold inside, and in your position such situations are excluded;
- The presence of a hood. Together with a hat, it will perfectly protect your head from the wind, and if it suddenly rains, it will save you from getting wet.If you do not like this practical piece of clothing, then you should opt for a model with a high collar;
- Cuffs and ties. They are a mandatory attribute of "pregnant" jackets, preventing the penetration of cold inside.