Cancer girl: character, names and parenting tips

In order to understand what is going on in the soul of a child, as well as how to find an approach to him and influence your baby, it is important to evaluate what traits he possesses, being under the influence of the stars. This is especially true for girls, because their future family life will largely depend on their upbringing.
This article is about a child girl born under the sign of Cancer. Let's take a closer look at what traits and characteristics such a young lady has under the influence of this zodiac sign, as well as what to expect from girls born in the year of the Dog.
If parents are just expecting the birth of a baby and are wondering how to name their daughter, who is under the influence of Cancer and Dogs, then this article will help them make a choice.

The main character traits of a Cancer girl
From a young age, the Cancer girl is distinguished by her calmness and prudence: at school she will be respected as a diligent student, and outside the school she will be appreciated for her politeness and courtesy. The Cancer girl will have her own small group of friends who live side by side, maximum in the next yard. She will have favorite animals and things. Young representatives of this zodiac sign are reluctant to share and part with their toys, as they have a strong attachment to certain things that belong to them. Young ladies will treat their favorite teddy bear or favorite doll with special trepidation.With a high degree of scrupulousness, they treat the order in their room, placing all the toys in their places when the game is over with them.
Playing with dolls is especially fascinating for babies born under the influence of this constellation. Imitating adults, the girl will "feed" the toy, put it in the bed and read the story before going to bed.
A girl born under the zodiac sign Cancer prefers to spend her free time at home. She doesn't particularly like spending her evenings outside her home environment; even if she is away for a while, she will always call home, worrying about her parents.

Another striking characteristic of this zodiac sign is that Cancer girls quickly become discouraged. Despite the fact that such a child, at first glance, seems withdrawn, you can try to make her talk, and she will talk about what specifically worries her. Under the influence of the Moon, which governs the emotional state of those born under the sign of Cancer, girls can not part with despondency throughout their lives. But feasible physical activity and a balanced diet will help get rid of bad mood, regulate the menstrual cycle and avoid problems with well-being and health in the female part.
Even at a young age, girls born under this zodiac sign are able to protect and protect all those who need their care and affection. Therefore, they can bring a stray kitten from the street or feed a stray dog.

Characteristics of girls born under the zodiac sign Cancer
Key characteristics of Cancer girls can be attributed literally the following.
- Increased sensitivity - the young lady feels all the subtleties of the home atmosphere and furnishings. If the baby's mother has a tense relationship with one of the relatives, then the Cancer child will feel it even if there is no discussion of the problem in the family circle. Feeling her mother's dislike, the baby may even have unpleasant sensations if this person comes to visit them.
- Emotionality and susceptibility to other people's emotions - that is why it is very important for parents to teach the Cancer girl not only to possess her feelings, but also to separate them from the feelings of the people around her.
- Vulnerability - young ladies really need understanding and support from loved ones. Even a rather minor problem can throw them off balance and seem insurmountable.

- Rich imagination - a child-girl, born under the influence of this constellation, is interested in the world of art, she loves to read and herself comes up with various stories. The imagination of a young lady can be so pronounced that listeners will doubt the reality of the events described by the baby. In a fictional world, the young princess will feel calm, since events there will develop according to her scenario, and if necessary, she will always be able to make appropriate adjustments.
- Dreaminess - under the influence of various dreams, the Cancer girl will find it difficult to concentrate on monotonous work, since she is very much attracted by the illusory world.
- Compassion - acutely feeling the emotions of other people, the Cancer girl has a very strong need for love and care. Even small signs of attention, a kind word or advice expressed in her direction will delight her. At the same time, the young lady will sharply react to someone else's misfortune, trying to help in a difficult situation.
- Indecision - despite the ostentatious equanimity, such young ladies hardly make even a very simple decision. They will weigh the pros and cons for a very long time, ponder the consequences, and in the end may refuse to make a decision.

- Restraint - at first glance, it may seem that a girl born under the influence of this constellation is “going with the flow” without making any attempts to change anything.But this is not so, a huge amount of emotions will rage in the baby's soul, which she does not show. Such natures do not demonstrate aggression, trying to internally suppress the accumulated discontent or irritation. When negative emotions get out of control, the young lady can cry, but she prefers to do it alone so that no one sees her crying.
- Well-developed intuition - helps the girl to anticipate the development of events. She can have prophetic dreams. You should not try to deceive the Cancer girl, natural intuition will tell her that this is a deception, and she will stop trusting a person who at least once tried to tell her a lie.
Cancer girls value family and home very much, placing family priorities above their own interests and needs. They can sacrifice everything to make their loved ones happier, for example, move to another city, refuse to study, constantly care for a sick person.

How to raise a young lady born under the influence of the Cancer zodiac sign
Young ladies born under this constellation are very attached to their mother, who is considered the main person in their life. A Cancer girl child can often be capricious, demonstrating that she needs to constantly feel the presence of her parents. Such a baby needs to read good fairy tales or tell stories with a funny plot. In other aspects, the baby is characterized by a quiet disposition and will not cause problems for her parents. She likes to communicate with the same calm kids, whom she will invite to her place.
The girl will perceive the house as her fortress, feeling there she is protected and completely safe.

A child girl born under this zodiac sign loves to learn.
Most of all, she loves subjects such as:
- history;
- literature;
- geography;
- art;
- foreign languages.
Although some representatives of this zodiacal constellation can be observed and a craving for the exact sciences, such as mathematics or physics.

Such a student will be well appreciated by the teacher, since she is distinguished by diligence and diligence. Something out of the ordinary has to happen for a Cancer girl to come to school with homework unfulfilled. In labor lessons, the young craftswoman will also demonstrate her talents, creating original things from the most trivial materials.
The girl's parents need to try to constantly praise their daughter, go to all school concerts and events in which their baby participates. Feeling the support of loved ones, the Cancer girl will behave calmer and more confident.

As a teenager, a girl born under the influence of the Cancer constellation can greatly surprise and scare her parents by becoming too aggressive or irritable. Although she had not shown such negative emotions before. But do not be afraid of this, as this behavior often accompanies adolescence. It is very simple to explain such behavior: the girl ceases to restrain previously controlled emotions and vividly demonstrates the inner experiences that she had previously kept in herself.
Parents should show special care and attention during this difficult life period for a Cancer teenager. Close people should support any decisions of their daughter. By demonstrating that they care and love, they can calm the teenager and relieve him of feelings of anxiety and imaginary fears.
Since the family plays an important role in the life of a Cancer girl, words of support from loved ones can inspire a baby to take decisive action. Overcoming internal fears and concerns, she will definitely become a successful person. But under the influence of critical judgments, the Cancer girl child will try to hide from the real world in her fantasies and illusions, feeling comfortable and calm there.
Among the most effective methods in raising a girl born under this sign, the best is the immeasurable love of her parents.

What is the difference between Cancer girls born in the year of the Dog
If you try to describe the Cancer girl born in the year of the Dog in two words, then we can say that this is a sensitive nature. The combination of Cancer and Dog influence creates the most loyal and just people. They will be wonderful friends, attentive and loving children.
Young princesses who were born under the influence of such a combination are distinguished by extraordinary beauty. In addition, they have a very keen intuition, which practically borders on clairvoyance.
Another characteristic feature of the Cancer girl, who is under the influence of the Year of the Dog, is an increased scrupulousness in relation to family and friends. These people remember very well even those relatives who left the earthly world ahead of time.

Among the shortcomings of a girl under the influence of Cancer and a Dog is a vulnerable soul, which is closed to many people. The consequence of this may be depressive conditions, which will often accompany the young lady, especially in adolescence. But this does not prevent her from taking part in the lives of the people around her. She will carefully listen to the interlocutor and give good advice, and also try to provide all possible help.
Parents of a Cancer girl born in the year of the Dog should also be prepared for some negative qualities of their daughter, for example, selfishness, capricious behavior and a slight degree of recklessness. It is necessary to recognize such manifestations in time and try to correct them.
Young ladies, under the influence of Dogs and Cancer, can hardly endure conflict situations, taking everything very close to their hearts.

How to name a Cancer girl born in the Year of the Dog
Many parents wonder what name to come up with for their daughter Cancer, who was born in the year of the Dog.
If parents are eccentric and strive to come up with an original name for their baby, then they should consider names such as Mika or Naomi. If the parents, on the contrary, adhere to conservative views, then Zoya will be the optimal name for their Cancer child.

Among the most common names that babies are often called, born in the year of the Dog and under the influence of the zodiac sign Cancer, the following can be called:
- Anastasia;
- Marina;
- Diana;
- Karina;
- Veronica;
- Helena;
- Natalia;
- Pauline;
- Ksenia.

Girls who received one of the above names will be able to charm any person on earth, regardless of gender. The girl will be characterized by a pronounced creative potential, great imagination, sensuality and innate femininity. But be prepared for the young princess to be a little capricious and sly person. The latter quality, by the way, will help such a young lady to successfully break through in life.
For information on how to properly raise a Cancer child, see the next video.