Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Among all the signs of the zodiac, Cancer is one of the most mysterious and controversial. It is not easy for him to live in the modern world with its heightened sensitivity. But if he lets another person close to him, to solve the riddles of a changeable, like water, nature, he will be able to all his life.
general characteristics
The validity period of the mark begins on June 22. His primacy in the zodiac ends on July 22nd. The constellation Cancer affects everyone whose month and date of birth are in this period of time.
Cancer is the unity of masculine and feminine energies. This, on the one hand, is the mother's essence, and on the other, the striving for development and growth.
The symbol of the zodiac sign is crustacean claws. In life, this means the ability to grab onto important things and tenaciously hold them. Good days for this sign are Thursday and Monday. The bad ones are Tuesday and Saturday. Luck numbers - 2, 4, 5, 8.
Key events in the destinies of representatives of this sign fall on the 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71 years of life.

Element, color and talismans
Cancer belongs to the water element. In his life, this means endless emotional uneasiness and impermanence hidden under the water column. Rules the sign of the Moon. In the life of a representative of a water sign, she also brings a lot of rebellion and has a strong influence on character.
The talisman is symbolic images of the heart, cancer and clover. The colors blue, turquoise, silver, green, pink and white are most suitable for Cancer.
Among the jewelry, these people are better off choosing silver ones with calcite, emerald or pearls.

Personality features
The description of the sign cannot be summed up in a couple of phrases.The moon, influencing the character of Cancer, makes him soft and sensitive. This sign has excellent intuition, which protects from unwanted contact with people who can inflict mental wounds on him. The representative of this sign "crawls into a quiet backwater and hides in its shell" until the danger passes.
Outsiders often do not understand these people. The quick change in their mood is surprising and confusing. Out of the blue, Cancer becomes upset. Others do not have time to realize the reasons for such a drastic change.
But in a difficult moment, there is no better vest for complaints in which to cry. Such a person will prompt a way out. At other times, he is quite capable of jokes and fun in the close company of like-minded people.

However, many Cancers are at least slightly detached from others. In a large team, representatives of this zodiac often feel awkward, shy and feel awkward.
Cancer man sometimes looks weak, but in his character there is always a clear orientation towards achieving a certain goal. And having received what he wants, he will never give it back.
The secrecy of such a person makes him tied to the house. Strangers rarely visit this territory. Here you can successfully keep all your secrets. The same closeness makes Cancer form around him a narrow circle of truly close people - relatives and friends, whom he can completely trust or at least know exactly what to expect from each of them.

Cancer man is from the breed of hardworking individuals. He achieves a solution to work issues with minimal energy costs, but if he does not find application in life, he is quite ready to turn into a parasite of society - there are enough alcoholics and idlers among the representatives of this sign.
In relations with the opposite sex, such guys behave somewhat selfishly, which offends the girls who come to their attention. Cancer is easily attracted and also breaks off relationships easily. Selfishness also manifests itself in sex. With women in bed, he often behaves unceremoniously. The best partner for him is a masochist.
The rudeness and detachment that manifests itself in him at times are the other side of his vulnerability.
It will take a lot of time to get to know such a man. From the outside, such a person may seem like a gloomy, dissatisfied type, but if he really penetrates with someone else, is able to become gentle and caring, in relationships with girls he will show all his hidden romance.

If Cancer falls into melancholy and melancholy mood, it needs to be supported and comforted.
This man's caution is off the charts. This goes well with his down-to-earth and sensible attitude towards life. Usually such men do not suffer from a lack of money, they enjoy accumulating it, although this cannot be called greed. Rather, here we can talk about the continuation of prudence and the desire to secure your tomorrow. In this sense, representatives of the watermark prefer to have money at hand, rather than investments in something.
Finance is an area to which the Cancer man belongs without humor. Even if he is quite well-off, he tends to rather diminish his "reserves" and seem quite poor. And even if he suddenly starts spending his hard-earned money to satisfy some of his interests, it will not turn into a habit.

He treats savings with particular dignity. He would prefer to buy one worthy thing than spend money on the cheap, which will have to very quickly look for a replacement.
In clothing, such men adhere to conservatism. It's hard to see Cancer in sweatpants, but a well-cut suit is easy. And it doesn't depend on how much money he has.
The man of this water sign is very attached to the parental home and his mother.No matter how the Cancer guy poses as an independent and adult person, deep down he will look in any woman for the same skill as hers, to caress and greet his inner child.

The Cancer woman is particularly sensitive. She finds salvation from the seething flow of not always favorable emotions of others in her family. In a family circle with the orders that she herself established, she will feel as calm as a small crustacean in a warm backwater, where predators will not reach and a cold wave will not invade.
This woman is distinguished by great sexual energy, although she does not show her desires to the representatives of the opposite sex. In this sense, it often looks like an impregnable rock, because it does not want to show its weakness. To hide her, he can behave rather rudely.
Changes in the mood of such a lady are sometimes perplexing. At one time it can be sad and depressed, and at another - gentle and cheerful. Moreover, it will be very difficult to guess what was the reason for both sadness and joy.

Like Cancer, a man, a woman born under this zodiac sign knows how to save money, although she will not flaunt her material well-being. Her needs, as a rule, are modest, and she begins to spend her honestly earned money on something other than the obligatory purchases, which no one can do without, only when she is seized by the lack of joy. Although the savings in this case will still greatly exceed her expenses.
She even looks at gifts from a practical point of view. If a loved one presents her with a luxurious bouquet for the holiday, without any coquetry he can say that it was not worth spending at all, but he will sincerely appreciate a walk along the seashore or just under the moon.
Nature gives her great joy. This background allows her to relax, and her companion gets the opportunity to see the brightest sides of the "crustacean nature".

Such a lady, like her brother Cancer, hates being criticized. It is unbearable for her to be abandoned.
She does not reveal her secrets, if only out of youthful stupidity. Over the years, such women are more and more inclined to keep their innermost thoughts to themselves. It even seems to them that their judgments are simply not of interest to anyone, therefore they do not want to impose them on anyone around. Trust in another person should be simply immense in order to frankly tell him your feelings and thoughts.
This woman's patience is amazing. Sometimes it is so large for her that it does not allow her to move forward and make decisions that could save her from burdensome circumstances. When an unfavorable time in life comes, she often simply does not know what to do or is unable to decide to cut all the knots that do not allow her to “breathe” calmly. A typical Cancer reaction is to barricade in your "shell" and wait for everything to fall into place.

She puts an incredible amount of energy into her patience, and only after reaching a complete depletion of strength and making sure that it is impossible to sit out the circumstances, she decides on some significant changes in her fate.
Such ladies are not averse to sometimes acting like little girls. They sometimes need to be pampered. But one should not mistake such behavior for powerlessness in front of life. If the defender washes his hands, the Cancer woman herself will find a way to take care of herself. At the same time, she is capable of true heroism when it comes to loved ones who need her participation. Such a person will never leave in difficult times and may be the only support that will give hope for salvation from a desperate situation.

Because of its increased sensitivity, Cancer is most vulnerable in everything related to its nervous system. Depression is not uncommon for him. He cannot work for a long time without interruption. Even a minimal vacation allows this person to relax their tense nerves.Sometimes Cancer just physically needs to move away from everything in the world in order to emerge from the information and emotional flow.
Water procedures will help to overcome troubles. Herbal treatments will also benefit him.
Increased emotionality makes Cancer susceptible to infectious diseases, because due to stress, his immune system always gets hit. Traces of inflammation do not disappear on the skin for a long time. Other weak points in the body are the gastrointestinal tract and everything under the rib cage.
These signs should be especially wary of fatty and spicy foods. The stomach responds negatively to the stresses that Cancer is susceptible to (an ulcer is a fairly common disease in representatives of this sign). In this case, dairy products and food with a high iodine content are more useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

It has been noticed that the representatives of the water sign have a difficult period of menstruation, but they give birth easier than others. The consequences of abortion on such women are much stronger than on the fairer sex born under other signs of the zodiac.
Cancers often suffer from low blood pressure. Are subject to excessive completeness. They are badly affected by long sleep on a full moon. You need to look for solutions to problems not with doctors, but in the correct life attitudes and habits. Their well-being depends very much on nutrition, adherence to a clear schedule of sleep and wakefulness. If you adhere to simple life rules, and the need to go to the clinic will not arise.
Representatives of this sign are also relieved of health problems by their favorite work. Moreover, it is better for Cancers to choose one to which they will devote the whole working day. There will be less time and energy left for extraneous thoughts and unnecessary emotions.

A family
Finding your loved one and the only person is very important for Cancer. The difficulty is that the chosen one of the representative of this zodiac will have to remind again and again of the sincerity of his feelings for him.
Cancer can take a long time to sort out candidates for the role of a wife or husband. If such a person meets, he will do everything to win his sympathy. For this sign, the family is a serious matter. In it, he will hide from the hostility of the outside world, he will establish his own special climate in it.
To their husbands, women born under the sign of Cancer, in part, treat them like children and watch how they dress, eat, and dispose of their health. Such ladies try to give advice and direct a loved one on the right path, if they believe that there is a special need for this.

In public places in the company of a spouse are rare and try not to stand out too much against his background. The role of the head of the family is assumed only if the other half seeks to get away from it.
The Cancer man is always afraid to make the wrong choice of his future wife. A mistake in this regard will be perceived extremely painfully, therefore it can drag on for a long time with a decisive step on the way to creating a family. But if the decision is made, then he will not back down from it.
A woman who marries him will receive a wonderful father for her children. Cancer closely monitors what is happening in their lives, is interested in success and invests a lot in the development of offspring.
It is difficult for him to perceive changes in attitude on the part of his beloved children. The older they get, the more time they spend outside the home and the more interests they have outside of their parents. It is very difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that babies are no longer babies and are no longer so attached to their father.

The most suitable pair for Cancer will be the same sign, as well as Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces or Taurus.
Two Cancers in one backwater may well get along, being open to each other and financially secure. Virgo and Cancer are able to provide each other with marital happiness - both "at home", and will be able to work with equal perseverance for the common good.

In Scorpios and Cancers, compatibility is based on the same values in life. Both seek to have children, buy or build a common house and ensure material stability for themselves.

Pisces and Cancer quickly find a common language, since the emotionality of one and the other is high in comparison with down-to-earth prudence. For Cancer, Pisces, with their ability to empathize and listen, are almost ideal as a husband or wife.

The marriage of Taurus and Cancer usually develops as a calm and measured existence. These people do not have disagreements in everyday matters. Both are practical and economical.

Relations with Capricorn and Aquarius will not be easy. Unlike Cancers with their addiction to home and family, Capricorns are tuned in to strive for prestige and high social status. In addition, they do not take into account other people's interests, and this repels the water sign.

Aquarius is driven by logic and intellect. To a representative of the water element, a representative of such a sign seems too cold. In the eyes of Aquarius, Cancer, in turn, appears too narrow-minded. But the water sign evaluates Aquarius as suffering from gigantomania and superficially related to important details.

Compared to domestic Cancer, Aquarius is prone to changing places. So these signs are opposite, rather than tend to complement each other.
In their youth, many Cancers often expect that life itself will choose a business for them to devote oneself to. If the family has already established a business, it is easier for Cancer to fit into it, doing what he has seen since childhood. Or, on the contrary, out of a sense of contradiction to parents or circumstances, this sign will prefer something opposite in the nature of the activity.
When choosing a profession, representatives of this zodiac sign need to take into account their tendency to monotonous work. Such a person surprises with his perseverance and perseverance on the chosen path. He is able to devote himself entirely to the chosen business, since he knows how to concentrate on the main thing and analyze everything that is directly related to the problem.

He is not inclined to change jobs, as he is strongly attached to the usual, and does not like changes that carry potential dangers and inconveniences.
Such an employee may not show excellent success from the first days, but he knows how to find ways to simplify the task performance not only for himself, but also for other participants in the process. In the workplace, such people show themselves as responsible performers who are constantly improving in their profession. Over the years, they can be safely entrusted with the most difficult tasks.
It is desirable that this specialist has the opportunity to work in a quiet, calm atmosphere, surrounded by a small circle of colleagues with whom good psychological contact has been established. Remote activities are also a good option for such signs. Without being supervised by his superiors, this person is quite capable of independently building a work schedule and not being distracted by extraneous things during the working day.
Cancer is the type of person who is comfortable to "ride". He can be content with a small salary, which clearly does not correspond to the results of his work. If necessary, he will unconditionally begin to process and "enter into the position" of the authorities.

Such people make excellent specialists in working with animals. They have special feelings for them.
These are wonderful nannies and kindergarten teachers, as they love and know how to take care not only of their children, but also are able to find a common language with them and win sympathy.
They make excellent chefs. The kitchen is one of the places where Cancer feels best. Their passion for land and beauty makes them good foresters and gardeners.
The ability to concentrate allows these people to master the profession of a watchmaker or jeweler. In psychology and jurisprudence, Cancers are also capable of reaching great heights.In this they are helped by the ability to inspire confidence and keep other people's secrets. They make good managers of bars, restaurants and shops.

Among the representatives of this sign, many strive for leadership positions, especially since they have all the makings for this. For all their exactingness, such people are able to maintain an affable, benevolent form of communication with their subordinates. They keep their own worries and fears to themselves throughout the working time, completely devoting themselves to the worries that arise on the way to achieving business goals.
A Cancer leader is always focused on the main thing, and requires the same attitude from his subordinates. If necessary, he will personally teach the subordinate to do the work as required. At the same time, he will approach the issue of training with all thoroughness and patience, achieving results in a short time. This leader always sees where difficulties can arise in such matters and prudently prevents them.

At the same time, the boss Cancer is able to keep the team in suspense, since frequent absences, smoke breaks and lateness do not pass unnoticed by him. A work done somehow, even at a superficial glance, will be distinguished from one that is done in accordance with his requirements.
He always notices other people's omissions and will not forget to remember them when the time is right, as well as to pay tribute to reliable workers with all justice.
For all its severity, the Cancer boss is not a biscuit. One can count on his understanding. Being in the chair of the leader, he notices problems that have not been expressed aloud, the mood in the team and among individual employees. If something really happened to people, he will do exactly what depends on him to resolve the issue.

- Cancers are literally addicted to the moon. If you set a goal, you can establish a connection between the recessions and rises in their mood with the phases of the Earth's satellite. For representatives of this zodiac sign, it makes sense to rely on the "readings" of the lunar calendar.
- The actions of this sign are aimed at protecting themselves and their families. These people strive to do everything in such a way as to save themselves from suffering.
- For Cancer, his past is of great importance. Such people carry through their whole life nostalgia for their childhood. They are attached to old, long-unnecessary things.
- Cancers are naturally one of the most generous people. They don't need a reason to give gifts to their loved ones and friends. Old debts have nothing to do with it either. They just get great pleasure, giving someone joy.
- Representatives of this watermark often give the impression of being weak and defenseless. But if you get them well, in response they will add a word so that the provocateur of the conflict will not be glad that he has become attached to Cancer.
- Representatives of this sign are not from the category of lucky ones. They are much more likely to make big money than to win it, for example, on the race.
- Being homebodies by nature, Cancers devote a lot of time to home improvement. The best place to live for them is a house on the banks of a river or sea, surrounded by a forest.
- The uncommunicability of the representative of this person at a particular moment is due to the fact that he does not feel happy. When upset, these people are able to completely isolate themselves from their loved ones. You don't need to touch them at such moments. When the time comes, they themselves will "crawl out of their pool."
- Cancers do not accept those who do not care about anyone but themselves, and will not tolerate sassy types around them.
- This sign never forgives evil and betrayal. He can even take revenge for the offense inflicted, and at a time when they no longer expect an answer from him. But more often than not, Cancer simply stops communicating and closes in on itself.

The characters of people born in different periods of the dominance of Cancer in the zodiacal circle are different. Those born from June 22 to July 1 are characterized by their pronounced sentimentality.They are affectionate and gentle dreamers who hide their dreams from everyone in the world.
Sentimentality allows them to remember past encounters, if they were colored with vivid emotions. Thanks to this feeling, they do not forget their first love. The life mate for this "breed" of Cancers is their property.
People born from July 2 to July 11 are energetic and inquisitive. They are characterized by an active life position. They are adventurers who do not find success in areas such as finance and politics.

Like all Cancers, they are overwhelmed by emotional passions and are looking for a partner for a long time to create a family. It is the representatives of this category of the "kingdom of the crustaceans" who can marry repeatedly in search of an ideal. And if they find the very one, they surround the family with care, treat children with special care and manage the household responsibly.
Those who were born from 12 to 23 July are distinguished by great dedication in the matters they undertake. They are excellent performers and subordinates. They can safely be entrusted with a certain area of work, in which they will bring complete order and clearly debug the mechanism of action.
In love, these Cancers have difficulties. The habit of creating the ideal of your other half provokes conflicts where this idea breaks down on reality.

Among the representatives of the sign Cancer many famous people and truly outstanding personalities:
- the ancient Roman commander and politician Julius Caesar;
- the outstanding commander Alexander the Great;
- English mathematician and astronomer George Howard Darwin (son of the famous naturalist Charles Darwin);
- the writer Franz Kafka;
- philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau;
- Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn;
- Dutch painter, one of the founders of the Baroque movement Peter Paul Rubens;
- English politician and entrepreneur Joseph Chamberlain;
- writer Georges Sand;
- artist Marc Chagall;
- poet Vladimir Mayakovsky;
- poetess Anna Akhmatova;
- French fashion designer Pierre Cardin.

Among the famous actors born under the sign of Cancer, there are many famous names: Sylvester Stallone, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Vin Diesel, Tobey Maguire, Harrison Ford Dmitry Pevtsov, Alexander Shirvindt, Andrey Myagkov.

The general characteristics of the Cancer sign await you in the video below.