Choosing a stone for a Cancer woman

It has long been known that each of the zodiac signs has talisman stones that bring good luck. With the help of magical minerals, we can attract love, improve health, and make the inner world more harmonious. For the mysterious Cancers, minerals are of particular importance. In this article, we will take a closer look at which stones are suitable for a Cancer woman to create her own amulet.

Selection of minerals for decades
The choice of your stone should be approached with all care. Cancers born in different decades, despite a single sign, have different character traits and worldview. It is important to know that precious and semiprecious amulet stones should be selected individually, depending on the time of birth, in order to emphasize the positive aspects and smooth out the negative aspects of the personality.
It's amazing how different the temperaments of women born at different times can be, because, depending on the date of birth, different planets affect the representatives of the sign. Let's talk in more detail about the decades of the Cancer sign and the stones-amulets, which should be paid attention to girls born in each of the periods.

First (June 21-30)
The patron planets are the Moon and Mercury.
Cancer of the first decade is characterized by such a trait as emotionality. It is very pronounced in such women. With absolute external calmness, they can experience real dramas inside their souls. The habit of hiding all feelings within themselves and taking everything very close to heart often prevents Cancers from feeling comfortable and causes many controversies.
For such girls, the most suitable are those natural minerals that harmonize the inner world and its external reflection. The best choice for Cancer is amethyst - a stone of openness, sincerity and inspiration. This mineral will emphasize the romantic nature of a girl born in the first decade, and will help to express her feelings. Also, jewelry made from a stone such as emerald, which is an excellent assistant in finding a soul mate, is perfect for them.
In addition, he will help to overcome isolation and stiffness, and also save Cancer from trouble and negativity.

Second (July 1-12)
The patron planets are the Moon and Pluto.
Complex and contradictory natures, born in the second decade of the constellation Cancer, have a difficult character. They always strive for high goals and are able to give themselves without a trace in order to achieve their dreams. Passion and emotionality give such women tremendous advantages: they always stand out from their surroundings with their bright outfit or eccentric behavior. Such women often receive the most unexpected and interesting offers, thanks to which they often achieve power, be it career growth or men's hearts.
Opal is the best zodiac sign amulet for girls in the second decade. It will help preserve the strength and sensuality of its owner, while nourishing her vitality and fully revealing an extraordinary inner world. And such a stone as onyx will help to find a compromise with any interlocutor and make a woman more harmonious and confident, give the opportunity to purposefully move towards a dream, avoiding unnecessary emotions.

Third (13-22 July)
The patron planets are the Moon and Neptune.
Restless and proud dreamers born in the third decade are very special personalities. Their character is most consistent with the moonstone, which is able to open even the gift of clairvoyance, since Cancers born during this period are mysterious and very connected with the subtle world, and, of course, develop dreaminess, which is very important for Cancer of the third decade, because their dreams have an extraordinary property to come true! Rhinestone, a stone of purification and enlightenment, will also perfectly cope with these tasks. It will help develop intuition, expand consciousness, strengthen memory and help focus. In addition to the above, this mineral soothes and adds harmony, relieves anxiety.
Blue sapphire is a gem of contemplation. It will relieve you of melancholy, protect you from other people's envy, bad thoughts and grievances. For the representatives of the third decade, such a defender is very important: they are subtle and energetically open, they are often a target for negativity and negative vibrations.
Also, in the right situations, sapphire will add clarity of thinking and save you from trouble.

We take into account the date of birth
As you know, the mysterious Moon protects Cancer, therefore the moonstone is rightfully considered the best amulet for this sign, as if created from the silvery light of the night guardian. But depending on the date and time of birth, there is its own amulet that must be worn along with the main mineral of the sign or used as its replacement in order to reveal its potential one hundred percent.
Girls born at the end of June should first of all pay attention to aquamarine and rhinestone.that will help you overcome shyness and show their inherent romance. The restraint and modesty of June Cancers sometimes hinders communication and does not allow to fully express their feelings and share a rich inner world. Rock crystal is an excellent tool for establishing social contacts, it will reveal the character of Cancer from a new side, and aquamarine will reward the gift of eloquence.
Women of the second decade, whose birthday fell on the interval from July 1 to the middle of the month, are distinguished by frivolity and eccentricity.Pearls will help them soften the image and calm the inner dialogue, which will also bring peace and tranquility.
Another interesting point is that pearls are the guardian of youth. He will be able to preserve the inner fervor of Cancers, while "softening the corners" and bestowing beauty and femininity.

Rose quartz can be chosen as a personal talisman for women whose birthday falls on the period from mid-July. He is able to temper pride, which is the hallmark of Cancers born at this time. Quartz will smooth out emotions, help avoid conflict situations and, of course, fill the Cancer's heart with love and tenderness, because according to the well-known Indian teachings, quartz, or "stone of the heart", is directly related to the Anahata heart chakra.
Also, it is they who should wear the moonstone more often, since this decade is under the influence of the night luminary. Women born between July 13 and 22 are rightfully the most mysterious in the zodiacal circle, and the moonstone will help open and develop their innate abilities. Also, the mineral is associated with the mysterious world of sleep, and according to legends, it is in a dream that the moonstone can even open the door to the future.
Under the influence of the stone, girls become more feminine, habits soften, and a special charm appears in their eyes.

What options are contraindicated?
Women born under the sign of Cancer should choose transparent and translucent stones of light shades, corresponding to the water element. Bright "fire" amulets can contradict the inner essence and cause imbalance.
And some of the minerals are completely dangerous for the representatives of the sign, especially for girls, since men are less susceptible to the influence of the energy of stones.

Consider the minerals that excellent Cancer women should not choose.
- Garnet - a stone with a wayward character that not everyone can tame. An impressionable Cancer, he is likely to drive into depression. It is important to understand that the energy of the stone is in opposition to the inner world of water signs. Rather, the pomegranate will instill doubts and uncertainty in the representatives of the sign, so you should wear it with extreme caution.
- Topaz - a stone of dreamers and romantics. It is dangerous because it can exaggerate these qualities in Cancers, who are already inclined to soar in the clouds. If you often wear topaz jewelry, Cancers can get so far from reality into the world of their dreams and fantasies that, upon returning to earth, they will be bitterly disappointed. Therefore, it is worth wearing topaz only in combination with stones that are able to balance its energy, for example, with white pearls, sardonyx or turquoise.
- Diamond. It is known to be a stone amplifier, including negative thoughts. And Cancer, which is often characterized by feelings of melancholy and melancholy, with frequent contact with a stone, is likely to become completely bored. Also, a diamond, like a litmus test, will show all the negative sides of a watermark representative.

- Agate acts on Cancer oppressively, women begin to feel anxiety. This mineral disturbs the internal balance of a Cancer woman and instills doubt and uncertainty. Of all the variety of agates, only black is suitable for Cancer: its energy is closer to a mystical sign.
- Ruby, like all bright red stones, is contraindicated for representatives of the sign. Their rubies repel rather than attract. Internal discomfort is absolutely justified: the stone has a strong energy that is completely out of harmony with the nature of the watermark. In addition, it generates aggression, usually unusual for peaceful Cancers, as well as excessive emotionality and frequent mood swings.
- Sapphire, although it is an assistant to Cancers born in the third decade, it does not always have a positive effect on them. It is important to know that only a blue mineral has a positive effect on the sign.
Cancers should beware of stones of yellow and orange tones: they excite the mind and, instead of protecting their owner, can lead to her excessive anxiety.

We hope our recommendations will help you choose your favorite jewelry, gift or amulet. But it is worth noting an interesting feature of the Cancer woman: she has incredible sensitivity and intuitively senses which minerals and jewelry are right for her. When choosing a stone-assistant, such a girl is unlikely to need a lot of advice, because she will undoubtedly feel "her" stone.
For stones and talismans for Cancers, see the next video.