Characteristics and compatibility of a Cancer man born in the year of the Rabbit

All of humanity is divided into 12 groups, whose name is the signs of the zodiac. No matter how unique people are, there are still common similarities that we are all endowed with. To better know the personality of a person, his preferences, advantages, disadvantages and hidden traits of character, we turn to astrology - a science that interested and fascinated our ancestors many centuries ago and remains popular and in demand to this day. In this article, we will analyze in detail the characteristics of the Cancer-Rabbit man.

Main character traits
Cancer males are born in the summer, between June 21st and July 22nd. Rabbit's years of birth: 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951. These are very romantic, sincere and peaceful people. For them, the family and the warmth of the hearth always come first. But at the same time, they are good at building a career and running a business thanks to their innate talents and excellent sense of taste. These men are always great family men, excellent workers and favorites of the public.
Cancer men are very emotional, creative, energetic people. They have a passionate, ardent nature, but at the same time, their main feature is loyalty. Always burning with new ideas and the desire to bring them to life. These people often choose creative professions for themselves and often achieve great heights in them. However, Cancers are very vulnerable to criticism, and if you were careless in your statements, be prepared that your man will withdraw into himself, “hide in a shell”, and you will have to try hard to earn his trust again.

Men born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) are distinguished by restraint, intelligence and politeness. They are very pleasant people to talk to, who will always show attentiveness and care in relation to their interlocutor. Rabbits are very gallant and courteous with representatives of the opposite sex. Women truly adore them. The rabbit will prefer to rest at home or in a small circle of friends, rather than in a noisy large company, because he loves nature and silence. A strong and friendly family is very important for him.
This man is selective in choosing a life partner, however, when he finds her, then there is no doubt about the fidelity and sincerity of his intentions. He does not belong to the ladies' men and womanizers, although the girls themselves curl alongside. Cancer-Rabbit, rather, sees in them just girlfriends, girlfriends and colleagues, thereby often offending and hurting the beauties in love with him. There are many cases when women themselves have to take the initiative into their own hands, be the first to invite Cancer on dates and talk about their feelings.

Suitable life partner
According to the zodiac sign for Cancer, the best passions are his aquatic "sisters" - Scorpio and Pisces: they will always be on the same wavelength, will feel each other and guess desires and needs without words. It will be very easy and comfortable for these people to be together, they have many points of contact, and family values are always in the first place. Watermarks are distinguished by wisdom, sincerity, romance and depth. Cancer will find in Pisces and Scorpio what it has been looking for in women for so long.
Also, a good combination will be with representatives of the earth element: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. They contain features that Cancer himself is deprived of: efficiency, pedantry, the desire to make a lot of money and build a career. In this tandem, there will be a combination of two opposites that can organically complement each other. The main thing is that earthly women with their strong character and steel grip do not "crush" the romantic Cancer, who can endure for a long time, and then suddenly leave once and for all.

A woman of an air sign, such as Aquarius, Gemini and Libra, will bring lightness and serenity, laughter and fun into the measured life of Cancer-Rabbit, will become his muse and a source of inspiration. He will adore and deify her. Their couple will be very beautiful and harmonious. The main thing is that the frivolous airy nature does not exchange her lover for someone else, because her interests and preferences change so quickly. Cancer will not forgive betrayal and will not let it back in, so it is better to think beforehand several times before embarking on dubious adventures.
Fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are very passionate, artistic, self-confident women who are always on the move and cannot imagine their life without constant travel. For them, the domestic Cancer-Rabbit may seem slow, timid and indecisive. And they, in turn, can frighten him with their domineering, strong and stubborn nature - these people are very different in character. However, if the feelings are serious and both are ready to compromise, smooth corners and change for the sake of a loved one, then this union has every chance of success.

By year of birth, the best compatibility will be with women born in the year:
- Goats (1991, 1979, 19767);
- Pigs (1995, 1983, 1971);
- Rabbit (1999, 1987, 1975);
- Dogs (1994, 1982, 1970).
But with women born in the year of the Rooster, compatibility will not be very favorable, since the Rabbit and the Rooster are considered astrological enemies, according to people who understand the horoscope.

In love
In a love relationship, the Cancer-Rabbit man is very loyal, loyal, sympathetic, always ready to listen carefully to his companion, to comfort her and give a couple of practical advice. He remembers all your significant dates and will buy a romantic beautiful gift in advance, never making the wrong choice.Cancer-Rabbit in love can even compose poems and songs, write touching letters and love messages under the windows. If you have already won his heart, then this is serious and for a long time, and very often the relationship ends in marriage and a strong large family.

In sex
This is a very ardent and passionate sign that loves sex. He also has a positive attitude towards erotic massage and joint bathing with rubbing each other with aromatic stimulating oils. During the intimate process, he likes it when a woman from time to time takes the initiative and knows how to surprise. He is not against a variety of experiments and innovations. Cancer-Rabbit will like role-playing games, when he and his partner try on different non-standard images, because this turns on and spurs the imagination.

In career and finance
Thanks to the innate sense of tact and delicacy, the Cancer-Rabbit, like a magnet, attracts people to itself, it is pleasant to deal with it. The team obeys and respects him. He can make an excellent boss, but he usually does not apply for leadership positions, since he is more interested in being more involved in the work process than managing others. This is a very hardworking and purposeful man who brings what he started to the end.
Of the professions, he prefers creative and intellectual spheres and often achieves great heights in them. Among those born in the year of the Rabbit there are many writers, musicians, artists, scientists, doctors. He spends money neatly, without fanaticism, but for the beloved woman, children and parents, he does not feel sorry for anything. Cancer-Rabbit households do not need anything, there is a lot of delicious food in the refrigerator, and children's rooms are full of toys and books.

How to conquer it?
To conquer Cancer-Rabbit, a woman needs:
- be sensual and romantic;
- love family and children;
- be emotional and sincere;
- show interest in him;
- have creativity;
- know for sure what you want;
- be seductive and sexy.

In order not to lose it, you cannot:
- be rough and harsh;
- get carried away by other men;
- neglect him;
- deny family values;
- be unkempt and unfeminine;
- interested only in money and things.

What to gift?
Rock-Rabbit first of all appreciates the warmth and sincerity with which gifts are presented to him, and only then he pays attention to their value and benefits. He likes impressions more than practical and serious things.
Here's a list of what your man might like:
- certificate for the pool or gym;
- a trip to nature with a picnic;
- a gift certificate to a bookstore;
- a joint trip to the climbing wall or to the trampoline center;
- enrollment in a good barbeshop;
- multifunctional computer mouse and mat;
- a ticket to a concert of your favorite band.

Now you know everything about a man born in the year of the Rabbit and being Cancer by the sign of the zodiac. We'll have to try to make him pay attention to you and show a sincere interest, but rest assured that you will never forget the time spent together in your life.
For the compatibility of the Cancer man with other signs, see the next video.