Cancer man, born in the year of the Horse: description of personality and compatibility in relationships

The Cancer-Horse man is a vulnerable person who is used to hiding his feelings from others. A guy born in the year of the Horse will never openly show feelings, because he is afraid that everyone will recognize his weaknesses. What else will the characteristics of the Cancer-Horse horoscope tell about?

Personal qualities
Since childhood, the representative of this zodiac sign is afraid to be a weakling. No matter what happens in life, a guy will never show his feelings openly. Cancer-Horse is afraid that others can take advantage of his weakness. Therefore, it seems to everyone that they have a strong man in front of them, who cannot be broken. Even native people do not always know what is going on in the soul of this man.
Cancer, born in the year of the Horse, always listens to what others think of him. A man will never decide on such an act that would cause condemnation from the side of society. A man is always ready to work on himself, change and do everything possible in order for others to have a good impression of him.
The Horse man, born under the Cancer zodiac sign, loves to communicate and meet new people. It is important for him to always be among people. In society, a man behaves at ease, feels comfortable in a new company and can always find a topic for conversation. But such ease is not easy: the Cancer-Horse is working hard on himself, forcing himself to be like that.
And he does this in order to be positive and cheerful in the eyes of others.

The Cancer Horse is a guy whose mood can change several times a day. In a matter of minutes, a friendly and cheerful guy can turn into an introverted person.Because of this character trait, relatives and friends never know what to expect from a Cancer-Horse in the next minute.
These men perform all their actions in this life with great care. Before deciding on something, Cancer, born in the year of the Horse, will think through everything to the smallest detail, weigh the pros and cons, and only then will act. Despite this quality, a man wants to be a leader always and in everything. The Horse has endowed Cancer with such a feature. Therefore, Cancer-Horse is often too self-confident and does not want to allow others to doubt his inherent abilities.
On the way to its goal, the Cancer Horse often makes mistakes. But a man will never admit that he was wrong. Also, he will not allow someone to interfere in his life, teach or help, point out shortcomings. The Cancer Horse immediately adds such people to the list of its worst enemies.

It is almost impossible for such a man to make a successful career. Having earned a certain amount of money, Cancer-Horse does not know at all how to dispose of it. Often he spends his finances in vain, and then looks for a new way to earn extra money. The expenses of such men often exceed real income. For this reason, the Cancer Horse often finds itself in the role of a debtor.
The main drawback of this man is that the Cancer-Horse tries to hide from reality and lives in his own fictional world. He often hovers in the clouds, draws the future in his mind and sometimes is simply afraid to leave this world in order to simply live a full life.
Another disadvantage of character is that such a man is too dependent on the opinions of others. Of course, Cancer-Horse does not tolerate criticism, he does not need advice and moralizing, but it is important for him what people think of him.
And sometimes someone else's opinion can not only spoil the mood, but also lead to a deep depression.

In love and marriage
In personal relationships, a man can prove himself as a reliable, gentle and caring life partner. When Cancer-Horse is carried away by a girl, then he forgets about his personal needs and desires. He tries to completely dissolve in her. Cancer-Horse will be interested in everything that happens in the life of a loved one. It is very important for him that the other half trusts him completely.
For this man, it is necessary that next to him was such a woman who can unravel his inner world. In a love relationship, this man is also in no hurry to open up and demonstrate his feelings and desires. He dreams that the other half would herself guess his mood, desires and know what he wants at the moment. For this reason, not every woman can become the chosen one of the Cancer Horse.

This man, like a magnet, attracts the representatives of the opposite sex. Cancer-Horse is ready to communicate and even flirt, but it will only start an affair with someone who shows special tenderness and attentiveness towards him. The second half of Cancer-Horse should first of all think about him, about his feelings and only then about himself. As soon as a man realizes that he has a soul mate in front of him, he will be ready to propose.
Since the Horse-Cancer man is a domestic person, he is happy to start a family. This man is ready to take on some household chores in order to show caring for his spouse. Cancer's household chores are not at all burdensome, on the contrary: he likes to cook and create comfort in the house. Thanks to these qualities, such a man can be safely attributed to the ranks of ideal husbands.
In relation to his wife, Cancer-Horse will be a gentle and caring husband. Such a man is not capable of treason, therefore, he will also demand loyalty from his wife.
The spouse of such a guy should show all her tenderness and kindness, otherwise the Cancer Horse will simply leave the family without explaining anything.

Relationship with other signs
It is very difficult for a man who was born in the year of the Horse and under the zodiac sign Cancer to find a life partner, because this person consists of continuous contradictions.
But still there are women who would make the perfect match with him.
- The Cancer-Horse has an ideal compatibility in love with a woman born under the zodiac sign of Pisces. Such a woman will not notice all the shortcomings of the Cancer Horse and will be able to give the attention and warmth that he needs. This union can last for many years, and both will be happily married.
- A good relationship can develop with a woman born under the sign of Leo. A man will show all his tenderness towards her, will take care and take care of her in every possible way. Relationships can last for many years if the Lioness allows the Cancer-Horse to love herself and begins to care in return.
- An excellent union can work out with a Taurus woman. She will be able to create comfort in the house, she will be able to surround her spouse with care and warmth. Both love quiet family evenings, so together they will be comfortable next to each other.
You will learn more about the Cancer man in the following video.