Cancer child: character and characteristics of upbringing

A child born under the sign of Cancer always resembles home comfort, warmth, and tranquility. At the same time, this zodiac is ruled by the water element, which speaks of the emotionality and sensitivity of the baby. The Cancer child really needs emotional support from their loved ones, especially their parents. Otherwise, it, like a real cancer, will close in itself and retreat back. Knowing the nature and characteristics of the upbringing of the Cancer baby, you can avoid all the pitfalls in relations with your child, while maintaining confidence in yourself.
Cancer kids are very sensitive personalities. From early childhood, they are able to adopt the emotions of others, let them pass through themselves, perceiving them as their own.
It is important to know that a good-natured and sympathetic Cancer child is very susceptible to aggression and criticism in the family. Therefore, parents should maintain an atmosphere of peace and harmony, love and prosperity, so as not to injure such a young and delicate nature.
Even at preschool age, you should introduce your child to books. For Cancers, such an occupation corresponds to his character. Children of the water element love different stories, it does not matter whether they themselves read them, listen to them or invent them.

With each stage of life, Cancers will develop more and better intuitive perception of the world. They will become excellent at understanding body language, body language, and hints from others.
Cancer children according to the zodiac sign have a similar character and it does not matter if it is a girl or a boy. However, their own behavioral characteristics are still present, which is important to consider when raising a child.
Boys of the water element are calm, sometimes they tend to withdraw into themselves, but at the same time they are reasonable and sociable. Cognition of the world takes place according to its own rules and directions, therefore it will not work to force such a son to do what he does not like. From an early age, the Cancer baby shows caution in everything. Seeing a new attraction, he will not run to test it, as other children can do, and this is not to blame for the feeling of fear.
The boy first examines everything thoroughly, thinks it over, and then makes a final decision.

If, in childhood, a Cancer child had a family disorder, then such a boy can grow up insecure and even notorious. All because of his sensitivity and vulnerability.
Cancer girls, like boys, are very sensible and very vulnerable. To a greater extent, babies love to spend time at home and with their relatives, they value their things, therefore they are reluctant to share them in the sandbox with others. They also dislike it when objects are placed in the room without their knowledge.
You need to communicate a lot with girls, because there is a tendency to become discouraged, even desperate. It is important for Cancers to say what worries them so that in the future they can be helped, supported, and comforted.

Appearance and health
The zodiac sign influences not only the character of the child, but also his appearance. Cancer babies from birth have "lunar" features: their face is round and very delicate, their hair is soft, slightly curly, and sometimes even curly, their eyes are large, expressive, often blue or gray. The appearance of the representative of this watermark is distinguished by grace, softness, and touching. It is very rare when they have expressive cheekbones and small round eyes.
The figure also reflects the influence of the water element.
The body weight of a little Cancer can vary throughout his life, but in most cases, subtle natures have the same "thin", slender figure that attracts the attention of others.

Gentle Cancers do not have perfect health. Due to their emotional susceptibility, the nervous system is the most vulnerable. Anxiety, stress, nervous tension - all this can affect the psycho-emotional state of the baby. As a result, the child may suffer from insomnia, neuroses, and at an older age he may develop depression.
Parents of Cancers should pay special attention to the nutrition of their children. Babies' stomachs are as sensitive as their natures. They are very fond of sweets, so you need to carefully monitor the storage places of sweets, cakes and other sweets. If you do not restrict access to such food, Cancers in the future may have problems with being overweight.
In food, children of the water element are often finicky, so mothers and fathers are often persuaded to eat. However, children's emotional state affects appetite and food choices. If your child is upset or upset about something, you don't need to force him to eat. Food should be taken only in a calm state in order to avoid problems with the digestive system in the future.

Parenting tips
Parents of Cancer babies should remember that in dealing with their children, you need to be careful, because these are delicate and vulnerable natures. If a child has personal experiences, they should not be laughed at, even if they seem to be quite insignificant. Otherwise, little Cancer will withdraw into itself, and a trusting relationship will no longer develop at any age. Better to show your support, show love and show understanding.
You need to be strict in moderation. Raising your voice, criticizing, constantly making comments is not recommended, however, it is also impossible to allow everything the baby wants. Since the watermark has a strong sense of compassion, we can say that the child did something unpleasant to his parents, offended them with his behavior. You should more often approve of his actions, repeat how talented and intelligent he is.
But rude words will destroy the inner peace of the child, make him restless and closed.

But parents should take into account not only the characteristics of the Cancer baby, but also their zodiac sign, as well as its compatibility with the representative of the water element.
Aries mom gives little Cancer confidence, demonstrating this trait by example. Taurus puts a dreamy baby down a little, gives him the opportunity to feel a reliable shoulder next to him.
A little more difficult for Cancers with their mother Gemini. Active representatives of the element of air and the vulnerable nature of the watermark often look at the same thing differently. Here, both need to learn to listen to each other.

Cancer parents and children are the most successful combination. They are sentimental personalities, familial and compassionate. Like no one else, they will perfectly understand each other.
Mom Leo in this union will demonstrate all her talents, self-confidence and fortitude. It will be useful for Cancers to learn this, but parents of the fire element should not suppress their children or rush them to make a decision. They will succeed, but they need to think a little.
Cancers will be comfortable with Virgos, but both of them should not get discouraged or annoyed over trifles. Libra mothers and Cancer children may simply not understand each other, so they should build trusting relationships and learn not only to listen, but also to hear.

Scorpios and Cancers have a subtle psychological relationship that persists throughout life. But Sagittarius can hurt a sensitive child, offend with a rude word. They need to develop gentleness and tact in themselves.
Capricorn mothers are down-to-earth natures, so they often force emotional Cancers to be guided only by the mind, which can unbalance them. Understanding will also be lacking between Aquarius and Cancer. The former are guided by reason, the latter by feelings.
Between Pisces and Cancers, complete understanding and harmony in the family will reign.
Both are watermarks, emotional and dreamy.

We take into account the eastern horoscope
Not only the zodiac sign, but also the eastern horoscope leaves its mark on the character, behavior and appearance.
Cancer according to the zodiac and the Rat according to the horoscope endow their owner with attractiveness and charisma. Such children are very fond of attention and gifts from others. The influence of the horoscope on the zodiac can lead to the fact that kids will suffer from frequent mood swings: from tears and compassion to fun and laughter.
Such a child needs his own room, so that sometimes he has the opportunity to be alone with himself.

The Cancer-Ox kid is a bright and purposeful person, however, he becomes such thanks to support and encouragement. Sometimes a soft and gentle child can show his toughness, and sometimes rude. Such children do not tolerate criticism, remarks, they are afraid of being misunderstood. These feelings can make them even more closed and vulnerable.
Cancer born in the Year of the Dog is a very loyal personality to his family. True, if they feel a violation of their family peace and harmony, they can become capricious. Such children have a very developed sense of compassion, however, even in this they should be taught not to overstep the boundaries, otherwise the feeling of pity for others will exceed all other emotions.
The contradictory combination is Cancer and Tiger. Uncertainty and sensitivity from the zodiac is compensated by courage and decisiveness from the horoscope. Such guys doubt almost everything, but they know how to take the first steps if they know why they are being made.

Cancer and Rabbit (Cat) is the most harmonious combination in astrology. Such personalities are very nice, kind, have a rich inner world, endowed with a sense of beauty and artistic taste. These features from childhood distinguish them from other children.These kids have a lot of friends, they often invite them to visit, and they, in turn, gladly come to the good-natured guys.
Cancer-Monkey is an affectionate, attentive, sensitive, but at the same time unpredictable child. Such children are not always able to make decisions on their own, so the parents are faced with the task of instilling confidence in their children in their strengths and capabilities.
Cancer according to the zodiac and Dragon according to the horoscope endow babies with friendliness and charm. They are considerate and responsible. These guys love to fly in the clouds, fantasize a lot, coming up with their ideal world. It is not worth destroying it, but you need to help them notice reality, make plans, embodying everything in real life.

Cancer and Snake are charm itself. From childhood, kids are confident in themselves, have their own taste and style. There is a tendency to depressive states, but not as pronounced as in other combinations.
The Cancer child, born in the year of the Horse, is sociable and cheerful. If you instill in him confidence in his abilities, such a baby will be less vulnerable and susceptible to criticism. Such children can hold their emotions in their hands, so it is impossible to immediately understand what they are actually experiencing inside.
Cancer-Goat will always complete the work begun to the end, while his whole life will be dominated by the desire for ideality.
Good behavior, excellent grades, correct family relationships - this is what the child will strive for.

Cancer-Roosters do not always react calmly to comments. Often they are irritable and even selfish, so parents should gently correct flaws in the character and behavior of such children.
Baby Cancer, born in the year of the Pig, loves to be in the spotlight. Ease and cheerfulness leaves no time for depression or despondency.
So, knowing the features of the zodiac and the horoscope, it will be easier for parents to find a common language with their child and establish relationships with him.
You will learn more about the Cancer child in the following video.