Child boy Cancer: character, advice on choosing a name and upbringing

The signs of all water elements are very sensitive and affectionate by nature, they need support and approval, while they are ready to help in any difficult situation. The Cancer water sign is no exception. People born under this sign have great empathy, calmness and determination. Today we will tell you what it is like to raise a Cancer boy in a family, this brooding, dreamy and sometimes self-contained crumbs.

Sign of the water element
Just as not all water is turbid and unstoppable, so not every water sign is impulsive and unbalanced. Crayfish are similar to lakes and ponds somewhere in the middle of quiet forests and thickets - quiet and uniform, gentle and enveloping, but with their own dreams and secrets. A characteristic feature of this zodiac sign is to go with the flow, staying away from the uncontrollable speed and dangers of the outside world. For them, the main thing in life is a sense of security and protection from external stimuli. For Cancers, water is not a turbulent river that opens the way to new achievements and discoveries, but a kind of firmament that protects from these "novelties".
A monotonous and stable life for Cancer is a self-evident ideal that must be adhered to. Cancers are in no hurry and in no hurry, preferring to a fast pace a smooth and consistent study of themselves and the world around them at the moment.
All these factors make Cancers wonderful and loyal family men who are able to maintain inner coziness and comfort in any home throughout their lives.

Character description
The strong emotionality and dreaminess that this zodiac sign endows with children can play a cruel joke with them - Cancer boys usually grow up extremely sensitive and tender. They require much more attention to themselves and their problems than others. The gentle nature makes Cancers very susceptible to the influence of the external environment. Such children can be a frequent object of ridicule in kindergartens and schools, children can periodically have nightmares, and scary monsters appear in dark corners of rooms.

But don't think that these factors make Cancer a problem child. The main positive trait that the stars of such a boy have endowed is a great affection for loved ones. And this affection is not at all one-sided - Cancers are always ready to help their relatives, in a similar way, thanking them for their care. Such a child will always gladly help you in your home life and will take care of the upbringing of his little brothers and sisters.
For little Cancers, the right atmosphere in their home is as important as air. In a happy and prosperous family, these children grow up to be extremely perspicacious and intelligent, unfortunately capable of understanding. But if Cancer feels even the slightest dislike in his direction or notices the same dislike between his parents, it is likely that he will withdraw into himself. It can be very difficult to get a child out of this state later.

Emotional characteristics
Like all zodiac signs, Cancer has its positive and negative sides. In this case, we will consider the characteristics that are more characteristic of the boy.
So, the pros or favorable traits of character and behavior are as follows.
- Empathy and sociability. These traits allow Cancers to make friends. They are very empathetic and have a great sense of the desires and motives of other people.
- Developed creative imagination. Such children are rarely distinguished by special talents in the team, but they are much more assiduous and very fond of what they do. With due diligence, this can develop into a serious hobby, which will be able to bring Cancers a good income in the future.
- Heightened sense of responsibility and independence. Cancer boys are one of the first signs who, already from early school classes, strive to earn their own money. They are extremely diligent and capable of setting ambitious, but completely achievable goals for themselves.
- Sensual and romantic nature. These are innate traits that allow Cancers to have great success with the opposite sex.
This means that these boys often have friends among girls as well.

The disadvantages of character that should be paid close attention to when raising a Cancer boy are as follows.
- Suspiciousness and fearfulness. Screaming and crying in the apartment where the little Cancer is raised is a common thing. But do not think that children are doing this to annoy the parent. Although boys are sometimes naughty for no apparent reason, they do it only because they are really afraid of a lot of things. To avoid these problems, parents should pay more attention to their child, point out to him what to fear and what is not worth at all.
- Sensitivity and a tendency to hide their true feelings. For Cancer, be it a boy or a girl, the favorable influence of the parents, and first of all, of the mother, is extremely important. With cold and uncommunicative parents, this child will feel extremely constrained and withdrawn. In the fight against this disadvantage, parents should sometimes take their minds off the hustle and bustle of everyday life and have a heart-to-heart talk with their child.
- Relative stinginess. As a thrifty and non-wasteful sign, the Cancer boy does not at all like to often share with other sweets, homework, or even money. All property belongs only to Cancers, and very few can claim it.

Character and upbringing at different stages of growing up
Even at birth, Cancers are not particularly heavy and are just as small in stature. When you look at this baby, you want to protect it from the whole outside world. Even being very young, such a child perfectly captures the warmth and love turned to him. That is why, as a rule, for a Cancer boy, the mother always remains in the first place - the same sensual, gentle and patient with his frequent whims. Only in her company can he feel calm and protected.
Already at this stage, Cancers are able to actively show their empathy, which can both be useful in settling many family conflicts or conflicts between peers, and prevent Cancer from adequately assessing the situation, succumbing to the influence of other people. In the choice of food, this sign can be extremely selective (like most children), Cancer is not one of those who are able to eat the same porridge or soup from day to day.
And very often these whims go beyond all boundaries, forcing parents to buy a bunch of sweets for their child, which, in turn, can have a bad effect on Cancer's weak stomach.

Preschool age
A difficult stage in the upbringing of a very small Cancer is sending him to kindergarten. Such children are very painful to experience long separation from their parents and may experience serious problems in making friends. And if in the future contacts with peers can improve, the parents of the Cancer boy will need to listen to his whims about unwillingness to leave the house more than once. Moreover, such a child may see neglect in such frequent sending to kindergarten. He is unlikely to tell his parents and even his mother about this, but secretly he may feel unnecessary.
Such children are especially sensitive to the birth of a second child in the family. The Cancer boy immediately notices a change in priorities in caring for him and the newborn. If parents do not pay attention to this in time, in the future it may result in major family quarrels. By itself, a little Cancer is a completely non-conflict child and already at the age of 5-7 years old will try to do feasible work around the house.

School age
Upon reaching 7-8 years old, the appearance of a Cancer boy can change a lot. The facial features will coarsen a little, the eyes will become more expressive and bright. However, in terms of physique and height, such a boy will always remain strong and short. Most Cancers are characterized by a slightly slower maturation - all due to the same weak ability to establish contacts with peers. A child receives most of the information from parents who do not always understand the desires of even their child, let alone others. Therefore, the Cancer boy may be poorly adapted to a sharp change in his social circle, which happens at school.

At school, this zodiac sign is diligent, independent and responsible, he rarely needs to be forced to do his homework - the child is quite capable of coping with it himself, but he does not like a rigid time frame at all. In a team, these signs are most often calm, judicious and not inclined to unleash conflicts. Cancers are not one of those who will be rude to the teacher - they respect the opinion of adults and will listen to it. But such a child is absolutely unstable to harsh criticism in his own direction.
Parents should work on this painful sensitivity, teach the boy to see criticism as advice for correcting mistakes.

Which name should I choose?
It should be understood that choosing the right name is of particular importance in the development of the character and mentality of any person. This is especially true for sensitive Cancers, for whom a strong and courageous name can become a kind of support in their future life. The Year of the Dog offers us just such names - strong, strong and sonorous. Below you can find a list of the most successful names for a Cancer boy born in 2018: Roman, Maxim, Stanislav, Ivan, Stepan, Leonid, Pavel, Julius, Eduard, Makar, Dmitry, Timofey.

Cancer boy personality traits born in the Year of the Dog
2018 year of the Dog portends newborn Cancer great sensuality and emotionality. It will, without a doubt, be a very versatile and sociable person with a large number of friends and acquaintances. Cancer born this year will be distinguished by great dedication to family and friends. A dog is a year generous with talents and is likely to endow little Cancer with the ability to draw or write. Cancers born this year will have a strong will and a desire to accomplish something great. The Year of the Dog promises Cancer success in the future professionally simpler - signs born in this year, with diligence, can become successful businessmen or politicians, media personalities.

Tips for Parents
Dear parents and educators of Rakov boys. You should understand that you are holding an unusual child - he is extremely and sometimes painfully sensitive and affectionate, needs constant care and affection. His empathetic character cannot be understood with general “loving” phrases or a fake smile.
Our general advice for raising such a child is very simple.
- Attention and time. Give them to your child as much as you can.
- Sensitivity. Try to pay more attention to changes in your child's mood, this will allow you to solve possible problems even at the stage of their formation.
- Caution. Be extremely selective in the expressions and censures you choose to raise your child. Too harsh criticism is able to break and isolate a child.
- You should educate and teach your child to communicate with others, however, do not forget to teach him such essential skills as independence and responsibility.

For information on how to properly raise a Cancer child, see the next video.