Cancer and Capricorn compatibility in love, friendship and at work

Capricorns are stubborn, solid individuals who always know what they want. Both girls and men, representatives of this sign value success most of all. They do not like wasting time, they try to develop and do everything in order to achieve their goals. Cancers are sentimental people with a subtle sensibility, extremely sweet and unusual, sometimes incredibly shy and squeezed. Representatives of these signs are very different, but opposites are attracted, so the interaction of these people can be positive and productive.

Prospects in a love relationship
Compatibility and horoscope of the zodiac signs in love as a percentage - 82. An ideal combination that can become a strong union. To achieve a worthy compatibility of Cancer and Capricorn in a love relationship, individuals need to try to make concessions in almost everything. There is a lot in common between these signs, so they may well conquer each other and create a happy union that will end in marriage.
Partners are suitable for each other and are able to go in the same direction, supplement the chosen ones with various knowledge and skills, share the baggage of their experience and make the life of a loved one bright and eventful.

Capricorns are materialists to the core, while Cancers prefer to live with emotions, impressions and feelings.This distinguishes them from each other, but such a difference becomes what can "glue" partners so that they become compatible. They are really drawn to each other. But the signs of the zodiac will take a long time to get used to their lovers. Although all the efforts are worth the strong and long-term relationship that will arise after this.
Capricorn, like Cancer, has sentimentality, gentleness and kindness, although this is not clearly expressed. This is why lovers have good compatibility. Only if Cancer shows its softness, Capricorn tries to hide it and is able to show it only to those who understand it. Both partners want to command both in a love relationship and in friendship. Capricorn is used to acting delicately and accurately, while Cancer constantly clings to people and their own interests. Some of them must make compromises so that there are no many conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings in the relationship. Most likely, Cancers will take on this burden.

Cancer is a strategist who can hatch an offensive plan for quite a long time. Capricorn, on the other hand, is a straightforward, purposeful and persistent personality, therefore, he will act immediately, without turning away and without fearing anything. The life of young people together will become full of unexpected moments and situations that resemble melodramatic films (and maybe action films). Cancers need comfort, they like to be in a comfortable, warm environment. Capricorns don't like being careful. They are reliable and conceited, but they are in control, so everything is fine with their partners.
Lovers love to be in a night park, walk for a long time among the trees, remember what happened. For these signs, memories are echoes of past victories, defeats and lessons that will definitely come in handy in the future. Cancers are more drawn to their mother, Capricorns to their fathers. If partners try to get rid of conflicts and begin to understand each other, their union will be tender, passionate and romantic. Sometimes the couple can move away, and sometimes they can be attracted.
As a result, they will surely completely lose their heads from each other.

What problems will the couple face?
Cancer is a sensitive sign that lives with emotions and impressions. They will always feel the experiences of the people around them. Representatives of this sign will try to build any relationship, looking not at the actions of partners, but at their feelings. This approach is extremely incomprehensible to Capricorns, who are not able to have empathy and build their lives more rationally. They cannot feel any of the emotional waves that Cancers feel. That is why Capricorn believes that Cancer is just inventing and being capricious. Even if the actions of Cancer are convincing and reasoned, Capricorn still will not accept them as adequate and reasonable.
After a while, Capricorns can get tired of the excessive sensitivity of their partners, their resentment due to silly little things. (although for Cancer this is not a trifle), as well as from strange and illogical behavior that creates a lot of conflicts. Cancers will find Capricorns insensitive, unemotional and callous.

Cancer man and Capricorn woman
It may seem to some that this union is impossible, since Cancer is soft, charming, loves romance and tenderness, and Capricorn is a fighting, self-confident person who knows what she needs and always achieves this. The Cancer man is able to give the Capricorn woman everything that she so lacked. Their opposite is extremely attractive to partners, because they are interested in each other, since they can teach their beloved something new. It's hard to gauge the prospect of this relationship, but partners are each other's best lovers.

Cancer men are extremely defenseless and vulnerable at heart, so they like the reliability, stability and constancy of Capricorn women, who instantly understand that these representatives of the stronger sex cannot be influenced: they will not allow them to be manipulated. Cancers cannot be convinced of anything, even if they are completely wrong. They will stand their ground to the end. But the girl will still try to fix something in the relationship, as she will think that she is doing it for the sake of both. If a calm, happy life with a loved one is at stake, the Cancer guy will still succumb and listen to the voice of reason.
But such a psychological "deflection" of this sign contributes to the devaluation of the masculine qualities of a young man in the eyes of a lady. And Capricorns only like bright and strong personalities who are similar to them.
This problem is extremely serious, and in the future it is she who can help to break off relations.

Cancer woman and Capricorn man
The couple is quite harmonious and natural, has good compatibility, since Capricorn is a sign that has many masculine qualities. Cancer is a very feminine sign. The gender of personalities coincides with these directions, therefore, to find harmony, only time and a little work on relationships are needed.
If the Cancer girl and the Capricorn guy began to build a love relationship, from the very beginning they will try to educate each other. Soon, the fairer sex may realize that she is dependent on her partner both financially and psychologically. Material dependence will not be a big problem for her, since in her understanding this is the very stone wall that she has been looking for for a long time. The psychological one can become a problem for her.

The Capricorn man does not at all understand the mental throwings of his lady, which seem to him to be an ordinary "brainwashing". He does not hide the fact that he does not like it, but at the beginning of the interaction he tries not to show his appearance and treat it more calmly. A Cancer woman should share her experiences with close friends, and leave a positive and good mood for her partner, since he is still not able to understand the fullness of such problems. This does not mean that he does not love his chosen one, it is just that the young man cannot understand why to worry about all the nonsense.
The couple has wonderful family prospects, since they both respect traditions, they want to make sure that love and harmony reign in their union. Even if the representatives of the signs try to look for any intrigues on the side to unwind and relax, this will not go too far, since soon the lovers will understand that they are unlikely to find someone better than each other.

The reliability of the marriage union
A Capricorn and Cancer couple are incredibly strong, long-term and reliable. Such an understanding between husband and wife does not appear immediately. First, partners should learn to look at the fact that they have different natures not as some kind of problem, but as a wonderful opportunity to look at various events and things from different angles.
Most often, such alliances are built according to this scheme, therefore they become really strong.

The marriage will last a long time due to some similarities in the nature and worldview of partners.
- Capricorn and Cancer dream of accumulating a large amount of funds so as not to need anything. Capricorns are trying to make more money, while Cancers are great at saving. Partners complement each other, they manage to go towards a common goal together.
- Both zodiac signs tend to be introspective. Cancers use reflection when they have attacks of hypochondria and depressive states, Capricorns - when they are planning a new business.
- Partners love their family hearth and try to make it as comfortable and cozy as possible.

The named representatives have relationships in which there is a large amount of love and conflict. Quite often, the initiator of disputes is Capricorn, who does not like the irresponsibility, sluggishness and non-obligation of the partner. Similar situations quite often happen with a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman. In marriage, they look like a subordinate and a boss. Cancer is an extremely patient sign, so it will try to endure the exactingness and eternal remarks of a partner, completely not reacting to them. But when the patience of a calm sign is full, it will start a cold war.
Description of friendships
The friendship between Cancer and Capricorn is not easy, as there are many contradictions between personalities. But only at first. Over time, their different views on things and interests will make the friendships of the signs more interesting, unusual and peculiar. If partners try to constantly look for vivid emotions and new impressions, their friendship can become good and long. You should add novelty to communication, visit original places, try to take everything from life. Sometimes they can conflict and disagree, which can make friendship difficult for both signs. Quarrels will arise on various grounds, but if partners try to eliminate omissions, their interaction will give them a lot of new impressions and interesting knowledge.

The compatibility of such relationships is influenced by the fact that Capricorns, like Cancers, like to communicate on the topic of politics and immerse themselves in historical facts.
They always want to study, consider, improve something. Together they can restore original objects, organize their own business, in which both will succeed. Partners love reading and often collect interesting literature. They are good jewelers. Both can find any interesting and unusual thing in the landfill, bring it home and make a real work of art that will decorate the room. They adore creativity, although such a friendly couple can hardly be called true aesthetes. At times, Capricorns can appear a little cold, unusual, and aloof. Cancers are extremely vulnerable and sensual.
Both are judicious and capable of doing the right thing, so their friendships can last for years. The main plus is that the signs have an identical opinion about finance. They are constantly saving up money and always know what exactly they want to spend it on.

Interaction in the work environment
If Cancers and Capricorns try to show respect and condescension to each other, they will have decent compatibility in any field of activity. Representatives of the signs have different views on any things, which is an undoubted advantage for joint activities. With such cooperation, Capricorn reaches incredible heights, greater than when working alone, but only if he tries to discard his stubbornness.
Difficulties in business relationships can arise due to frequent disputes and upholding of their own principles and opinions, and in work, as you know, a team spirit is needed to make discoveries together. These signs are adherents of solitary swimming, so at first they may not understand how to work together. If they need to achieve one goal, individuals can work together extremely fruitfully and create a common cause.

Most often, partners are in conflict due to the fact that they do not understand the little things. Cancer is a person who tries to give and give all his best, Capricorn will try to evade business at any convenient moment. Concentration of attention is what helps partners to take common positions and work for the good of a common cause. Signs are not used to mixing emotions and finances.But they are trying to choose a profession that could not only please them morally, but would also allow them to have a good salary. This is the best option for them, and they try to strive for this kind of work.
If Cancer and Capricorn correctly prioritize and reach mutual agreement, their working union will be incredibly successful and fruitful.
Both representatives believe that it is necessary at all costs to achieve their goal, therefore, if they find a common language, they will begin to work with dedication, without hope of success. Partners need an incentive to do their best.

If a Cancer woman is a boss and a Capricorn man is a subordinate, it will be an extremely difficult union. The guy is quite ambitious and self-confident, he does not like when someone commands him. He feels respect for the highest ranks and positions and will not go against his boss openly, but he can try to do a better job than she and get her position. It is extremely difficult for partners to work with each other: the girl constantly gives the young man conflicting tasks, the boss's behavior depends on her emotional state, Capricorn wants everything to be stable. Cancer will not feel too comfortable, as she is used to taking care of her subordinates, and Capricorn will not let her close.
If a Cancer woman is a subordinate, and a Capricorn man is a boss, then the business union will be fruitful. Capricorns are brutal bosses who enjoy being diligent. They want their subordinates to respect the ranks. Cancer is a calm, non-conflict person who tries to do his job as well as possible. She will not try to challenge the authority of her boss and will work responsibly. Emotions will often make it difficult to focus on the work process. If a girl can learn to keep them in herself, working with Capricorn will be successful and easy.

Tips & Tricks
The strongest side of Cancers is emotionality. They will perfectly understand any person, they are able to see the right decisions intuitively. But these positive character traits are interrupted by constant jumps in the emotional state, moodiness and resentment. If the signs try to learn how to take control of their emotions, they will not become callous. Their behavior will become more even, others will see that it has become easier and calmer to communicate with them. Rational Capricorn will also understand Cancer.
This will not only make life easier for the native representative of the sign, but also help him to continue to improve himself, to become better.
The coldness of Capricorns will not prevent Cancers from reading their emotions, as they know how to do it even through rationalism. Cancer will surely see the reliable, feelings and doubts of their partner. It is important to try not to be offended by his dryness and to build relationships in which there would be understanding, trust and dedication.

If partners learn to smooth out conflicts and quarrels, leave all the bad behind and enjoy every day, they can create a truly indestructible union that will be strong and reliable for a long time. If each of the signs stands on its own, the relationship will not be able to become fruitful and will end rather quickly.
Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko will tell you about the compatibility of Cancer and Capricorn in the next video.