Cancer and Sagittarius: characteristics and secrets of harmonious relationships

Cancer and Sagittarius are two opposite signs of the zodiac with different temperaments. Among the representatives of these zodiacal constellations, business alliances are often found, but in other areas of life their relationship is rather strained. For friendship and family creation, such partners are too different. However, this does not mean that the bond between Cancer and Sagittarius is doomed to failure. Their life together will be difficult, but only mutual benefit can keep a man and a woman with each other for a long time.

Personality traits of signs
It is unlikely that Sagittarius and Cancer will be able to create a harmonious relationship. Studying the horoscope of these zodiac signs, one can conclude that their union will be successful only if they learn to trust each other and make concessions. To understand what the differences and similarities are between each of the representatives of the constellations, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics.
This is a representative of the element of Fire. A person belonging to this constellation has natural charisma, broad intelligence and inexhaustible energy. She is always hungry for new adventures and emotions. Sagittarius are friendly and outgoing personalities with many acquaintances and friends. Positive thinking, wit and high moral values allow this sign to be the soul of the company and always be in the spotlight.

Sagittarius is straightforward and open-minded. Falsity, hypocrisy or pretentious attitude are alien to him. He does not know how to lie and does not forgive lies to friends.
Astrologers distinguish among the positive qualities of this sign of Fire:
- diplomacy;
- extravagance;
- friendly attitude towards others;
- generosity;
- relaxedness.
Despite the positive qualities of character, any of the zodiac signs has some disadvantages. Sagittarius is no exception. He is characterized by unwillingness to take responsibility and laziness.
The main flaw that often hurts Sagittarius in work and family life is wit. Being a straightforward and overly categorical person, he, without hesitation, can offend his colleagues or a loved one with a rude and inappropriate word.

Cancer is a representative of the water element under the auspices of the Moon. The night star makes the representatives of this sign subtle, sensitive and vulnerable natures. Despite the emotionality, Cancer is in no hurry to share their worries and experiences with others. Because of this, he seems to be a secretive person. Despite the emotional closeness, the representative of this constellation intuitively feels the moods and experiences of other people.

Cancers can come to the rescue in difficult times. They are great friends who will always offer their support.
Among the shortcomings of Cancers, the following qualities prevail:
- excessive feeling of jealousy;
- tendency to depressive states;
- indecision.
Before taking a step, Cancer will think for a long time, after which it will back away, stop and slowly move forward. He is very slow, which is why he cannot quickly navigate in a difficult situation and make the right decision.
Cancers are extremely vulnerable. One careless word or frown can make him feel bad. Due to their closeness and isolation, the people of this constellation will rarely give out the reason for their discontent.

Love compatibility
As you can see from the characteristics, Sagittarius and Cancer are antagonists. By nature, they are not very compatible. They are completely different, and this often prevents them from being together. Despite the obvious contrast of characters, they may have an inexplicable attraction at first sight. The Sagittarius-Cancer union is a fatal connection. When a guy and a girl communicate with these signs, they often have a spark. They arouse increased interest in each other.
Compatibility in love is based on their attraction to mutual differences: Sagittarius likes the sensuality and sentimentality of Cancer, the latter, in turn, attracts in Sagittarius purposefulness, an inexhaustible sense of humor and boundless optimism. Due to the "pole difference", these two signs at the initial stages of building relationships will be attracted to each other like magnets. In later life, their feelings may fade away due to a lack of spiritual intimacy and a sense of alienation.
According to the predictions of astrologers, compatibility in love between Cancer and Sagittarius refers to the average. The love relationships of these signs cannot be called simple, bringing only pleasure and moral satisfaction.

The most difficult thing will be for a couple in which the man is Sagittarius, and the woman is Cancer. In this union, a lady will never be able to understand her chosen one, because even at the initial stages of a relationship, the sign of Fire will pay more attention to friends, and not to the second half. Seeing that the Cancer girl is offended by such an attitude, he can begin to invite her to his company. A lady is unlikely to appreciate such an offer, since she likes to spend time with her beloved alone, and not with his friends.
If a woman wants to maintain a relationship with a Sagittarius man, she will have to come to terms with his high sociability. No matter how hard she tries and no matter what she does, the sign of Fire will always put friends first.
To conquer a Sagittarius, it is not enough just to let him go to meetings with friends. In addition, there is no need to blame the chosen one for his propensity to partying. This is important, because even if a guy falls in love, he will leave the girl without hesitation, who will not be able to understand and accept him for who he is.

Family perspective
The joint life of the partners of the fire and water elements, by definition, cannot be calm and smooth. A more successful marriage will develop in a pair where the man is Cancer and the woman is Sagittarius. Most often, among these alliances, the bonds of convenience are considered to be the longest.
One thing that binds Cancer and Sagittarius will strengthen their pair. They will be in harmony next to each other. In the general running of a family business, the Fire sign will take responsibility for the financial component. In turn, the Sagittarius wife will do an excellent job with organizational issues and negotiations. Thanks to her sociability and sociability, she will be able to establish contacts and conclude many transactions. A common cause will allow spouses to show favor and respect for each other.
A love marriage in the Cancer-Sagittarius tandem will be less successful. Cancer man is a noble owner and jealous. It is highly likely that the Sagittarius girl will behave at ease in married life: go to meetings with friends, communicate a lot on social networks and on the phone. With her husband's comments, the lady, due to her difficult nature, will defend her position.
Few of the Sagittarius know how to "smooth out" sharp corners and find compromises, therefore scandals in the family of signs of the elements of Fire and Water on the basis of jealousy are commonplace.

Despite the disagreements, the husband and wife also have positive aspects in marriage.
First of all, these are:
- sexual relations;
- financial wealth.
Cancer and Sagittarius are passionate lovers. Both of these partners are distinguished by romance, sexual emotionality and a tendency to idealize. Sagittarius will add "fire" to intimate life. He will make it more interesting, rich and varied.
In addition to bed, things will go well in the money issue. Cancer knows how to make and save money, and Sagittarius is a big spender. Despite the tendency to immediately "drain" everything earned, the couple will never find themselves in poverty, since the prudent representative of the sign of Water will motivate Sagittarius to abandon rash purchases.

Relationships in friendship
At first glance, it might seem that Cancer and Sagittarius are perfect for each other as friends.
This is due to the fact that both of these signs have:
- responsiveness;
- compassion;
- sincerity.
Thanks to these qualities, the signs of Water and Fire can help each other in difficult times with the right word and deed. However, this will not make Sagittarius and Cancer closer. They will always feel a "chasm" due to the difference in interests and different life values. A friendly relationship between these signs is possible, but they will not be burdened with revelations and spiritual closeness. An open and emotional Sagittarius will never understand a calm and shy Cancer, he will seem uninteresting and boring to him.
With the onset of old age, the signs of the water and fire elements practically do not undergo changes in their behavior: Cancer strives for a comfortable and calm life, and Sagittarius, even in old age, seeks entertainment and adventure. As a rule, with closer communication, these people will become annoying and repelling each other.

Interaction at work
The relationship of Cancer and Sagittarius as work colleagues is almost always stretched to the limit. Both signs strive to take the leading position due to their tendency to dominate. Unlike Cancer, Sagittarius is more domineering. He shows his leadership qualities everywhere and everywhere, trying to subdue everyone around him. In turn, the representative of the watermark is not a “pliable” one. Because of the desire to dominate these signs, scandals will often mature.
Co-workers are likely to work well if they have a common idea. However, disagreements are possible here, since Cancer is used to working alone in a calm and comfortable environment. Sagittarius, on the other hand, loves to discuss work issues in the company, preferring frequent meetings and live communication.In addition, Cancer does not want to talk about their achievements and share their success in working with others. An open sign of Fire, on the contrary, seeks to notify everyone of success in business. This attitude gives rise to misunderstanding and mistrust towards each other.

Possible conflicts
According to reviews, the family life of Cancer with Sagittarius cannot be called successful, and even more so happy. However, if both partners do not follow their emotions, but learn to give in, it is possible to avoid quarrels. With a reasonable approach to building a marriage, partners will be able to overcome everyday problems.
To avoid conflicts, you should find out in advance what is the best way to work in this pair.
- The straightforwardness of Sagittarius and the touchiness of Cancer. The fire sign often does not choose expressions when talking or arguing. Excessive irascibility offends the vulnerable Cancer, which makes him "cold" in relation to his soul mate. To reduce the risk of quarrels, Sagittarius needs to try to maintain diplomacy and tact, and Cancer needs to become more "gentle" and easy-going.
- Cancer sensitivity and Sagittarius' thick skin. Cancers are subtle natures. They are prone to depression and anxiety about and without it. Sagittarius, on the other hand, rarely takes anything to heart. In this case, both partners should not re-educate each other - it is necessary to accept a person with all his advantages and disadvantages.
- Cancer's jealousy and Sagittarius activity. The representative of the fire sign strives to be always in sight. He loves admiring glances of the opposite sex and compliments. He will rarely be able to give up flirting. All this does not like Cancer, who, with any oversight of the second half, will roll up scenes of jealousy. To prevent quarrels, Sagittarius should pay more attention to his chosen one and not exchange him for meetings with friends.

And also rare conflicts are possible due to different views on spending the family budget: Sagittarius seeks to spend more than he earns, and Cancer is used to having a stash. To reduce the number of conflicts, it is worth planning budget spending in advance, leaving some of the money for unforeseen purchases of Sagittarius.
Child-parent relationship
If the mother is a Sagittarius and the child is Cancer, their relationship will be successful. A cheerful woman full of energy and optimism can make the life of her child interesting and exciting. She will organize hikes, sweepstakes and fun adventures. With such a mother, shy and timid Cancer will not get bored. When she is around, he will have no reason to be sad and sad.
Dad Sagittarius will teach a Cancer child to enjoy life. When the baby grows up, the parent will happily read children's books, dance or play. The father will help the pupil in every possible way to develop creatively. If there is a misunderstanding, the dad will speak honestly and directly towards the child, not allowing him to harbor illusions.

A relationship in which one of the parents is Cancer and the child is Sagittarius will not develop so easily. A small representative of the fire element seeks to seek adventure, discover everything new and unknown. Cancer gravitates towards emotional calmness and security. Because of such different approaches to life, parents and children have few points of contact. They are also not close spiritually.
Sagittarius begins at an early age to realize the urge to expand life horizons, which, in his opinion, are narrowed in Cancer parents. Because of this, often their relationship is based only on attachment.
To maintain a good connection, Cancer parents should not deprive the Sagittarius child of the most important thing - the craving for knowledge: he has a naturally inherent desire to expand his horizons. If you prevent a child from gaining new knowledge, he can send energy "in the wrong direction."

For more information on compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius, see the next video.