Characteristics and compatibility in the relationship of a Cancer woman born in the year of the Ox

Ox and Cancer according to the sign of the zodiac are a combination of the incompatible, give a very unusual type of woman. For this reason, others may feel as if she combines two different personalities.
The influence of the zodiac makes this girl kind, compliant, thoughtful, dreamy, romantic. The bull gives her strength of character and pragmatism. If Cancer often makes plans mainly on paper, then the Ox, on the contrary, seeks to move on to real action. At the same time, one of its essences, then another, prevails.
A girl endowed with such an astrological combination is sociable and benevolent. Sometimes ordinary ideas in her mouth take on a different, deeper meaning.
There are also negative features in her characteristics that prevent harmonious relations with people around her: intolerance of criticism and rancor, since she cannot easily relate to words addressed to herself.

In work
Since it is common for this nature to immerse itself in itself, it is rarely seen chatting animatedly with colleagues. She is interested in her own world. She perfectly feels the emotional state of colleagues, but does not always come out of her "cocoon" to discuss the problems of colleagues. If a person is pleasant and not indifferent to her, then she will pay attention to his mood and try to help. This is one of its advantages - the ability to penetrate other people's problems and give good advice.

She likes professions that can bring stability to her life. This woman is able to achieve impressive success if she finds application for her talents. This can be hindered by the modest nature of the introvert. Work and family are equally important to her, so she diligently seeks a balance for the harmonious development of both spheres of life.In general, for Cancer-Bull, the harmony of the spiritual and the material is the ideal to which she strives with all her might.
Our heroine has such an important advantage as the ability to wait. Patience allows her to wait for the promotion, when others have already cleared the way to the top. Then there comes a favorable time for her activity.
The obstinacy with which she follows the chosen path, even contrary to the opinion of others, helps her in her work.

In love
To charm such an extraordinary nature as a Cancer-Ox woman, a man needs to make serious efforts. Despite the outward modesty and complaisance, she has a sense of humor, intelligence, strength of character and strives to develop her talents. Given these character traits, not every boyfriend will be able to interest her. The main thing that you can advise him is to be tactful in dealing with her, so as not to even casually drop critical remarks about her. Hearing a claim in your words, she will instantly become irritable and unsociable.
Due to anxiety and suspicion, she risks missing out on many relationships that would become really bright romances in her life. Because of this, her powerful sensuality runs the risk of remaining undisclosed. Fortunately, the Cancer-Ox woman has intuition and perseverance, helping her find her soul mate, no matter what. A person who is attracted by mysterious and a little strange natures who love to surprise can find a wonderful life companion in this woman.

In family
Despite the seeming calmness and kindness in her head, the heroine of this article has clear ideas on the basis of which she builds her family, in accordance with which she seeks to find a suitable party. She is capable of much to make the household happy and to protect her family fortress from all adversity. The main thing is that, acting for these good purposes, she does not confuse their desires with her own. Its compliance is only external. In fact, it is almost impossible to persuade this woman in serious matters - she will firmly stand her ground. As a mother of the Ox-Cancer family, sometimes she allows herself to be capricious, which makes household members uncomfortable due to her mood swings.
Often the Ox-Cancer girl gets married very early. If so, then it is preferable that the spouse was more experienced and stronger in spirit. Such a person is able to condescendingly relate to her youthful maximalism in the manifestation of emotions, which cannot be said about young peers.
As she grows older, the bearer of this astrological combination gains wisdom, learns to make compromises and acquires other skills that allow them to create more harmonious relationships.

Suitable partners
To create a harmonious union with a Cancer-Ox woman, a man must either be much stronger than her, or much more patient.
If we consider compatibility only according to the western horoscope, then the Pisces companion will be the best "half" for the heroine of our article. He is deprived of her emotionality, and therefore will be able to restrain the impulses of his woman and remain calm.
A good union can be a relationship with a Scorpio. Its disadvantage is that Scorpio pays more attention to himself, and Cancer offends it.
Resigned to this feature of a man, the Cancer-Pisces girl will feel harmony in this union.

The stars are advised to be more careful with Aries. It is better if this union does not go beyond the framework of a friendly or professional one. Libra does not like the water element, so they cannot comprehend the mysterious soul of Cancer. Aquarius does not show the passion that our heroine needs in a relationship.
Speaking about the eastern horoscope, the best partner for a serious relationship for our heroine will be the male Rooster, Snake, Rat. Her union with the Tiger and the Horse will be difficult and problematic. Astrologers predict a bright, but short-lived romance to her with the Dragon and the Cat.

The dual nature of a woman born in the Year of the Ox under the sign of Cancer skillfully combines family and professional qualities.However, in the first place for her is still spiritual harmony, and not career growth. Rather, money becomes for her a means of revealing her own talents and the basis for the foundation of a family. Maybe the relationship with her cannot be called simple, but her close people can be sure of one thing for sure: this woman will make every effort for the prosperity of her family.
You will learn more about the Cancer woman in the following video.
It seems to me that if a person is conscious, confident, tactful with others, then many problems can be avoided. And, yes, I am Cancer! And indeed: rather than being "wounded", I would rather be alone, and Cancer-Ox is always happy to communicate with itself))
I have a Cancer-Ox mother. A tough case, of course. Stubbornness, indeed, bullish and overprotective on her part is annoying all her life. In short, it is better to live with such a person at a distance and not meet very often.
You just haven't matured yet and don't understand your happiness!
Mom is a guardian angel. Nobody but her will love you like that. Take care of your parents.