Psychological portrait and compatibility of a Cancer woman born in the year of the Dragon

Agile, persistent and self-sufficient. Those born under the Cancer-Dragon zodiac tandem are powerful creators of their own destiny. Representatives of this sign do not lack self-confidence and get what they want, regardless of the obstacles in their path.

Such women are strong on the outside, but fragile on the inside, confident, but full of doubts, very independent, but driven by the need to be loved and respected. Representatives of the sign tend to spend most of their time in the center of these extremes.
They may not show, but it can be argued that every Dragon Cancer is easily annoyed with things that it considers stupid, unfair, or just plain wrong. This is because, at their core, those born under this sign are idealists. They have a pretty strong opinion about how the world should be in order to be able to clearly imagine how well it will become around if a woman is in control of the circumstances.
The girl is able to maintain a positive attitude towards the situation, but she can quickly fall into a bad mood, she needs support. In truth, these ladies are very temperamental, but they try not to show it. They know that a bad attitude is not good, so they mask the mood well enough so that no one can blame them for being capricious.
At the same time, they throw out aggressive shouts as warning signs so everyone knows how bad they are feeling. Like their animal namesake, the Dragon Cancer will not go on the offensive unless necessary, and prefers that those not on their friends list keep their distance.This girl really wants to be influential the most.
Cancers born in the Year of the Dragon are idealistic. When the world does not seem pleasant, they have their own imaginary in which they prefer to be. Strong and determined, they go into a corner and suffer in silence when something bothers them.
These people are sensitive when in public, wanting all the attention on themselves. With a sharp mind, these girls love to use their skills as well.
They are best friends, they will be a shoulder where you can cry, and a support. Moreover, they like to live to the fullest, therefore they are active and optimistic regardless of the situation. Sometimes they are impatient and want to make a lot of money in a short period of time. They believe in quick schemes and this makes them impractical.

Dreamy women of this type are gentle and have a good sense of humor. Born in the Year of the Dragon, they are introverted but ambitious and dislike competition.
Mythology connects the Dragon with good luck. This means that wherever the representatives of this sign go, they attract good luck. Moreover, the Dragon-Cancer can consider itself lucky.
They have an amazing ability to feel when opportunities to open up and get everything you want are just around the corner.
Curious, travel a lot. Idealists by nature strive to make the world a better place. Honest, straightforward and considerate.
If they get into a serious relationship or become a parent, they begin to take things much more seriously.

As for work, here the fairer sex is convincing and eloquent in their actions. A bit in love with themselves, they often need an audience to shine and perform. They cannot tolerate being contradicted or forced to do what they do not like. When the Dragon Cancer wants something, she will channel all her charm and get what she wants. They know body language so well that sometimes it seems like they don't need to speak.
Their magnetism attracts people. When they are upset, they will continue to implement plans more slowly, but they will not give up. They love variety and get bored when not stimulated. A companion who is freedom-loving and spontaneous can help such a girl live a happy life.
People may see them as low-key and boring, but they are actually a dreamy and eccentric sign. Cancer in the Year of the Dragon is less shy and more determined, always ready to react first if necessary.

Not knowing where friendship ends and love begins, these women can end up hurting people. They tend to completely trust their partner, focusing only on him and neglecting other people in their lives.
The stubborn and strong woman was fortunate enough not to put in too much effort to achieve her goals. She can only be bothered by her own disposition. Optimistic, will stand up if she falls. Difficult and uncompromising, has its own ways of solving problems. He will not listen to anyone - he will firmly stand on his point of view.
Fortunately, the girl is a creative person, she is able to find solutions to the most difficult issues. Her ideas can make a lot of money if she knows how to implement them.
When she falls in love, she becomes too emotional and in a hurry. The main positive characteristics are generosity, honesty, and kindness.
Demanding to a partner, so she may end up disappointed in love.
Suitable partners in love
Dragon-Cancer will have excellent compatibility with a man born under the signs Taurus-Monkey, Scorpio-Rat, Scorpio-Monkey.
Dragon and Rat are a brilliant relationship. With great love and understanding, they head towards happiness. Dragon and Tiger together compensate for each other's reckless nature. In tandem, the Dragon and the Bull are both stubborn. There is no return in their relationship, which is important for everyone in a couple, so they are not quite suitable for love and family.
When they get close, they are stunning in bed. One will revitalize the sex life, ensuring that the fire burns forever, the other will bring stability to the relationship. The very fact that they are powerful Chinese astrological signs means that the couple will love and respect each other unconditionally. This is the aspect that they truly admire in each other.
In addition to this, the soul mates of the Dragon and the Bull never doubt their decision, they believe that they are always right.
There are many obstacles between Dragon and Rabbit that will either separate them or unite them. The wits and wit of this sign and the Serpent make them fit for each other.
There is a very strong sexual chemistry with the Horse. But representatives of the same sign need to learn how to share glory, only in this case they will be able to achieve everything together.
There is sexual attraction with the Sheep, but differences in outlook on life will require patience and sacrifice.

The Chinese astrological cycle claims that those born under this sign react violently to the relationship with the Dog. This is a bad union in which both will be unhappy.
But with the Monkey, everything is fine, since the goals and opinions of the two partners are similar. Relations with the Pig will be affectionate and caring, and with the Rooster - only if both manage to suppress their selfishness.
You will learn more about the Cancer woman in the following video.