Characteristics and compatibility of a Cancer woman born in the year of the Horse

The combination of Horse and Cancer allows you to get a harmonious personality that combines grace and emotionality with perseverance and hard work. Such people have great intelligence and great potential.
Character and distinctive features
Cancer-Horse woman is very dreamy and independent. She loves to indulge in loneliness and fantasize. Despite this, such a personality is distinguished by vitality, efficiency and balance.
The emotionality and mobility of the Horse is smoothed out by the rationality and meaningfulness of Cancer. Such a lady needs personal space in order to be able to analyze her life and look for the best scenarios for solving problems.
In general, the life of such a woman is full of difficulties and various disagreements. Many conflicts seriously affect the worldview of such people and remain in the memory for a long time. Their whole life consists of overcoming obstacles, which ultimately contributes to the development of a strong and unshakable character.

Persistence and perseverance of nature often does not help to achieve the intended goals, and the Cancer-Horse woman often does not understand what is the cause of all the troubles. To learn how to cope with adversity and not worry about failure, she needs to find a truly interesting job. Only the use of her own talents and skills will help the lady to cope with all the difficulties.
The representative of this horoscope has the ability to reckon with other people's opinions. She will never criticize the ideas and desires of her acquaintances, much less teach them how to live. Due to her calm and sympathetic disposition, such a woman is often asked for support or advice.
This girl loves to travel, but it is just as important for her to return home from time to time. It can be spontaneous, or it can be too predictable and involved in routine work.
According to the characteristics, the Cancer-Horse girl is not distinguished by rancor and does not consider it necessary to take revenge on her offenders.
She can endure other people's shortcomings for a long time, which makes her coexistence possible even with the most difficult people.

Relationship to family and marriage
The Cancer-Horse woman has a strong affection for the family. Even being far from home, the lady is always interested in the state of her loved ones. If necessary, she is ready to help her relatives and will never stand aside if they need help.
In family relationships, a girl born in the year of the Horse under the Cancer zodiac sign realizes her full potential.
Within the family, she learns to control emotions, which helps the girl to avoid attacks of jealousy or anger outside the house.

Living under the same roof with such a person is not always easy: there are traits in the character of a lady that prevent household members from feeling calm. For example, she can command her family, control, and sometimes humiliate them.
Such people are very serious about starting a family. They value reliability and poise in partners. Despite the instability of character, such a woman can endure many of the disadvantages of a partner in order to keep the family together. It is in her nature to ignore the weaknesses of her spouse and appreciate what she has.
The representative of this horoscope loves children and is ready to have large offspring. For this reason, she needs to look for a partner who can not only provide for her family, but also put up with childish mischief.

In a relationship with the spouse of this person, it is important to feel like a stone wall. She not so much needs her husband to solve all her problems as she needs confidence that her husband can cope with any task. In addition, it is important for a lady to feel like a loved and irreplaceable woman.
The only thing that can prevent a lady from building a strong family relationship is her love of command. Therefore, in order to create a reliable and happy union of Cancer-Horse, it is worth learning to give in.
An ideal family relationship for a Cancer Horse woman can develop with a Tiger-Taurus man and Leo-Goat. She will find stability and understanding with her husband, who was born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Scorpio.
Unfortunately, compatibility with representatives of other signs is not very good.

Relationship with the opposite sex
The Cancer Horse woman has a cheerful and optimistic disposition that attracts the opposite sex. She can captivate a man for a long time and become the center of his attention. In a partner, such a lady values intelligence and reliability. In addition, the partner must love silence and have strong family ties.
This personality does not flaunt emotions and keeps experiences inside, so a man should be ready for the secrecy of the chosen one. If the partner is interested in a harmonious relationship with the Cancer Horse, he will be able to awaken the hidden qualities in her. Over time, a girl can learn to talk about her feelings and share her experiences.
At a young age, such people have a strong sense of ownership and often expose their partner to fits of jealousy for no reason. In addition, such ladies love to lecture their beloved and impose a personal opinion. The desire to fully control the relationship and make decisions on their own can seriously offend a partner.

Finance and career
Building a career is not the main task of the Cancer-Horse woman. If she wants financial independence, she will always find a job to her liking. True, on the way to a dream job, a lady can face many obstacles.
Such people do not know how to manage money and often need financial resources. Despite this, they do not seek to look for additional sources of income, being content with what they have.
For such a person to succeed in her career, she needs to set a truly meaningful goal for herself.
Only in this case, the Cancer-Horse woman will be able to provide herself with a comfortable existence.

You will learn more about the Cancer woman in the following video.