Cancer woman born in the year of the Snake: character and compatibility in love

A woman born in the year of the Snake under the Cancer zodiac sign has discerning powers. She knows how to listen to others and focus on the emotional state of people. But the lady herself is not distinguished by openness and admits a very limited circle of friends into her inner world.
Characteristics by horoscope
The Cancer-Snake woman has great vitality and foresight. She values personal space and does not tolerate outside interference with privacy. The characteristic of a girl allows her to be an excellent friend, who will remain by her side even in difficult moments.

This person has creative abilities. Thanks to her intuitive flair and dedication, such a lady always achieves great success.
She knows how to read other people's feelings and is able to be a good actress when it can be beneficial.
The Cancer-Snake girl is quite sociable, and therefore always has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. She is very responsible and active, but her closed character sometimes prevents her, as a person, from fully revealing herself.

Such women are incomprehensible to those around them, as they are constantly hovering in the clouds. As a result, surrounded by ladies there are people who are similar in character and vision of the world. They can realize themselves in creativity, expressing their thoughts and emotions in art. Huge potential allows Cancer-Snake to catch good moments, which ultimately allows a person to succeed.
A distinctive feature of the character of such a woman is the ability to remain cool in all situations. She does not give in to panic and does not expose her own feelings to the public.Such people do not know how to work in a team and can only trust themselves.

Outwardly, the lady radiates charm and confidence, but inside she remains a vulnerable and sensitive person. She loves to learn new things, and therefore devotes a lot of time to self-education.
Attitude towards friendship
The Cancer-Snake woman is always surrounded by people, as she has the ability to feel someone else's mood. But she makes high demands on her friends. The lady has complete control over the lives of friends and wants to participate in everything that concerns them. Such a person loves to give advice that, in most cases, no one needs.
The representative of these signs is strongly attached to people, which inevitably leads to disappointment.
Her excessive assertiveness scares others, and, over time, they can distance themselves from an overly intrusive friend.

Despite the desire to control the lives of friends, the Cancer-Snake girl is a reliable and loyal person. She is not capable of meanness and will never say nasty things behind her back. If a lady is not satisfied with something, then she will always express her point of view.
Family and marriage
In family relationships, the Cancer-Snake woman tries to take a leading position in order to be able to control all the processes taking place within the family. If there is a person with a stronger character at home, then she can easily give up the leadership. For such people, the main thing is that peace and order reign in the family.

The Snake-Cancer girl is almost always in her own world and may not react to external processes. But if any of the family members need help or support, she will make every effort to normalize the situation.
To build a family, such a person chooses a reliable and calm companion. If necessary, a lady can pretend to be weak and soft, so that the chosen one feels like the head of the family.
For her children, a woman spares no effort and time. It is important for her to financially provide for the family so that none of the household members is in need of anything. Such a person is completely devoted to caring for the family nest and always makes important decisions on his own.

Love compatibility
The Snake-Cancer girl does not know all the romantic subtleties and does not know how to properly build love relationships. Unsuccessful attempts to please the opposite sex inevitably lead to disappointment. Therefore, a serious relationship in such women develops at a more mature age.
For relationships, such girls are looking for calm, serious, ambitious and financially secure men who know what they want from life.
It is important for them that the chosen one appreciates family ties and loves children. In place of her future spouse, a man who fully complies with these strict requirements is suitable.

The Snake-Cancer woman always remains faithful to her chosen one. She can become an ideal wife and friend if the partner puts up with the difficult character of the lady. Such women cheat only when they cease to feel the love of their spouse. Therefore, a man should always take care of the other half.

The representative of this horoscope needs a man born in the year of the Dragon or Rooster. As for the sign of the zodiac, it has the greatest compatibility with Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces.
She can also coexist harmoniously with such signs as Ox-Taurus, Tiger-Pisces, Cat-Scorpio and Dog-Pisces. Compatibility with other men is not so good, since it requires both partners to solve many interpersonal problems.
Attitude to work
The Cancer-Snake woman has assertiveness and determination, which helps her achieve career heights. Such a lady knows how to properly organize her abilities in order to gradually achieve the desired goal.
She is always lucky enough to achieve financial well-being.And although money plays a secondary role for such people, there are always opportunities around them that allow them to receive good financial rewards.

You can learn more about this person in this video.