Bathroom sink

Double bathroom sink: pros and cons, recommendations for choosing

Double bathroom sink: pros and cons, recommendations for choosing
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Dimensions (edit)
  3. Manufacturing materials
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Types of sinks
  6. How to choose?
  7. Examples in the interior

Modern consumers strive for comfort, surrounding themselves with it in everything. The same goes for plumbing. In order to deal with daily water procedures with maximum convenience and at the same time save time, many consumers choose double sinks when equipping their bathrooms.


This plumbing device is two washbasins combined into a single structure. It is located in the bathroom for greater comfort when performing hygienic daily procedures. It is especially revered to have two bowls with separate mixers in a large family. But even for a young married couple, the presence of an additional shell will only be a plus.

Double washbasins for the bathroom are classified according to a number of characteristics.

  • Product shape. It can be round, oval, rectangular or square.
  • Material. In addition to the usual earthenware products, you can purchase metal or acrylic, or marble or glass.
  • Installation type. A sink with two bowls can be wall-mounted, placed on a pedestal, or built-in.

The washbasin can consist of two bowls spaced apart from each other. Also relevant is the option in which a long pallet is equipped with two mixers. Both models are convenient and interesting as a design solution.

Dimensions (edit)

The dimensions of a double sink depend on its construction, material and design. If the entire plane of the common surface is occupied by two bowls, the dimensions will be similar to the doubled parameters of a single washbasin. In this case, the bowls can be the same or one is much larger than the other.

Two bowls "eight" look original.

The containers of the sinks can be shifted to the edges, and there is a free plane between them. This option is characterized by the largest parameter of width - from 100 cm to 120 cm. A whole meter of a comfortable washing area! There is a free space on each side of the bowls. The only difference is that the "wings" will be located on the sides of the bowls, united in the center.

With one common bowl, but with doubled parameters, two separate mixers are still required.

There is also a difference in their installation.

  • Mortise sinks. Placed on the table top. They can rise above its plane or the edges of the bowl are flush with it. The rest of the processes are similar to the previous version.
  • Overhead. In this version, the double washbasin looks like a monolithic canvas connected to a cabinet. It replaces its entire horizon at the top. The edges of the bowls are bent downward, which is beneficial to the installation and increases the strength of the structure. The simplest sinks to install.
  • Hinged. The second most difficult to install, but also the cheapest. The sink is fixed on the supporting legs.

Manufacturing materials

If we take into account the cost, then in the middle price link there are ceramic sinks. Faience is not afraid of light blows and changes in water temperature. But for those looking for a sink made from more durable materials, it is better to explore other options.

Porcelain stoneware

This material is endowed with the highest strength, aesthetic appeal. Resistant to mechanical damage, not afraid of impacts from heavy objects.

Strained glass

The cost is equal to the construction of porcelain stoneware. Does not absorb dirt, moisture, odors, but water of increased hardness can leave a film on the glass surface. Among glass sinks, both transparent and colored models are popular. Matte and fluted bowls look interesting. But what seems practical to one does not impress another too much. Therefore, you need to choose the material according to your preferences.

Impact-resistant glass in a bathroom interior is a trendy solution. It gives the atmosphere in the bathroom airiness and a sense of spaciousness. Many people still believe that glass products are vulnerable to impact.

However, the innovative technology is now at such a high level that there is no need to worry unnecessarily about the strength of glass sinks.

The advantages of a glass washbasin are obvious:

  • cleaning with conventional cleaning compounds is permissible;
  • resistance of the shell material to the effects of chemistry;
  • low weight in comparison with the faience counterpart.

Synthetic "glass"

Has a more affordable price tag while significantly reducing weight. For all other characteristics, it even surpasses natural glass. But at the same time, the artificial analogue is easily scratched.

A natural stone

Not everyone can buy bowls made of natural stone. These are expensive, rather massive and heavy items. Such sinks are made to order for specific respectable interiors. In any configuration, marble, granite or travertine bowls can add sophistication to the interior design.


A worthy competitor to a noble stone of natural origin is its artificial analogue. This is a composition of materials, 80% consisting of stone chips, and 20% remains for dyes and a binder polymer. In terms of operational characteristics, it is not inferior to a natural analogue, while its use is many times more profitable.

Bronze and copper

Sinks made from these materials are very chic, but during use they need constant care.

Advantages and disadvantages

Installing a twin washbasin has a number of advantages and some disadvantages. It is worth learning about them in order to understand whether you need to install such a plumbing fixture in your home.

Sink "for two" - a kind of traditional washbasin, but with the difference that it has two tanks on a single bed. The design of the plumbing duo is standard, but there are a lot of variations in its performance.

In addition to the ability to create unusual accents in the arrangement of the bathroom, the "twin" washstand performs several practical functions.

  • Saves household members' time by helping to maintain a calm atmosphere in the house in the morning and a measured rhythm of business gatherings. When there are massive gatherings for service and study, minutes count, and double plumbing becomes a real must-have.
  • The fewer users per plumbing device, the less chance of picking up germs. In families where there are babies, one bowl of the sink can be allocated for children's needs, and the second one can be assigned to adults.
  • Promotes the organization of personal space, and this is important for peace of mind. A private sink gives a person the opportunity to equip a personal area according to their preference.

The disadvantage of this design can be considered its high cost in comparison with single analogs and large dimensions. In a small room, it is impractical to install a double sink. Pushing there in twos is a dubious time-saver. Rather, it will only contribute to unnecessary red tape and bickering. For a bulky structure, space is needed, otherwise it will take up half the footage of the bathroom.

They also have a minor drawback - cleaning two bowls takes a little longer. But for a skilled housewife who has quality cleaning products at hand, keeping the sanitary ware clean is not a problem.

Types of sinks

A double sink is easy to match to any interior. The variety of styles and design options makes it possible to beneficially complement the bathroom ambience. Two bowls will add a touch of presentability and functionality to the atmosphere.

The design can have two insulated containers, each of which has its own mixer, or long trays for two with a common mixer. The choice of siphon (single or double) depends on the type of sinks.

Proponents of practicality can take a closer look at the option of installing a twin washbasin with a cabinet. Visually, the design even benefits from such a combination, since in such a combination it looks extremely harmonious.

The cabinet, located under the countertop, will comfortably accommodate the necessary cosmetics and detergents and all kinds of bath accessories. In such variations, the cabinet under the "twin" sink has a double function: it hides communications behind the doors and is a storage for things.

How to choose?

Trying to understand the question of whether it is advisable to buy a "pair" plumbing fixture, you need to focus primarily on the area of ​​the bathroom. In addition, you should take into account the schedule of the morning regimen of household members and the regimen of the family, and what is preferable to its members, since not everyone is acceptable to invade the zone of personal space. It happens that one of the relatives is simply not ready to share the sink with someone.

Many leading manufacturers in their collections present a choice of compact and large-sized models so that customers can find a product of the optimal size.

Often, standard models of steam sinks are compact in size. When using such plumbing, it is not very convenient for two users to wash at the same time. That's why experts advise a more convenient design option - two containers of an independent type. They can be built into one tabletop or cabinet. Twin models with a common mixer are best chosen for apartment bathrooms. In private buildings, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the option with a pair of mixers is suitable.

The first rule when installing a washstand for two is to maintain symmetry. To achieve it and maintain the attractiveness of the plumbing "duo", you need to stock up on the same sets of mixers and siphons.

It is important to select all plumbing details and additions in the same style, ideally from one collection. Then the "steam" sink will miraculously harmonize in the overall concept of the bathroom design.

The installation technology for such plumbing is similar to the installation of a single sink, except that the heavy structure requires placement on a support. It can be a curbstone or a metal frame. It is also possible to mount a double sink on the wall, but this method of attachment is less reliable for this type of sink.

Mixers are selected without any recommendations, guided by their own taste. With sinks made of stone or ceramics, mixers made of brass with a natural and synthetic coating that imitate natural material are harmoniously combined.

The choice of siphon is key. For budget models, manufacturers use polypropylene, in the middle price link - brass, and for the most expensive - copper and bronze.

Double siphons are of the "bottle" type and pipe type. The most common are "bottle" ones. They are connected to the drain of both containers, and slightly below the level of the drains, they are connected in a common flask.

When purchasing a sink for two bowls with one body, you will need a special siphon that allows the connection of two drains to the tee. Otherwise, the sewer system will have to be redone, and such a process is real only at the stage of overhaul.

Examples in the interior

Double sinks look equally good in various interiors, the main thing is to choose the right materials and the way they are installed.

The following video provides guidelines for choosing a bathroom sink.

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