Bathroom sink

Round sinks in the bathroom: features, varieties, choices

Round sinks in the bathroom: features, varieties, choices
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Material
  3. Installation method
  4. Dimensions (edit)
  5. Manufacturers and selection criteria

These days, the bathroom is more than just a place to enjoy water treatments. Modern designers have created a large number of layouts for this room, so that you not only use the bathroom for its intended purpose, but also enjoy its appearance. The article will focus on plumbing, namely, sinks. Recently, it is round options that are in vogue, so let's take a look at them.


To begin with, let's outline the main advantages of a round sink over any other model. The main plus is the form.

Due to this structure of the shell, the water does not create splashes, but flows down smoothly.

Another advantage is low level of injury. This device there are no corners, so there will be nothing to get hurt.

The advantage is also the variety in installation, material of manufacture and dimensions, which will be discussed below.


In fact, there are a lot of materials for making round shells, we will analyze the most basic ones.

Faience and porcelain

The most popular materials for the manufacture of such products. They are less expensive, easy to maintain and don't build up dirt. The durability is quite high. Special coatings make these sinks shiny in every sense of the word.


Elegant on the outside and fragile on the outside. Products made from this raw material look very beautiful and will suit any interior. The price is quite high, but the durability is poor. Due to the fragility of the material, such products must be carefully monitored.

Ceramics and acrylics

Enough durable and cheap options. Ceramics weighs quite a lot, but they are beautiful in appearance, and acrylic has a drawback in the form of frequent scratches, so this material needs special care.


Lightweight, not quite expensive and picky to use. The only downside is that detergents and hard water can corrode these washbasins.


Stylish yet expensive solution for bathrooms with matching interiors. The surface of such a product can be well protected using various varnishes and special products. The high price is due to the fact that it is not simple, but mahogany that is taken for production, which will look great under a layer of varnish.


This refers to two types of material, namely: natural and artificial stone. The first one is durable, rather expensive and requires special treatment with protective substances against moisture and microbes. The second is not inferior in strength, is much cheaper and does not require special processing.

Installation method

This is something that will directly affect your sink, so take the installation type very seriously.


Mounting type where the sink is installed in the wall using multiple brackets. Looks pretty nice if you have somewhere to attach... There is only a nuance, namely: the location of the pipes. It is better to close them so that the structure is without unnecessary features.


Here the unit is directly connected to the cabinet in which the sink is installed. A hole is made in the countertop, in which there will be a washbasin. It looks nice, takes up almost no free space. The difficulty lies in the rather lengthy installation.


This type of attachment is similar to the previous one, with the only difference that the sink is installed over the countertop. Thus, water will not leak into the cabinet. This type of installation is quite expensive.

Dimensions (edit)

Since the design of these washbasins is round, there is no problem for manufacturers to create a variety of sizes. First of all, you need to consider how you will use such plumbing.

For domestic purposes, it is better to use a deeper and wider variation, the height of which will be 70-80 cm.

The width also depends on the method of use. Everything here is individual, but there are many options, so choosing a round sink for each user will not be a problem.

Manufacturers and selection criteria

The main manufacturers of sanitary ware are companies from Poland, Italy and Germany. Their quality is at a fairly high level, there is a fairly large assortment. But also do not forget about domestic counterparts. Maybe they don't have this quality, but they are a little cheaper and can last for a long time.

    When buying such plumbing pay attention to the fasteners and all the parts that are required for installation. It happens that the pipes in some cases are difficult to hide physically. And also be responsible when choosing a mixer, because there are also many of them, and they are designed for different functions.

    A round washbasin needs to blend in with the rest of the bathroom to complement and embellish the room.

    You can learn how to choose the right sink-bowl for the bathroom from the video.

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