Bathroom sink

Small bathroom sinks: description of types and features of choice

Small bathroom sinks: description of types and features of choice
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Species overview
  3. Dimensions (edit)
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Manufacturers
  6. Criterias of choice

Not all of us can boast of a spacious bathroom. But it is precisely the limited area that often becomes a huge problem - you need to think over the competent arrangement of furniture, so you have to save on something. This is especially true for owners of apartments with a separate bathroom.

But sometimes the area does not allow to accommodate even the most necessary things. For example, a small bathroom might not have room for a sink. But do not give up the washbasin, even if it seems that there is no place for it. Today on sale you can see a huge number of miniature sinks that will save space. Let's talk about them: what are their pros and cons, and how to choose the right one.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before choosing a plumbing item, you need to familiarize yourself with its qualities, advantages and functions. Therefore, we will analyze the pros and cons of a small bathroom sink.


  • takes up little space due to its miniature size;
  • it is possible to install a mini-sink both in the bathroom and in the toilet;
  • a small sink is very easy to install, while maintaining the beautiful appearance of the product without visible communications;
  • it is easy to use unnecessary space - a miniature washbasin can be hung in a corner, above a washing machine, built into a toilet bowl, and so on;
  • the mini sink is easy to clean due to its size;
  • the low price for these products allows you to choose not only the desired size, but also the shape and design.

But there are also some disadvantages.

  • The smallest sinks are not very user-friendly.Of course, you can easily wash your hands, but it will be more difficult to wash or brush your teeth.
  • Due to its small size, water can splash and even flow out at high pressure.
  • Such a sink has very few functions - even soap cannot fit on some, and you can only draw water into a ladle.

Each item has pros and cons, but which sinks to give preference to is an individual matter of each. However, in some bathrooms, a mini-sink is simply irreplaceable.

Species overview

As mentioned above, miniature shells are varied. To find the right option, consider the main types of small washbasins.

They are determined by the method of installation and by the form. Let's start with the types of installation.

  • Suspended - This is the most common washbasin model. Convenience is that it is possible to install the washbasin in any place you want with little or no damage to the space. But, of course, not everyone can cope with its installation. It will take some professional skill to keep the sink securely in place. Another disadvantage is the visibility of the pipes, but they can be masked with a hanging cabinet, which will provide additional storage space.
  • Outdoor, or tulip sink. This sink can also be seen in many homes. The washbasin is mounted on a pedestal, which ensures secure fastening and the ability to hide communications. Basically, this is how standard-sized sinks are installed, but there are also miniature options with a thin leg.
  • Mortise sink - the one that is built into the cabinet or countertop. For a small bathroom, a cabinet is still preferable. The sink can be partially or completely embedded in the cabinet. This washbasin looks very noble and has many useful functions.
  • Countertop washbasin also attached to any base (cabinet, tabletop, console, table). Very easy to install and stays securely on the base. But at the same time, the price for such products is quite high.
  • Sink combined with other furniture. This option is found on the market somewhat less often than the previous ones. This sink can be mounted on a horizontal loading washing machine or even on a bathroom, which will save enough space. And also recently one interesting model of a toilet with a sink built into the cistern has become popular.

Forms can also be different.

  1. Square the sink is the most convenient to use, since even the smallest model will not allow spray to scatter around the room, especially if the sink is built into the countertop.
  2. Rectangular the model is a little inconvenient to use, but it saves space very well.
  3. Round and oval sinks are preferred in small bathrooms. They save space due to the rounded corners and provide safety - in a small room, you can get caught on the sink and get hurt by sharp corners.
  4. Triangular sinks are mainly placed in a corner to save space, but can also be hung or mounted on a countertop.

Dimensions (edit)

Shape and color play a small role, it is more your preference in terms of design. But if you need to save as much space as possible, then it is important to consider the size of the washbasin.

The parameters of a standard bathroom sink are 60 cm long and 40 cm wide. Miniature washbasins are much smaller. Approximate parameters of mini-sinks: length 20-40 cm, width from 18 to 30 cm, and as for the depth, it is better to choose deeper models for convenience - about 25 cm or more.

Materials (edit)

The material from which the sink is made must have some necessary qualities: strength, durability, resistance to external influences and an attractive decorative appearance. But there are not only common ceramic models on sale. Let's consider other possible materials, their pros and cons.

  • Porcelain. Porcelain products do not corrode, although they are quite fragile. The smooth surface does not allow dirt to accumulate. Still, heavy weight and high price are significant disadvantages.
  • Faience. A faience washbasin is analogous to a porcelain product. These sinks are the most popular because of their affordable price. However, the surface of such a sink is not always perfectly smooth, which contributes to the accumulation of dirt. In addition, scratches and chips often appear on budget sinks. But with a careful attitude, such a product will last quite a long time.
  • Marble. A marble sink is not a cheap pleasure, but the price is justified by the quality and aesthetic characteristics. The natural stone washbasin is robust, durable and looks luxurious. Of the minuses - a lot of weight, difficulty in installation and sometimes porosity, which can cause difficulties in maintenance.
  • Fake diamond. An affordable substitute for natural stone is artificial, while practically not differing in appearance. The advantages are low cost and smooth surface. The disadvantage is fragility.
  • Glass. Glass sinks no doubt look dignified and elegant, especially matte or patterned items. But, despite this, the high price is not their main drawback. The most difficult thing is to keep this sink clean, as water droplets and soap can remain on the walls, which is very noticeable on the glass surface.

Glass is fragile, and if dropped on the sink it can chip, scratch or crack.

  • Metal. We are used to seeing metal sinks in the kitchen. But it turns out that they have a place in your bathroom too. The price for them is low, they are very durable, the product is easy to care for. And also on sale you can find washbasins in different stylistic inclinations. But there are several drawbacks: scratches may appear, the shine disappears over time, and you also need to monitor the cleanliness of the sink so that streaks do not appear.
  • Wood. Wooden sinks are much less common due to the fact that they are handcrafted and go through many processing steps to be water resistant. In addition, the maintenance of such a product will not be cheap, since it needs to be restored every few years. Sink care must be taken with care so as not to damage the protective coating.


If you want the sink to serve you as long as possible, then pay attention to the well-known manufacturers of mini-sinks: Jacob Delafon (France), Duravit (Germany), Laufen (Austria), Roca (Russia and Spain), Simas (Italy). If you are a little on a budget, then you can choose a washbasin from the domestic manufacturer Sanita.

Criterias of choice

    When buying, it is important to consider some of the nuances.

    1. To make the bathroom look harmonious, choose sinks that match the overall style.
    2. Please note that the use of the washbasin must be safe. Check your store for an overflow hole.
    3. Purchase a sink with the calculation of free space in the bathroom, if possible, choose deeper models.
    4. The sink must be functional, so it is better to choose more comfortable standard product materials. Make sure there is a place to store items.

    Choose reliable manufacturers so as not to overpay after a product breaks down.

    How to choose a bathroom sink, see the video.

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