Bathroom sink

Sink over the bathroom: features, types and tips for choosing

Sink over the bathroom: features, types and tips for choosing
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Species overview
  3. Materials (edit)
  4. Selection Tips
  5. Beautiful design examples

The sink is one of the main elements of the bathroom. It is no less important than, for example, the bathroom itself or the shower. However, sometimes, when purchasing an apartment, new owners are faced with the fact that this element is absent in the room. Or, perhaps, you just want to replace the sink with a new one, or completely change the entire interior.

It will take a lot of time to select the right washbasin, because many criteria must be taken into account: affordable cost, reliability, functionality, appearance and combination with other interior elements. We will try to make it easier for you in this article, where we will tell you about the different types of sinks, depending on their design, as well as the material of manufacture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most often, when there is no separate sink in the bathroom for one reason or another, you can do without it. However, having a shell in itself is a huge plus. Its main function is that it should be convenient to wash over it. Agree, doing this over the bathroom can be inconvenient, especially for tall people.

The sink over the bathtub makes this process much easier, but it also has certain drawbacks. Firstly, it takes up free space, which is very important in conditions of insufficient spaciousness of the bathroom. Secondly, the overhanging shell also requires some maintenance.

But these disadvantages can be attributed to any plumbing, and they are negligible. Most of the advantages and disadvantages of shells are associated with the characteristics of specific varieties and the materials of their manufacture. Therefore, we turn to the analysis of each of them.

Species overview

Like many other interior details, washbasins are divided into several varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. The selection of bathroom sinks is more varied than the selection of kitchen sinks. Let's take a look at the main types.

  • Suspended - the most standard and widespread type of sinks. As a rule, it is located on the wall and has special holes for fastening. It can also be installed on a pedestal.
  • Console - a washbasin already built into the cabinet. This type was very popular at the end of the last century, but it remains in demand today. All piping elements connected to the sink are hidden inside the cabinet behind the doors. Many consoles also have legs.
  • Built-in - the next stage in the development of the previous variety. It is more comfortable, functional and attractive. The cabinet is additionally equipped with drawers and a free space where you can store accessories for the bathroom and, for example, for cleaning.
  • Miniature - a sink perfect for small rooms. By its design, this type is practically no different from standard washbasins, but at the same time it has smaller dimensions. Most often, mini-sinks are installed in toilets of various institutions and offices.
  • Tulip - washbasin with a bowl-like shape. The stand on which the sink itself is located hides the elements of the pipeline underneath, so there is no need to think about how to disguise them otherwise. This type is distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Thanks to this, you can find a tulip washbasin for any bathroom.
  • Water lily - a type of washbasin that allows you to compactly place all the interior elements. It is installed at a certain height so that a washing machine can be placed under it. This arrangement saves space. Often this method is also used for the arrangement of kitchens.
  • Consignment note - the most modern and efficient variety. At the same time, it is original, attractive in appearance and comfortable. It can be placed on any suitable surface, including cabinets, stands and shelves above the washing machine.

But an overhead sink requires a certain amount of free space so that various accessories and accessories can fit next to it. Therefore, such models are installed mainly in spacious bathrooms.

Additionally, several types of shells can be distinguished, depending on their shape and location:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • semicircular;
  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • corner.

All of them differ from each other in their convenience, efficiency, requirements for the arrangement of the room, as well as in their pros and cons. For example, mini-sinks save you space, but it will not be very convenient for an adult to wash over it. And overhead sinks, for all their convenience and ease of installation, do not have holes for a mixer.

Materials (edit)

An important criterion that you should pay attention to when choosing a washbasin is the material from which it is made. In terms of variety, the choice of materials is practically not inferior to the choice of varieties, which we described above. However, they also have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Bathroom sinks are made from the following materials.

  • Ceramics - includes porcelain and earthenware. The most common washbasin materials. Ceramic sinks are highly sought after by buyers due to their affordable price, high quality and smooth surface. They also fit very well into any interior.
  • Metal - namely stainless steel. It is strong and durable. But the surface of such a sink is easy to ruin if you clean it with powder detergents. And metal washbasins are noisier than others. A loud sound occurs when a stream of water falls on a steel surface.
  • Marble is the most expensive material. But such sinks can boast of their chic appearance. They are perfect for decorating a rich home. And to save money, you can choose an imitation marble washbasin. Outwardly, they hardly differ, but the second option has a less smooth surface.
  • Glass - an original design solution for interior decoration in the bathroom. Despite the perceived fragility, such a sink is difficult to damage, because it uses high-strength glass to make it. The disadvantages include the high cost, as well as the need to constantly look after the washbasin, because any traces and smudges are visible on the glass.
  • Wood is the least commonbut original stuff. Such shells are more of a decorative function. Like glass ones, they require constant and careful maintenance. Externally, treated wood looks more like plastic.
  • Fake diamond - outwardly looks like natural materials, which include onyx, marble and granite. But their cost is more affordable. Thanks to this, for a reasonable price, you can equip a chic interior. In addition, shells made of natural stone differ in a variety of shapes and colors.

Washbasins made of composite materials, which are rapidly gaining popularity today, should be singled out separately. They most often include granite, quartz and acrylic. These materials are highly resistant to various temperatures and chemicals. At the same time, they retain their appearance without requiring careful maintenance.

Selection Tips

When choosing a sink, first of all, you should take into account the area of ​​your bathroom, and at the same time allocate a specific place for placement. For example, if the bathroom is spacious enough, you can choose a console or an overhead model, which will not only perform basic functions, but also become an interior decoration... In a small room, somewhere in the "Khrushchev", you can place a corner sink or a compact tulip. As a last resort, you can always purchase a mini-washbasin.

If you have already decided on the type and size, you should think about the appearance of the sink. It should be in harmony with all other plumbing fixtures. This will not be a problem if you purchase a ready-made bathroom set. But, firstly, it is costly, and secondly, most often there is a need to change only the washbasin.

The main role in the selection of a sink for the interior is played by its color. If the bathroom is made in a classic style, you can choose white colors without hesitation. In other cases, you should take an interest in current trends and find out which colors are best combined with each other when it comes to the bathroom.

However, appearance is not as important as reliability. Experienced plumbers recommend choosing sinks with overflow holes. They eliminate the likelihood of flooding in the event of possible blockages in pipes.

Beautiful design examples

A simple and elegant example of a corner washbasin built into a headset.

    A striking example of the location of the countertop sink. It looks quite unusual, but original.

      A classic tulip washbasin that fits into any decor.

        Sinks made of marble or artificial stone look like greetings from the 19th century.

          A very unusual wooden sink.

            Compact placement of the washbasin above the washing machine in a small area.

              How to choose a sink, see below.

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