Bathroom sink

Sizes of bathroom sinks

Sizes of bathroom sinks
  1. What are the widths?
  2. Height and Depth
  3. Non-standard options
  4. How to choose?

Today on sale there are a variety of models of sinks, designed for installation in the bathroom. It can be difficult to choose the ideal option in a huge assortment - you need to pay attention to a large number of criteria, and the size is one of them. The sink must necessarily fit the room in size, otherwise there will be a lot of problems with its installation and operation. In this article, we will consider what the parameters of these plumbing products are, and we will figure out how to select them correctly.

What are the widths?

When choosing a high-quality and easy-to-use washbasin for the bathroom, one must take into account all its dimensions. Both the height and the width of the plumbing are important, since it will depend on these dimensions whether the device will "enter" the room of a certain quadrature. Let us consider in more detail what are the standard parameters of the width of the shells.

30-40 cm

Modern sink models with the specified parameters ideal for small bathrooms, as they belong to the mini category... Such products are in great demand, because in most city apartments the bathroom is not very spacious, and there is simply no place for a large washstand.

Small models of sinks with a width of 30-40 cm are installed not only in small apartments, but also in offices. Often people buy such a compact plumbing to equip an additional washbasin in the toilet.

The main advantage of such products lies in their modest size, thanks to which they do not clutter up the space, making it cramped and uncomfortable.

Sinks with a width of 30-40 cm, although they easily fit in small bathrooms, are not the most convenient in operation due to their miniature size... When using a small bowl, water can be heavily sprayed, which does not suit many owners of plumbing of this type. If you install such a small sink in the bathroom, you are more likely to get a modest washbasin in which it will not be very convenient to wash your face.

In stores, you can find not only straight, but also angular models of mini-sinks. Such products are usually installed in a free corner of the room. It's a safe bet for tiny rooms where every inch counts. Usually, corner models are installed on a special pedestal leg and are not equipped with additional storage systems (drawers and cupboards).

50 cm

Models with a width of 50 cm are in the standard category. The specified parameter is considered optimal for a conventional washstand. Using such a plumbing device, people will not be faced with splashes flying in all directions, as is the case with miniature bowls - here all the water will remain within the sink.

Today in stores you can find sinks with a width of 50 cm, complemented by pedestals. This is a great option because it will serve not only as a device for washing, but also as a convenient storage. In the nightstand under the bowl you can store household chemicals, cosmetics and other little things that are needed in the bathroom.

The washbasin models with a width of 50 cm are designed for standard-sized rooms. In tiny rooms, there may not be free space for them. Similar products are presented in a rich assortment.

Mortise, overhead, and suspended copies of different colors are on sale.

60 cm

Many shops sell sinks with a width of 60 cm. These types of products are suitable for large bathrooms. They cannot be installed in a very small room.

In operation, these models are one of the most convenient, since they have a large bowl, in which it is very convenient to wash without unnecessary splashes.

Washbasins with a width of 60 cm are also available in a rich assortment. There are both straight and angular models. The varieties with a curbstone and on legs are especially popular today. Usually bedside tables in these products turn out to be very spacious, so you can keep not only various little things in them, but also larger things. These can be towels, a pair of bathrobes, or other items the household needs. Thus the interior of the bathroom becomes more functional and less cluttered, because all unnecessary can be hidden in a spacious closet.

Height and Depth

When choosing a sink for a bathroom, one must take into account not only its width, but also the parameters of height and depth. According to experts, the optimal depth of the products under consideration varies from 48 to 61 cm. If you want to make sure whether a particular model is comfortable, just stand next to it and extend one hand.

If the sink ends at the level of your fingers or in the center of your palm, then this model will suit you.

It so happens that the depth parameter of the sink is not indicated in the technical documentation, in which case this point must be checked with the seller in the store. Feel free to ask all the questions that interest you, because even an extra 2 centimeters can affect the fact that the sink turns out to be unsuitable for your bathroom. As a result, the item will have to be returned to the store and go in search of another option, and this is a waste of time.

The height of the shell is also important. Buyers often have difficulties with this parameter. This is due to the fact that the height of all family members is usually different. In such a situation, it is necessary to consider regulatory documents, which indicate suitable indicators of the height of plumbing for users of different age groups.

It is considered that the standard height of a washbasin for an adult user is 80 cm (from the floor to the side of the product). For the younger members of the family, it is necessary to select sinks, the height of which is 60 cm. Models with a height of 70 cm are ideal for teenagers.

It is not always possible to buy a separate sink for each family member, therefore a standard height of 80-85 cm was highlighted. True, this standard is not fixed anywhere. According to experts, it is much more convenient for the stronger sex to use models with a height of 94-109 cm from the floor, and for women - 81-91 cm.

Non-standard options

Non-standard washbasins are usually made to order. They are purchased for furnishing creative bathrooms.

Instances with non-standard parameters are also found in stores. For example, you can find shells, the width of which is 80 or more centimeters. Such options are the most convenient to use, but are considered large, therefore they are suitable only for very spacious bathrooms.

Products of this type are double with 2 bowls or a large table top.

If you want to decorate a spacious bathroom in a more interesting and original way by installing a double sink model there, then you should consider that there must be at least 90 cm between the centers of the two bowls. Otherwise, if you use this product together, you will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder, which is completely uncomfortable.

How to choose?

Let's take a look at how to choose the right washbasin for the bathroom, so as not to make a mistake in buying.

It is important to take into account the correspondence between the dimensions of the room and the plumbing. You should not buy a medium or large sink for a very small room in the hope that there will be free space for it. Even if such plumbing fits into a tiny room, it will be inconvenient to use it. The washbasin can block access to other objects in the interior.

Before you go to the store, it is important to choose the place where you will install the sink. It needs to be measured. The device should not interfere in the room, block the passage. Only knowing all the parameters of the bathroom, you can not be mistaken in the size of a suitable sink.

Be sure to make sure the model you choose is suitable for your depth. How to check this parameter, it was indicated above. Check all specifications before making a purchase.

Of course, when choosing the right washbasin not only its size is important, but also its design. The product must harmoniously fit into the existing environment, without knocking out of it. The materials for making the shell are also important. Choose unpretentious and durable options. Today, faience items are especially popular, which are inexpensive, presented in the widest range and are easily cleaned of dirt.

If it is difficult to choose a bathroom sink on your own, you should contact sales consultants for help.... Experts will help you find the perfect product based on the dimensions of your bathroom. Feel free to check the item before purchasing. The sink must be free from damage and any defects. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with all the accompanying documentation of the product you like in order to check the declared parameters.

It is recommended to purchase quality sinks from reputable manufacturers. Branded products are accurate, look better and last longer. This does not mean that the thing will be expensive - many branded sinks are quite affordable.

The store consultant will tell you how to choose the right sink for the bathroom in the next video.

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