Bathroom sink

Corner sinks with a vanity unit in the bathroom: varieties, recommendations for choosing

Corner sinks with a vanity unit in the bathroom: varieties, recommendations for choosing
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Varieties
  4. Bowl shapes and sizes
  5. Materials for making
  6. Color solutions
  7. Selection Tips
  8. Examples in the interior

Personal hygiene plays an important role in everyday life, which is why you need to be careful when choosing a sink. A large number of models of various shapes are presented on the modern market, but corner options are in high demand. Such models are functional and comfortable. They can be easily installed even in the smallest bathroom. You will learn more about corner bathroom sinks in this article.


There is a bathroom in every house and apartment, without it it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. A sink should be in every bathroom, since without it it will be difficult to wash your hands or wash your face. Corner washbasins with a vanity unit are suitable for both spacious and small spaces. They can be installed in any free corner, and a small cabinet under the sink will help create additional storage space.

For the corner model, you can choose a corner or square wall cabinet with mirrors and one or more doors. Mirrors visually expand the space and make the corner lighter and more organic.

To choose the optimal model, it is important to take into account many factors: from the type of model and its shape to materials of manufacture and colors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all interior items, corner sinks have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the positive aspects of the design.

  • in such a sink it is easy and convenient to wash your hands and wash your face;
  • in the curbstone you can hide communications and pipes;
  • it will be an excellent place to store household chemicals and other bathroom accessories;
  • there are options in various sizes on the market, so it is easy to choose a corner sink depending on its size;
  • if necessary, the cabinet can be equipped with a built-in laundry basket;
  • it is easy to choose a washbasin and a cabinet of the right color scale and in the right style, so this element of the interior will become not only a functional addition to it, but also a decoration.

The disadvantages of this design are much less, but they are still there. Corner models are attached to two walls, so the latter must be strong. Suspended pedestals must not be attached to walls sheathed with plasterboard.


The modern market offers a wide selection of models, which are divided depending on several factors.


  • Built-in. It is understood that the sink comes immediately with the countertop. It is convenient to select such models, because you do not have to take into account the size of the cabinet or sink and look for another part of the kit by these parameters.
  • Overhead. Surface models are mounted directly into the cabinet. They can be of different sizes and shapes. In general, built-in washbasins are the same size as the vanity unit.
  • Separate. Most often, such models have an unusual shape and are mounted on the upper surface of the cabinet.


Due to the fact that more and more attention is paid to the interior of the bathroom, manufacturers have created a number of designs with different installation options. This variety simplifies the process of selecting and installing a sink. Let's consider the main types.

  • On legs. This model is the easiest and most convenient to install. It is easy to carry and does not require additional fastening. What's more, the legs can be adjusted in height.
  • Suspended. Such designs are characterized by the absence of legs or a stand. They attach directly to the wall, making installation more time consuming and complex. However, the walls in the room must be strong. Suspended models have a light and interesting appearance.
  • On the plinth. Such options are installed on the floor using a special design. The floor must be level, otherwise the sink will wobble. The installation process is also simple. Experts advise periodically ventilating the cabinet, since all communications are hidden there and an unpleasant odor or mold may appear.
  • On a pedestal. Such structures have a special bar that closes the space between the cabinet and the floor. Such designs hide all the imperfections of the floor and pipes. From time to time it is necessary to remove the plank and wipe the floor under the furniture, as a lot of dust and dirt accumulates there.

Bowl shapes and sizes

The size of the sink bowl is chosen depending on the availability of free space for its installation and the parameters of the cabinet. The main parameter of sinks is their width. Let's consider the most popular values.

  • 30 cm. These are mini-sinks that are convenient only for washing your hands. Therefore, they are rarely installed in bathrooms, but are often used for separate bathrooms.
  • 40 cm... The 40 cm wide versions, as well as the 30 cm models, are best suited for toilets, as washing is not convenient. Corner options can be square or round.
  • 50 cm. Such designs are convenient to use and do not take up much space. They are installed in small bathrooms, where every centimeter counts. Most often, these models are made in the style of minimalism.
  • 60 cm. Sinks with a width of 60 cm are considered the most suitable for use in the bathroom. They are large enough that it is very convenient to wash your hands or wash your face in them.
  • 70-90 cm. These sinks are installed in spacious bathrooms because they take up a lot of space. They are easy to use.

Moreover, they are complemented with large cabinets, which allows you to create a lot of space for storing household chemicals and other bathroom accessories.

Corner models can vary in shape. The most common are square options. But no less popular are oval and round models. There are also triangular sinks on the market. And if you decide to purchase a separate sink, then it may have an unusual shape. Volumetric sinks look nice, but they are less convenient than traditional options.

Materials for making

The choice of material for the manufacture of furniture should be treated with special care, since the strength and service life of the model depends on it. Let's consider the most popular materials for making shells.

  • Faience and porcelain. Sinks made of such materials are a traditional solution that does not lose its relevance due to its attractive appearance, good quality and long service life. A smooth earthenware or porcelain surface always shines, making it bright even with the most laconic and simple design.
  • Stone and glass. For the manufacture of such structures, both natural and artificial materials can be used. Many people are afraid to buy glass products because they consider them too fragile. But thanks to modern production methods, glass becomes strong and durable. All glass models look light and stylish. And stone options have a noble and rich appearance.
  • Metal and alloys. Structures made from these materials are rarely found in bathrooms. They are distinguished by their durability and strength. These options can be added to any modern interior.
  • Acrylic. Acrylic models are lightweight, robust and stylish. The material is not afraid of aggressive detergents and does not deform under the influence of high temperatures. However, over time, small cracks may appear on its surface, but they are difficult to notice.
  • Polymer. This is a fairly new material that is hygienic and durable. Polymer compounds are resistant to high temperatures and are not afraid of chemicals. Moreover, it comes in many colors.

Color solutions

The most common color for bathroom sinks is white. Such models have a stylish appearance and are able to complement the interior in any chosen style. Moreover, most often plumbing is chosen in white, which implies the presence of a sink of the same shade.

Other popular solutions are gray and beige colors... Such models look gentle and restrained. They complement modern interiors well; it is easy to match the rest of the plumbing to them. Black washbasins look stylish and catchy. They are suitable for modern styles such as minimalism.

Models made of natural stone look expensive and unusual. Also an interesting solution will be a wood-like structure. Especially well such models complement the classic interior or design. in eco-style.

Painted models are often found. They can be of any color and pattern. The choice of a particular option depends on the style of the interior and personal preferences.

Selection Tips

The choice of a sink for a bathroom is a responsible matter, since it is important to choose not only a beautiful, but also a functional element. Let's consider the most important factors that influence the choice of plumbing.

  • Manufacturing material... It must be durable and durable. The service life of the sink depends on this and how long it will retain its appearance.
  • Color and style... It depends on how harmoniously the sink will look in your interior and whether you will be pleased with the design of your bathroom.
  • The form. She is chosen depending on personal preference.
  • Dimensions. This factor is important to consider in the first place. It depends on the availability of free space and the area of ​​the room.

Examples in the interior

The snow-white sink and cabinet will be a good complement to the restrained interior in white and gray colors.Such plumbing looks bright and makes the room visually lighter.

For a dark interior in black and red colors, you can choose a snow-white sink and cabinet.

    A rectangular corner cabinet with a small round sink will be an excellent addition to a calm classic style. The sink and the surface of the cabinet are made of white-gray marble, which perfectly matches the gray finish of the cabinet.

    How to choose a bathroom sink, see the video.

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