Bathroom sink

Hanging sink in the bathroom: types and installation rules

Hanging sink in the bathroom: types and installation rules
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Overview of types and sizes
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Manufacturers
  6. How to choose?

Today, manufacturers offer a huge number of different types of sinks for furnishing a bathroom. Among this list, it is worth highlighting suspended varieties, remarkable for their characteristics and appearance.


Plumbing of this kind is not a new generation product, since such washbasins were commonly installed in residential and public premises during the Soviet era. However, today sinks of this category, made by modern manufacturers, have undergone some external changes, in light of which they have become inherent in individual characteristics that distinguish them from the range offered on the market.

Hanging sinks in the bathroom are in great demand today, therefore they compete with other sanitary ware models. New products now have the following characteristics.

  • Unlike Soviet counterparts, hanging sinks can now be attached in several ways. This moment has a positive effect on the functionality and versatility of the products.
  • Modern models allow you to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the bathroom, hiding to the maximum all the supplied communications.
  • The products offered on the market stand out for their neat and compact shapes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Improved options for suspended plumbing have inherent positive and negative properties that need to be considered when consumers study such models.

The advantages of hanging washbasins.

  • Today, it is quite possible to install such washbasins on your own without the involvement of specialists. This feature will allow you to save on some mandatory expense items when carrying out repair work in a home.
  • Hanging sinks can be classified as a versatile product that can fit into any interior, become an important and functional component even in a small bathroom.
  • The offered assortment today allows you to purchase a washbasin of any color, material and shape. The lack of restrictions has a positive effect on consumer demand.
  • A corner or standard wall-mounted sink is notable for its small size. At the same time, the compactness of plumbing does not reduce its functionality.
  • Thanks to its design, a lot of free space remains under the washbasin, which makes it possible to competently and usefully use the entire usable area of ​​the bathroom.
  • The absence of protruding communications has a positive effect on the attractiveness of the bathroom.

However, this design is not without some disadvantages:

  • the main disadvantage of such products is the need for a solid base for fixing the sink in the room;
  • a large number of designer sanitary ware is on sale, which will have a high cost.

Overview of types and sizes

Today manufacturers classify bathroom fixtures of this kind as follows.

Classic hanging model

Products of this kind are notable for their standard shapes and sizes. Plumbing is an ordinary sink, which is fixed directly to the wall in the bathroom.

Sinks with a cabinet or cabinet

Quite a popular product category in demand. Installation of the purchased structure does not cause any difficulties, and the possibility of rational use of free closed or open space under the washbasin is the main advantage of the proposed products. In addition, in the inner part of the cabinet it is possible to successfully mask all the supplied communications, and the pendant model will look attractive and interesting.

There is a free space between the cabinet and the floor, which makes it easier to clean the room.

Plumbing placed on a pedestal

The second name of the structure is "tulip". Wall-hung washbasins in this category are fixed to the wall without the need for any stands or brackets. Most often, ceramics are used as a material for the manufacture of such sanitary ware, since natural raw materials, such as marble or granite, will be quite difficult to install such structures.

Designers recommend a similar option for large bathrooms, such plumbing will create an atmosphere of lightness, and also designs of this type look very elegant and attractive.

Washbasin with additional functionality

Such varieties provide for the presence on the surface of a place for placing hygiene products without a cabinet, various toiletries. In this case, the installation of the sink is carried out in a standard way, without the use of additional structures.

Surface-mounted washbasin

The sink in this version will be superimposed on the hanging bathroom furniture. It is also possible to use a special stand with or without drawers.

Built-in sanitary ware

This option will require the obligatory presence of furniture, in which the installation of the selected washbasin model will be carried out. After the completion of the work, the bowl, together with the working surface of the structure, forms an integral space. Thanks to a cabinet or other type of furniture used, it will be possible to hide all communications, in addition, there will be a place in the free space for storing various objects and things.

Based on the possible shapes, pendant models can be as follows:

  • corner varieties;
  • large size rectangular sinks;
  • oval models;
  • square double models;
  • asymmetrical washbasins.

A common feature for all types of hinged sinks is the absence of sharp edges, which has a positive effect on the ergonomics of the bowls. In addition, it will be much easier to take care of such plumbing fixtures.

The dimensions of hanging sinks are another important nuance that allows you to classify products into several groups. The standards for each variety assume that the sizes of the models will be as follows:

  • category "maxi" includes washbasin models with a width ranging from 60 to 150 centimeters, most often products with a width of 80 cm;
  • to the class "standard" include bowls, the width of which is usually from 55 to 60 cm;
  • mini sinks are manufactured in the size range from 30 to 50 cm.

In addition to the width, when studying the dimensional grid of wall-hung bathroom sinks, the depth of the products produced is also taken into account. As a rule, it can range from 25 to 50 centimeters.

Such a parameter is a criterion from an individual line, in light of which each consumer considers the most convenient sink for himself based on personal preferences.

Materials (edit)

Before purchasing a hanging bowl for bathroom furnishings it is necessary to study the proposed range of models in terms of raw materials used for the production of sanitary ware. Today, manufacturers offer customers a wide variety of products from different raw materials, each of which has its own individual characteristics. Among the most suitable materials that stand out for their high wear resistance, relevant for plumbing, the following are worth highlighting.


This category may include bowls made of porcelain or earthenware. Such sinks are notable for their attractiveness as well as their high cost. Porcelain washbasins will have a uniform surface and higher wall densities. Faience washbasins do not have such a uniform surface, in addition, the density values ​​of the material will also be an order of magnitude lower.


A demanded raw material for the manufacture of modern bathroom fixtures. Hanging glass sinks are popular due to their visual appeal, as well as resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion. Washbasin manufacturers now offer bowls to consumers made of matte or transparent material. On a surface there may be a pattern, various decorative elements.

A natural stone

An attractive material that is used for the production of expensive sanitary ware. Most often manufacturers make washbasins from onyx, marble, travertine. The unique texture of the surface gives the sanitary ware a luxurious look, in addition, products made from natural materials stand out for their hygiene, as well as strength and durability. Among the disadvantages of such bowls, it is worth noting them. considerable weight, requiring the presence of pedestals or pedestals for installation.

Fake diamond

Wear-resistant and durable material that has no less attractiveness than the previous type of raw material. Such plumbing will be characterized by ease of maintenance, resistance to chemicals. These sinks in the range of products offered are presented in a wide variety of colors.


Hanging sinks made of metal are represented by bowls made of bronze or copper, stainless steel. The demand for such raw materials is determined good performance in terms of appearance, in addition, metal sinks have high performance. Washbasins made of non-ferrous metals are very often purchased for furnishing bathrooms in oriental or Mediterranean styles. However, metal bowls will require specific approach to care.


Among the list of popular brands offering wall-hung sinks on the market, the following manufacturers occupy the leading positions.


The company offers products manufactured Poland, which is represented by oval washbasins with inlets located in the center for fixing the mixer and overflow. Models are made from sanitary ware, in addition, the surface of the bowls is covered with glaze. The varieties of sinks are predominantly white, and there are corner sinks.


Czech sanitary ware presented on the market with classic bowls and asymmetrical versions of wall-hung bathroom sinks. Products are produced made of cast white marble.

Valleroy & Boch

A sought-after brand of high-quality luxury sanitary ware. The sinks of this manufacturer stand out for their high quality, resistance to mechanical damage. Suspended models are notable for their small dimensions and attractive shapes.

Plumbing can be used as a stand-alone unit or as a built-in bowl.

Jacob delafon

World famous high quality sanitary ware made of ceramics. The sinks stand out for their affordable cost as well as modern design. The models are designed for installation in furniture, as well as for use as free-standing plumbing fixtures.

How to choose?

To find an attractive and practical wall-mounted washbasin for your bathroom, in the process of studying the proposed products, it is recommended to take into account the following nuances.

  • When studying the available varieties of hanging bowls, it is necessary to take into account the size of the bathroom, as well as the area allotted for the installation of the sink. Designers for the economical use of useful bathroom meters recommend for combined bathrooms to choose corner options with a curbstone or other compartment below, which can be used for storing important things. For spacious bathrooms, you can choose classic models, tulips, bowls with a pedestal.
  • Considering suspended plumbing, you should also pay attention to the reliability of the surface to which the selected model will be attached. If a redevelopment was carried out in the bathroom, then the place for the installation should not be chosen near the drywall partitions, which cannot cope with such a load.
  • In the process of choosing a sink, you should pay attention to the features of the material from which the products are made. Each raw material has its own individual characteristics that relate to subsequent care and operation.
  • Preference should be given to trusted brands with a good reputation in the plumbing market.

When choosing a wall-mounted washbasin, it is recommended to additionally check the compatibility of such a model with the existing inlets of the main communications, the location of the valves, as well as the possibility of the presence of additional fixtures for the sanitary ware nearby.

For information on how to choose a bathroom sink, see the next video.

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