Bathroom sink

Bathroom sinks: types, sizes, materials and selection

Bathroom sinks: types, sizes, materials and selection
  1. Types of sinks
  2. Manufacturing materials
  3. Shapes and sizes
  4. Colors and designs
  5. Popular brands
  6. How to choose?
  7. Successful examples in the interior

The technical equipment of the bathroom must be functional and aesthetically pleasing. For this reason, when arranging bathrooms, attention is paid to every element of the interior, including washbasins. The material in this article will acquaint readers with the varieties of these products, their shapes, dimensions, design, as well as the nuances of choice.

Types of sinks

Bathroom sinks come in a wide variety. They can be classified according to several criteria. For example, according to the type of installation, products are suspended or cantilever, floor-standing, mortise, desktop and solid-cast. Each type has its own characteristics.

Console models easy to install and use, practical, good for bathrooms of different sizes. Hanging varieties fastened to brackets or dowels. They save space, but do not hide the communication pipes. Console data are different. By the type of execution, they can be straight and angular. Variants of the first type are used in spacious sanitary facilities. Corner-type counterparts are chosen for small bathrooms.

Floor-standing options are considered as such conditionally, since they are also attached to the wall, but at the same time the pedestal stands on the floor. Products with both a pedestal and a semi-pedestal find their buyer. The variants of the sinks on the pedestal include the tulip. The bowls on the supporting leg hide the plumbing line. They are installed in bathrooms of different sizes. In addition to them, there are flat modifications of water lily shells with different designs on sale.

In some models, washbasins are part of the furniture. They can be mounted in a tabletop, floor or hanging cabinet. Built-in sinks can have top and bottom fixing types. In fact, these are built-in and semi-recessed sinks with full or partial immersion in the countertop. Semi-recessed versions partially protrude beyond the edge of the reference plane.

When buying such bowls, you need to take into account the sealing of sinks at the attachment points with a work plane.

Modifications with the upper type of fastening rest against the table with the sides. Products with the bottom fastening method are built into the worktop flush (recessed into the work panel). Furniture mortise structures are convenient for the presence of storage systems for hygiene items.

Installation of countertop washbasins is extremely simple and does not take much time. Overhead washbasins in the bathroom are not suitable for every type of countertops and cabinets. Despite the variety of shapes and design variability, they are demanding on the stability of the supports.

In addition, in the assortments of manufacturers there are modifications of the combined type, the so-called solid-cast ones. These sinks are integrated into the worktop of the table. By the number of shells, they are single, double and triple. For the bathrooms of city apartments, the first options are more often chosen. For spacious bathrooms - the second.

Deserve special attention wing models... Such sinks are left-sided and right-sided. The presence of an additional panel allows you to place the necessary hygiene items on it. Basically, these are cast-type options, mounted on cantilever shelves, floor stands or tall stands.

Towel rails can be an additional element of the sinks.... These modifications are optimally convenient, easy to install and maintain, and have an ultra-modern appearance.

Sinks also differ in the way of fixing the mixer. Depending on the model, the structures are monolithic or with ready-made holes for the installation of cranes. They can be of different configurations and sizes.

Models with installation above the washing machine are equipped with a horizontal siphon, corrugated outlet and fasteners. They are attached to the wall, using small bathrooms for the arrangement of wash areas.

The advantages of such products are durability, low noise level, ease of maintenance, durability and affordable price. Their main disadvantage is the mounting height, which is not so comfortable for users.

Manufacturing materials

In the production of bathroom sinks, leading brands use different raw materials (marble, granite, steel, ceramics, glass and even wood). The type of material determines the performance and durability of a particular product. Therefore, in the production of sinks, they often try to use materials with high resistance to moisture and mechanical shock.


Porcelain and faience products are in great consumer demand. Each material is based on white clay (kaolin). However, its amount varies, as does the firing procedure. This explains the different properties of porcelain and earthenware sinks.

Outwardly, they are similar, but they are durable.

Earthenware models are not so resistant to accidental mechanical stress.

In addition, they have a porous structure, due to which they quickly become dirty and poorly cleaned. Their significant advantage is the price that is available to a wide range of buyers.

Products can have a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Porcelain modifications have a smoother surface texture.

The disadvantage of ceramic models is their heavy weight. In addition, over time, the surface of the glazed layer of these products may crack.


Glass sinks are not only unusual but also aesthetically pleasing. They are distinguished by their spectacular design, fit perfectly into the modern interior of bathrooms, and can be complemented by built-in and external lighting. They are made of tempered glass resistant to scratches and chips. Glass bowls are inert to water and mold.

Such sinks are resistant to temperature changes, their strength is higher than their ceramic counterparts. They are insensitive to chemicals, have a smooth surface and do not absorb odors. The sinks are airtight and can have both classic and extraordinary designs. However, unique models are very expensive.

Glass is able to endow any interior with an atmosphere of lightness and airiness. The texture of the material can be transparent, matte, monochromatic and printed.

The disadvantage of glass sinks is the need for more frequent cleaning. Any dirt and stains are visible on their surface. Do not remove stains with abrasive products.


Several manufacturers produce stainless steel bathroom sinks. Due to nickel and chromium, which are part of the alloy, it is possible to obtain products with high strength characteristics. These sinks, although not so popular and specific, have a long service life. In addition, they are resistant to corrosion, robust and insensitive to accidental mechanical shock.

In comparison with other analogs, they are easy to clean, inert to temperature changes, and can have different shapes. However, over time, yellowness appears on the surface of steel shells (plaque from hard water). The noise from the pouring water stream is also considered a disadvantage.


In the production of certain types of bathroom sinks, marble, travertine, granite, as well as marble and chalcedony onyx are used. Products made of cast marble are distinguished by high external characteristics. Onyx partially transmits light, resulting in a beautiful play of color shades.

Granite sinks are very durable and durable. Due to their chic appearance, they can become a decoration for the interior of an elite bathroom.

These products differ environmental friendliness and durability. They are insensitive to temperature changes, easy to clean and resistant to mold and mildew.

A significant disadvantage of natural stone products is their weight. As for analogs made of artificial material, the acrylic varieties are devoid of this drawback. Besides the light weight, they are easy to install, characterized by high wear resistance, strength and hygiene. Their main disadvantages are insufficient resistance to temperature extremes and scratches.


Despite the instability to constant contact with water, wooden sinks are considered one of the elite types of bowls for washing. In the course of production, valuable types of wood are used, processing it with special moisture-proof impregnations.

This plumbing is not intended for intensive use.

However, washbasins with an unusual shape are an exquisite decoration for an exclusive bathroom interior. They are especially appreciated by lovers of decorative delights. For example, such models can be designed as sinks-troughs, driftwood products, differing in linearity or, conversely, asymmetry of shapes.

Rare specimens of shells are made from a thermowood. Its hygroscopicity is reduced by 5 times. Such products are resistant to decay and temperature changes. In addition to this type of material, stained wood and even petrified wood are used in production. However, chemical treatment deprives the wood of environmental friendliness.

Shapes and sizes

The shapes of sinks for the arrangement of wash areas can be varied. It can be bowl-shaped, round, with different geometries - triangular, oval, rectangular, semicircular, square, trapezoidal and even multifaceted. Besides, the shape of the bowl can be flat, shallow, deep, unusual spiral, elongated, designed for 2 mixers.

In addition, the shape of the facade may differ for the models. In laconic versions, it is linear, for semi-cut type products it can be round, faceted and asymmetric. In this case, models can have high sides along the contour of the bowl or along its sides. Other modifications have a two-level panel that can be used to accommodate the necessary hygiene items.

As for the size of the bowls, they are selected individually, taking into account their own needs.... Shells can be wide, narrow, typical, asymmetrical, small, medium and large. Standard width parameters are 55-65 cm, depth range varies from 44 to 60 cm.

The classic height is considered to be from 13.5 to 15 cm. The optimum comfortable width (distance from the front edge to the back wall) is 50 cm.

The standard also includes models with a width of up to 70 cm. Products less than 40 cm are considered compact, they equip sanitary facilities with a small area. The length of large models can reach 80-90 and even up to 100 cm. Models over 60 cm are considered deep.

Colors and designs

Bathroom sinks come in a variety of colors. Most often, white products are on sale. They go well with plumbing fixtures and other furniture, and are suitable for decorating bathrooms in any interior style. Along with this, it has recently become fashionable to equip the interior with plumbing fixtures in shades characteristic of conveying the atmosphere of a particular style.

The color of the sink can be wood, graphite, concrete, silver-gray, brick, sand, amber, chocolate, mustard. Some models are painted in gray, blue, beige, pink, green and even black. Less commonly on sale are found shells of red and burgundy colors. There are also beautiful color options with drawings of different themes.

The texture of the sink surface can be matte, glossy, interspersed with sparkles and volumetric images. The theme of the drawings is different. It can be marble stains, woody patterns, floral and plant motifs, imitation of a carved pattern, ethnic ornaments. Drawings can be located both on top and inside the bowls.

Solid options can be decorated with drawings in the style of Gzhel or even Khokhloma. Looks beautiful in the interior of ethnic bathrooms and bowls, decorated inside with drawings with Indian motives. The glass sink also looks original, the surface of which is decorated with a spider-web pattern. Models with three-dimensional patterns of swimming fish perfectly convey the desired atmosphere.

Other models are distinguished by the design of the form. It can be either regular geometric or non-standard. For example, these can be options made of glass with an openwork edge, glass sinks-plates of a concave shape, options in the form of stones with recesses, products-funnels.

Popular brands

The choice of bathroom sinks is truly varied. The buyer can choose any option, up to a design model that will emphasize a certain style of the interior. Among the rich selection of offers, it is worth noting several leading manufacturers who have achieved high customer ratings.

  • Roca Is a world-renowned manufacturer of sanitary equipment, distinguished by high quality and the widest range. It manufactures products for various stylistic solutions, wall and floor types, console bowls and pedestal-mounted modifications.
  • Jacob delafon Is a French brand that appeared on the Russian market in 1994. Manufactures sinks and washbasins for bathrooms with a complete set and various connection methods. Differs from competitors in the presence of a line of models for people with disabilities.Delivers to the market classic designs for adults and children.
  • Gustavsberg Is a brand with a rich history, specializing in the production of porcelain shells. The difference from competitors is a special protective type of bowl coating, thanks to which the surface is not exposed to contamination. The range consists of sinks with right and left tap holes.
  • Jika Is a Czech manufacturer of bathroom fittings, delighting customers not only with standard models, but also with products from author's collections. Offers high quality products at affordable prices, in addition to standard models, produces products for children and people with disabilities.
  • "Aquaton" - a domestic manufacturer of bathroom sinks with geometric shapes, optimal quality and durability. Manufactures products for a wide range of customers with different budget options. Offers models with different configurations, including cabinets of different sizes for storing cosmetics and hygiene products.
  • IKEA Is a world famous brand that produces models of sinks with laconic shapes, suitable for the arrangement of wash areas in a modern style. Offers products at reasonable prices, differing in average dimensions.
  • Cezares - an Italian brand that manufactures shells with original shapes and designs. Produces models to create a modern and retro design atmosphere. In comparison with other competitors, it produces expensive plumbing fixtures, but this is fully justified by its quality and performance characteristics.
  • Gala Is a Spanish manufacturer that produces bathroom sink models with extraordinary designs and shapes. Produces high quality products suitable for the embodiment of modern interiors. Models of optimal sizes are relevant for the arrangement of bathrooms in city apartments with different areas.

How to choose?

When choosing this or that model for arranging your own bathroom, it is necessary to take into account a number of criteria (for example, the place of passage of pipes, shape, dimensions, type of fastening). The product must fit well into the interior of the room. The unity of style must be expressed in the design and shape of the washbasin. Besides, ergonomics must also be taken into account. The product should be easy to use.

It is important to choose an option that is easy to clean, unproblematic in repair and maintenance.

Besides, the product must be comfortable and safe. When choosing a model, you will have to pay a lot of attention to the type of attachment and shape.

When choosing a sink for a bathroom, you need to take into account its dimensions. Not only length and width are important, but also depth.

Small shells may spill water. Mini-models under the countertop are suitable only for tiny bathrooms, but it is difficult to call them comfortable. The style of the sink and its design are selected in such a way that it matches other fixtures and fittings. In this case, it is desirable that the shade of the bowl is identical to the tone of the bidet, bath or toilet. This will create the visual effect of a single ensemble of plumbing equipment.

In an attempt to save space, you can also choose the option of a sink with installation on a washing machine. When choosing this option, you need to think over the installation method and the availability of space for installation. To relieve the space under the sink for the washing machine, you should think about buying a solid sink or a model with a wing. Both options will make the placement of the technique more aesthetically pleasing.

When choosing this option, you need to take into account the width of the working panel - it should not be less than the width of the washing machine being installed.

The exact choice of style is also of great importance. For example, for ecodesign, it is important to use sinks imitating a tree or natural stone.To equip a spacious bathroom in a classic style, a double sink with a beautifully elegant countertop and gilded faucets is suitable. Cup-shaped sinks with a metal texture will fit into the modern design.

The color of the product should not blend in with the background of walls or furniture. So the plumbing loses its expressiveness, the interior seems rustic and even boring. You need to choose the right contrasting combinations. A sink installed on a countertop in a contrasting shade looks much more interesting. With a total deficit of space, it is more expedient to install an angular model of the bowl, and solve the lack of space by replacing the bathtub with a compact shower cabin.

When choosing individual models, additional options are also taken into account. For example, other modifications have supports equipped with slats for towels. Do not forget to correlate the height of the installed products with their type. For example, modifications of the mortise and overhead types with the same height of the floor stand will be located at different levels. And if mortise is always convenient, then the operation of invoices may not seem very comfortable.

Furniture washbasins are selected taking into account the shape of the rest of the furniture. At the same time, the type of sinks can be different (cut-in, recessed, overhead, with traditional or semi-cut installation). In this case, the location of the pipes is also taken into account, as well as the presence of holes for the mixers, their location and number.

Successful examples in the interior

A harmonious choice of bathroom sinks will make it a bright and expressive accent in the wash area of ​​any bathroom. We offer 10 successful photo ideas that demonstrate the limitless design possibilities of washbasins in different styles of interiors:

  • examples of choosing a sink on forged supports with a shelf for storing necessary things;
  • a backlit washbasin for a hanging shelf, chosen for a modern bathroom;
  • an overhead bowl in the interior of a minimalistic bathroom, made in light colors;
  • decoration of the washbasin area with a glass countertop with rectangular sinks in gray;
  • surface-mounted metal sink in the interior of a small bathroom in a city apartment;
  • model with brown solid top, chosen for the compact washbasin area;
  • an example of choosing a glass round sink for a hanging countertop with an original pattern;
  • an interesting solution for choosing an asymmetric white washbasin with a towel holder and a small washbasin for hygiene products;
  • a variant of a curved sink with an imitation of a semi-cut bowl, chosen to accentuate the wash basin in a modern design;
    • selection of a corner model in a compact white color, matched to a bathroom with a complex perspective.

    In the next video, you will learn how to choose the right sink for your bathroom.

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