Bathroom sink

Built-in sinks in the bathroom

Built-in sinks in the bathroom
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Materials (edit)
  4. Shapes and sizes
  5. Design
  6. Manufacturers overview
  7. Selection Tips
  8. Examples in interior design

The times of the washbasin of the same type are gone: today the focus of attention is built-in washbasins. They are multifunctional and have a number of advantages. In the article, we will consider their advantages and disadvantages, dwell on the varieties, production materials, and also note the key nuances of such plumbing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Built-in sinks are bowls that are installed in cut-out holes in the tabletop or roof of the floor stand. Their level coincides with the work surface or rises above it by 2-3 cm. Such sinks can be built into a base made of different materials. In comparison with other analogs, they have a number of advantages.

  • Due to their compactness, they save valuable centimeters of usable area - this is good for small-sized bathrooms.
  • They are practical and ergonomic. When installing them, there is room for organizing storage systems; inside the curbstones, you can store detergents and personal hygiene items.
  • The bowls are easy to install; a beginner can handle the installation. This saves on calling the wizard.
  • The models are variable in terms of shape, which is good for furnishing the interior of any interior design.
  • The products are easy to clean. Due to recessed into the tabletop, they are protected from dirt and accidental mechanical damage.
  • Modifications do not restrict the buyer to create a washbasin with an unusual design. With them, the shape of the table top can be not only linear, but also round, oval, curved.
  • The washbasins have a different type of installation. They are suitable for both conventional floor-standing and wall-mounted cabinets with different internal filling.
  • They are aesthetically pleasing, do not need to be fixed to the wall and allow you to increase the surface of the table in the wash area.
  • Products vary in price, if you wish, it is easy to buy a worthy option, taking into account your own preferences and the budget planned for the purchase.

Along with the advantages, built-in sinks have several disadvantages.

  • Variants with protruding sides are inconvenient to clean. Dirt can get stuck in the seams.
  • Not all products are resistant to accidental mechanical damage, they can crack from impacts.
  • Some of them are heavy, which requires the correct choice of mounting type and base material.
  • Bowls cannot maintain their attractive appearance for long if the water in the water supply system is dirty and rusty.

These are models for custom-made headsets, which increases the cost of the overall set of furniture.


Built-in washbasins for bathrooms differ in the type of installation. They can be built-in and semi-built. The built-in bowl is characterized by complete sinking into the worktop. Semi-recessed, half installed. However, in each case, their auxiliary fixation to the adjoining wall is not required.

The built-in type options for the commit method are divided into 2 types: recessed top and bottom. Sinks, cut-in from above, are placed in the sawn-through opening of the countertop. In this case, the top with sides rests on the table. The outer sides of the worktop prevent the sink from falling through and moving.

The disadvantage of top-mounted models is vulnerability of the junction of the washbasin with the surface of the table. This problem has to be solved by means of a sealant. The lower type of installation is distinguished by the location of the sink flush with the countertop of a suspended or floor stand. This type of installation is notable for the fact that the mixer can be installed on either side.

In the lines of manufacturers, there are also modifications of the combined type. In fact, these are sinks integrated into the work surface of the table. On store shelves, they can be presented in the form of single, double and triple modifications. At the same time, countertops are sometimes supplemented with panels that increase the work surface. Thanks to the solid surface, the options with monolithic bowls are easier to clean than others.

Materials (edit)

Different raw materials are used in the production of mortise bathroom sinks. Based on this, the aesthetic and operational qualities of products differ.

Ceramics and faience

Ceramic and earthenware washbasins are considered optimal in terms of cost and quality. They are sold in any specialty store and can be traditionally white or colored. Materials are considered hygienic, products made from them do not lose the freshness of the original shade for a long time. The disadvantage of such materials is fragility: from sharp blows, they become cracked.

Fake diamond

Artificial stone products are in great demand. They are aesthetically attractive, significantly increase the status of the bathroom interior, and are distinguished by their strength and durability. Sinks are easy to clean, have a smooth surface type, and are variable in design and color.

However, such products are more expensive than ceramic and earthenware counterparts.


Despite the wide range of modifications, metal washbasins for the bathroom are rarely bought. In their production they use stainless steel, copper, brass and even cast iron. More affordable options are stainless steel, they fit perfectly into the loft, modern and high-tech styles. Products from other materials are bought to create a bathroom interior retro design.


Glass products are produced much less often in comparison with hinged and overhead modifications. They are made with a monolithic table top, since it is impractical to build transparent glass bowls into opaque materials. Such products are expensive, although they look extraordinary, bringing an atmosphere of lightness and airiness into the interior.... The disadvantage of glass is the need for frequent cleaning, any dirt is visible on it.

Natural stone and wood

Such modifications are referred to as elite plumbing. They are expensive, matched to the appropriate interior with expensive furnishings and finishes. However, most models are manufactured in a monolithic solution. It is not easy to buy separate cut-in bowls.

Shapes and sizes

Built-in bathroom sinks come in a variety of shapes. They are:

  • round;
  • semicircular;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • curly;
  • asymmetrical.

By the type of location, they are divided into standard and angular. Bowls with an angle are relevant for small-sized rooms, they significantly save space. Rectangular options today are often purchased for installation in pendant cabinets in the interior of elite and economy class. Square counterparts are considered more ergonomic, they give the interior austerity and laconicism.

Often, not one, but two sinks are used in the interior of the bathroom. Moreover, their shape can be both square and round, oval and streamlined. Asymmetric options allow you to create an interior with a curly countertop shape. For example, it may have a protruding semicircle.

Product dimensions vary depending on the width of the size range.

For example, oval varieties can have dimensions of 475x630, 570x410, 585x450, 605x485, 540x440 mm with a depth of 200-400 mm or more. The dimensions of rectangular analogs can be 520x433, 320x525 mm with a depth of 175-450 mm, square ones - 433x433 mm.

The diameter of round modifications can be 433, 465 mm at a depth of 175-180 mm, 430 mm at a depth of 200 mm. The dimensions of the monolithic type modifications can be up to 800 mm in length with a total width of 450 mm. The length of the corner models in the front can be 365 mm with the sides of 320 and 220 mm. There are models with a 495 mm long bowl with 350 and 500 mm sides and 155 mm deep.


Design solutions for built-in washbasins can be very diverse. For example, sinks can be teardrop-shaped, trapezoidal, straight or wavy. Depending on the shape, color and the correct selection of fittings (mixer and taps) products can fit into any direction of interior design.

For example, for the embodiment of oriental style oval and rectangular models are appropriate. These sinks are characterized by their laconic and minimalistic design. Clear forms, simple lines perfectly emphasize the characteristic features Asian interior styles.

Options for implementation classic interior composition are streamlined. These are oval or round shapes, gilded, bronze or silver fittings in an antique design. The shape of the bowls is preferable deep; it can be made of stone or modern materials. Along the edges it can have a pattern in the form of an imitation of stucco molding.

Built-in sink in a modern bathroom can be technologically advanced. For example, a sink can be complemented by lighting fittings, which gives the interior a special charm and expressiveness. Bowl materials can be artificial stone, faience, ceramics, glass.

For the embodiment of ethnic interiors, modifications of the symmetrical type are chosen. The bathroom fixtures are white, built into the antique design floor units. Particular attention is paid to the choice of mixers: their appearance should be similar to old plumbing fixtures, and have flowery shapes. The bowls can protrude above the countertop surface.

Moreover, their fittings should, if possible, match the handles of the installed furniture and cabinet.

Manufacturers overview

Many companies are engaged in the manufacture of built-in washbasins for bathrooms. Among them, there are several brands, whose products are in great demand among customers.

  • Roca - a Spanish manufacturer that produces not only the usual shapes of sinks, but also asymmetric models of high-quality washbasins for bathrooms.
  • GSI and Galassia - Italian brands that produce high-quality sanitary ware for a wide range of buyers, distinguished by a wide price range and laconic design.
  • Ideal Standard - a Belgian company that produces single and double-type models with narrow and wide sides, round and square, designed for interiors of bathrooms of different status.
  • Jacob delafon - a French manufacturer that produces laconic and elegant models of sanitary ware for bathrooms of different sizes, characterized by sophisticated geometry.
  • Vidima Is a Bulgarian brand that manufactures products with the latest technologies and reliable mechanisms in the spirit of European traditions, models with a practical design at an attractive price.

Selection Tips

When choosing a recessed sink model for your bathroom, you need to consider a number of criteria. In addition to the aesthetic component, their performance is important. Special attention should be paid to the dimensions of the bowl. The functionality of the product will depend on them.

In the assortment of stores, you can find options with dimensions from 40 to 90 cm.The optimal dimensions will be values ​​in the range of 55-60 cm.The total height of a product built into the worktop usually varies from 40 to 60 cm. The smaller the bowl, the more likely it is to splash water when washing and brushing your teeth.

The fixation of the shell is also important. According to the design, a design option can be conceived with a bowl protruding beyond the front border of the cabinet, the type of installation from above or from below. In this regard, the buyer decides for himself which method is preferable for him. More practical options are a monolithic plan, slightly protruding ones are more difficult to wash, and flush-mounted ones are considered the best solution.

The color scheme depends on the choice of the color of the entire plumbing. If it is white, the sink will be the same, as the bathroom fixtures will look like a single ensemble. However, if the design intends to use glass elements, you can buy a transparent sink.

When buying a product, you need to pay attention to the fittings: some models need an additional siphon.

Examples in interior design

We suggest referring to the examples of the photo gallery, which clearly demonstrate the design capabilities of the built-in washbasin.

  • Round washbasins with curved countertops in neutral bathroom interiors.
  • Top washbasin with simple design metal fittings.
  • The rectangular sink in the cabinet in white is a stylish accent of the loft style.
  • Installation of the sink flush into the wall-mounted worktop-shelf.
  • A variant of mounting the sink from the bottom of the countertop, a play of contrast between the white bowl and the brown color of the table-shelf.
  • Worktop design with semi-recessed bowls in white and round in a marble look.
  • An example of installation of a sink with top embedding in a shelf located in a niche in a bathroom.
  • Washing the wash area with a mortise sink.
    • Countertop design with one built-in rectangular washbasin and two mixer taps.

    For information on how to choose a sink for the bathroom, see the next video.

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