Professional hair combs

Beautiful hair is every woman's dream. How much effort and money do women spend on making their hair lively, silky and take on a stunning look. To do this, they have to put a lot of effort, acquiring a variety of hair care products. Combs play an important role in this line of hair care products.

Modern women often visit beauty salons, where they entrust the care of their hair to professionals. Of course, they want to achieve the same gloss for their hair at home as in the salon. Therefore, very often women purchase professional hairbrushes. There are many varieties of them, since each of them is intended strictly for specific purposes: painting, drying, styling. And already based on the variety of purposes, professional combs are divided into types and models.

Professionals of modern fashion create quite a lot of collections of combs that can be easily applied by a master in a beauty salon or by any woman at home. Among them, it is worth dwelling on the most popular models:
This is a line of professional hairdressing tools that is renowned for producing quality hair care products. The popular model of the Charisma brand is the Carbon Antistatic series of carbon combs. The teeth of the comb have a special structure that facilitates the combing process, they are durable, practical, and easy to use.

The combs of this brand provide delicate hair care, intended for professional use.
Tangle teezer
An innovative model that has won a pedestal of honor among buyers for its unusual shape, unique structure. Specially formulated for combing tangled hair. It is suitable for treating both wet and dry hair, and is also a handy help if you need to apply the hair care product evenly along the entire length.

The comb itself is made of plastic and the teeth are made of silicone. As for the design, it is worth noting that this model is small in size, it does not have a handle, which allows it to perfectly fit into a miniature women's handbag.
This model in action - in the next video.
In contact with the skin, it improves blood circulation, provides massage to the scalp. If you use it often enough, then you will remove dead skin particles, stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, and normalize the metabolism of the sebaceous glands. This model stimulates hair growth, prevents hair loss, and adds shine.

This model is oval and rectangular. The teeth are made from different materials: horse hair, boar hair, plastic, wood, nylon. Often, the teeth of these combs end in balls in order to avoid injuries during brushing.
For styling
This model is designed for styling. Its surface is represented by a relief resembling a human skeleton, hence its name - skeletal. It is made in such a way that during styling the best air circulation is carried out, protecting against possible burns and overheating of the scalp. The teeth are long and sparse.

At the same time, the skeletal comb combes the strands well without injuring them, it is suitable for creating root volume.
With the help of thermal brushing, wet hair is styled, drying it with a hairdryer, the comb has a round shape. Used by professional hairdressers and at home. It is designed to add volume to the hairstyle, as well as to style the hair beautifully, securely fixing the hairstyle. The working surface of the comb retains heat when heated, which, in fact, works like a curling iron, but in this case allows you to style in a more gentle way.

It is good if the coating of the brush is ionic, it prevents the curls from electrifying during drying.
Wood comb
Experts often recommend this particular type of comb for daily hair care. Their main purpose is leaving, untangling the strand. Wooden combs have a lot of useful properties. They perfectly massage the skin, improve blood circulation.
The tree reduces the electrification of the strands, prevents fragility and the appearance of split ends. Wood combs are so popular among buyers because they are famous for their environmental friendliness, because they are made from pure wood that does not contain varnish, paint or any other chemicals. The material for them is most often oak, pine, juniper, birch, cherry.

Also, accessories made of wood have a number of healing properties, such as relieving stress, depression, and soothing headaches.
Materials (edit)
Professional combs differ not only in their functional accessories, but also in the material from which they are made, consider some of them in more detail:
- Carbon fiber. They are made from carbon fiber. By their structure, they are quite lightweight, heat-resistant, antistatic. They provide easy combing, do not injure the hair structure, as well as the scalp.

- Plastic. Sufficiently lightweight, flexible models. But they are not suitable for frequent use, as they harm hair, which begins to flake and become brittle. Not all models are antistatic.

- Silicone. Models made from this material are ideal for cutting and coloring. They are strong enough, but flexible at the same time.They are resistant to chemicals, ultraviolet exposure, non-allergenic, have a beneficial effect on hair follicles and scalp.

- Celcon... The product made of this material is characterized by mechanical strength, elasticity, and resistance to chemicals. They are ideal for styling and adding volume to your hair.

- Rubber. They very carefully care for the strands without damaging them, since the teeth undergo the necessary processing and become quite smooth. They have strength, flexibility and operational reliability.

The most popular brands of professional combs are the following: Salon Professional, Salon Elite, Japanese.

Salon Professional
Salon Professional has long become famous among competitors and buyers, they have produced many products for hair care at home and in professional conditions, among which the most popular models are the unique Harizma combs.

Japanese hairbrushes are also quite popular, as their quality has always been at its best. Among the models of this brand are the elite Y.S. Park combs. They are recommended for people prone to allergies, they take care of their hair as carefully as possible, they are most often used by professionals for cutting and styling.

Salon Elite
Among the most popular manufacturers is Salon Elite, which produces the famous Tangle Teezer combs. In a very short time, these combs have conquered millions of women. They are extremely practical to use and provide ideal care for any hair: long, short and even curly.

How to choose?
There are many combs, choosing the right one for yourself, at times, is very difficult. When choosing a model, you should first of all take into account that the comb should be for every day, therefore, it should be as convenient as possible in terms of its functional component, so that, with its help, you can easily bring your hair into a neat look.

For long hair, a wide massage comb with natural teeth is best. For curly ones - a large comb with sparse teeth is suitable. For thin ones, on the contrary, you should choose models with frequent teeth. For damp and often tangled ones, a comb with different lengths of teeth is best.