How to deal with depression after a breakup?

People meet, fall in love, and then a joint pastime begins. But after a long relationship, a breakup can occur. It is always unbearably painful for both men and women. Depression strikes with lightning speed, engulfing every part of the body and soul. It is imperative to fight this condition, and if it does not work out on your own, you need to seek help.
How to determine if there is a problem?
Yesterday, the whole world seemed open, and the sun's rays filled the entire room. Today, when there was a separation between people who were in long-term relationships, this colorful world has disappeared. The pain of the soul does not subside, despite the fact that you are trying very hard to appease it. Tears welling up in my eyes. Others, on the contrary, have a lump in their throats, and "dry" eyes look "nowhere."

These are signs that you have psychological problems. There is obvious depression. It developed against the background of the fact that you have lost a part of yourself, namely: a loved one. Together with him, faith in his own strength, faith in the future went away. You are now afraid that you will never be able to love anyone again. And if you fall in love, then the same situation may be repeated with you - a break in relations will come.
It is not worth even thinking now that new problems may come with new feelings. Moreover, at the moment you are experiencing severe suffering, and the feelings for your former soulmate have not yet exhausted themselves. Today you will definitely not have the slightest desire to get acquainted and start an affair with anyone else. This is normal.Therefore, in any case, do not panic and do not think that all the good things that could still happen in your life are already over for you.

At this stage, it is important to recognize and realize the problem that you are not in a very good emotional shape. And when the realization comes that you fell into a stupor after stress, then you can begin to act further.
Most importantly, admit to yourself that you are very nervous right now. It is this factor that will be the impetus for a way out of a negative situation. Do not stop yourself from experiencing, but at the same time make your experiences conscious. This is the meaning of the beginning of rehabilitation.
Depression stages
After parting, the emotional state is expressed in different ways in different people. Some are unable to worry and suffer for a long time. Optimists force themselves to quickly forget about what happened grief, finding new hobbies for themselves.
Others, on the contrary, can live with pain in their souls for more than one year. For a small number of individuals, this experience remains like a splinter and lasts throughout life. It all depends on the character of the person.

Therefore, there are three main stages of the depressive state.
- The first stage is denial. Sometimes it passes unconsciously, as it is considered a defensive reaction. Thanks to this property, the human psyche cannot be subjected to a very strong negative impact and thereby protects a person from more serious consequences, such as psychosomatics. Simply put, in this situation, our consciousness does not specifically perceive the negative factors that affect our mood.
- The second stage is the aggressive state. When the first stage passes, there comes a period when a person wants to act. Since the consciousness is still in some shock, side effects may develop against this background. The offended person cannot think of anything and begins to get angry. You need to get rid of this feeling, because anger can not lead to anything good. Problems are not being solved, but are growing like a "snowball".
- The third stage is the lethargic state. Also does not carry anything good. At this time, a person does not care, and he does not want to perceive the surrounding reality. The world is seen in gray colors. This state can end very quickly if a person is strong in spirit. If the person is prone to sluggish depression, then apathy can last for years. And some individuals may suffer from this condition all their lives.
Each person has his own uniqueness. This factor must be considered when treating depression. The main thing is to prevent the development of various complexes after a person has experienced loneliness after breaking up a serious relationship.

This important point should never be overlooked. If the complexes remain, then the personality can radically change its behavior.
For example, a person may become aggressive towards himself or the people around him. Here the situation can develop according to different scenarios.
- The offended person will begin to take revenge and it does not matter to whom and why. The goals can be different. Here everything can end very badly. Both the avenger himself and the one to whom he wanted to take revenge will suffer. Fierceness will make a person unbearable for the people around him. Friends and relatives can turn away from him. Loneliness will increase the problem. And then, you may need medical attention.
- Another option is the victim complex. It is also the most difficult condition of the offended person. In this case, the individual becomes passive and sincerely believes that it is his own fault that such a misfortune happened to him. These conditions can quickly worsen. If you do not take any action, then it will lead to a complete denial of everything positive that is in life. One becomes a nihilist. It is difficult to fight this state of mind, therefore it is better not to allow such an outcome of the case.

How to get out of this state?
For those who experience this situation for the first time, for example, a girl (boyfriend), it is especially difficult to get through depression. It is important here to avoid more serious consequences such as suicide. Therefore, parents should be careful with their children.
The general efforts of close people are needed so that a person can get rid of an obsessive state. A specialist will help to cope with this problem. However, not everyone has the opportunity to resort to his help.

A loved one can help you avoid depression. And for this he can use the following tips.
- First of all, you need to change the environment. Go on vacation or visit close friends in another city. There you will get positive emotions, and the environment will not remind you of your old relationship. And if you are lucky, then perhaps there you will meet a new love. Be optimistic and believe in it.
- Forget about your ex. It's hard to do, but it all depends on you. If you really want it, then everything will work out. The sooner you convince yourself that reuniting with your past love is not possible, the sooner you will realize that you are open to new relationships.
- After the trip, get busy with your work. It doesn't matter what kind of activity it will be, the main thing is that it completely absorbs all your attention. So you will replenish the budget and forget about your grief.
- And if there is time after a hard day, go in for sports. At the stadium you will find like-minded people, maybe you will meet new love there. Take action, don't sit still, and then you can deal with sad thoughts on your own.

- Don't eat too much. Overeating hasn't worked for anyone yet. From excess calories, you will gain weight and then no one will definitely need it. At the same time, in no case should you completely refuse to eat. If you have no appetite, use willpower. To overcome negativity, you need resources, and only a balanced diet can provide them.
- Change your appearance completely. Let your acquaintances stop recognizing you. These classes will take a lot of time, and the mood will automatically improve. It is possible that your ex will really regret not appreciating you earlier.
- It also happens that from time to time it becomes unbearable to endure the surging melancholy. Antidepressants will help to get out of this state. Seek advice from a professional doctor who will help you with the selection of the right medication.
- If your husband (wife) lives with you in the same apartment, then try to change it as soon as possible. If this process is delayed, then live temporarily with relatives or rent a house. Believe me, it will immediately become easier for you because you will not see the object that annoys you.

Don't think that you will succeed the first time. Working on yourself is a difficult process. And if you took it up, then find the strength in yourself to complete everything to the end.
Don't get emotional. They are bad counselors. Confusion, shame, anger and sadness must be replaced with joy. Yes, this cannot be done right away, but educate yourself and go to self-improvement. This will be your first post-breakup hobby that will lead you to success.
Psychological exercises
When the morning begins with the thought that your loved one will not come to you again, you need to overcome these thoughts in yourself. Just forbid yourself to think about him or her.
You are a man, or a boy, or a girl - you still have to overcome your pain of loss on your own. How you will do it, and how long it will take for it - everything will depend only on you.
Simple actions will help to avoid negative consequences.
- First of all, these are sports. There are special exercises for relieving stress. Running on the spot, breathing training. All of this can be done in the gym. A professional instructor will select the tasks you need and make sure that they are completed correctly.

- Self-improvement training will give an impetus to get out of depression. Take up yoga or start writing poetry. What you will do is not important, the main thing is that this business brings you moral satisfaction. Start knitting or sewing. Needlework will help you earn money for additional rest and will stimulate further work.
- Stop enjoying depression. Yes, maybe that is! A person, to some extent, likes to feel sorry for himself. He cries with rapture and complains to everyone around him about his unhappy fate. This makes him feel better. Relief in this case is temporary. Such a state as a drug addicts and requires more and more emotional portions. As a result, you can fall into a stupor.
- Stop being a perfectionist. How did you decide that everything should go smoothly with you? It must be remembered that all people experience difficulties. Everyone has their own, but this does not make these difficulties less easy. Therefore, accept the fact that life consists of light and dark stripes. It's just that some people know how to tune themselves to the positive when a dark streak comes, while others cannot.
Try to work on yourself, and you will understand that life is a bright thing.

- It will also help to avoid serious problems by suppressing the feelings of guilt that you impose on yourself in any situation. Why did you decide that you are to blame for this or that negative event that happened to you? Circumstances are stronger than us. We cannot control everything. Therefore, failures occur from time to time and you are exposed to some unwanted factors.
And one last thing: do a farewell ceremony for depression. To do this, write on paper all your problems and grievances, and then burn the paper. Blow the ashes into the wind.
Remember that as soon as you close the door and leave your worries behind it, your spirit world will begin to recover. Make an effort - let in new happiness.
For information on how to get out of depression after a breakup, see the next video.