Divorce: pros and cons

It often happens that divorce is the only way out of an impasse. It is possible that such a decision may be wrong. How to determine your fate and the fate of your loved one? It is not easy to answer such questions, but it is possible.
When do you need to divorce your husband?
Signs that divorce is imminent appear long before this sad event. First, a woman bears all the grievances, and then her soul begins to languish and ask not to endure such a state of affairs anymore. When young people get married, they do not think about an imminent breakup. Some live together all their lives, others may break the marriage bond the next day. Why does it depend and can it be predicted in advance? What signs should you rely on to make the right decision? The following tips will help you with this.

Physical violence
Physical abuse is the main argument that should push you to divorce. Bullying cannot be tolerated. A real man will never raise a hand against a woman. When she got married, a woman perfectly saw all the negative character traits of her future spouse. At that time, she loved him very much and hoped that everything would work out, and her husband would take up his mind and begin to correct. But time has passed, and the person has not become an ideal. Having been deceived once, you should not hope that time will pass and everything will work out. So your whole life can fly by, and in the end you will greatly regret your inaction.
If the violence continues for a long time, then it must be stopped, despite the fact that you have nowhere to go. There is always a way out if you make the final decision. Finally, in this case, contact a psychological support service for women. There you will definitely be helped to sort out your feelings. Remember that your inaction is causing your suffering and the suffering of your children.

Moral pressure, despotism
Moral abuse is also a powerful argument for divorce. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what is more terrible: moral or physical violence against a person. When a woman is constantly humiliated by her husband or nagging over trifles, then love passes and hatred sets in. Therefore, if you are uncomfortable with your chosen one, you should think about it and decide on a difficult step - a divorce.
It is possible that there will be changes in your life after this, as a result of which you will find real happiness.
Your husband has long been addicted to alcohol. In this situation, you can try to offer medical assistance and a complete cure. But if this is already a passed stage, and the person continues to sink lower and lower, then you should not waste your precious time on it. If you stay with such a spouse and continue to hope for an improvement in the situation, it is quite possible that you yourself will become addicted to alcohol over time. First, you will get depressed, and then, to take it off, try a glass. In this case, you will like it.
The swamp of life's troubles will drag on, and your family, most likely, will come to complete collapse. Everyone understands that it is difficult to live next to an alcoholic. First of all, your children suffer from this. When a man has a bottle in the first place, and not love for his wife and children, then divorce will not be an inexplicable impulse in this case. On the contrary, you will free yourself from troubles and problems.

Cheating on a loved one is another sometimes insoluble problem. It is difficult for a woman to put up with her husband's infidelity. This is humiliating and insulting. If the betrayal happened once, and the husband is very sorry and asks for forgiveness every day from his wife and children, then in this case it is worth forgiving. And it happens the other way around. The husband looks left and right. He is not ashamed of anyone. He cheats at every step and at the same time is not going to leave the family. In this case, you need to put an end to the relationship. Such a person will never be corrected, and if you forgive all the time, you can get physically sick from constant worries.
You met, it would seem, a man of dreams. You are blinded by the surging feelings. The result was a magnificent wedding. And after her, having recovered a little from the holidays, you noticed that your spouse was not what you expected. He changed beyond recognition, became rude and ill-mannered. From his side there is only moral pressure and despotism. It is difficult to agree with him about anything. The stubbornness and selfishness of your husband begins to oppress you. In this case, grievances accumulate and it turns out that the "soul cup" is overflowing with your negative emotions. Then divorce is inevitable. And you shouldn't resist it.
Over time, the relationship between spouses grows cold as a result of mutual grievances and mismatches in character traits. Further life together will only aggravate this perception of each other, maintaining family ties is impossible.
It turns out that you are very different people in your outlook on life. One person is a delicate person who loves movies and music, the other constantly disappears in the garage and is fond of technology. Sometimes it's better to part as friends than to become enemies for life.

How do you know when it's time to leave your wife?
It is difficult to come to a definite decision if there is at least some doubt. However, you should not continue to live in marriage if everything indicates that you are simply torturing yourself. There are signs by which you can determine the choice of a specific solution. Once you were carried away by your future wife, and you saw the prospect of family life in cloudless colors. After the marriage, everyday problems began. It turned out that your wife does not know how to cook at all.Moreover, she does not even strive to make your home cozy and warm. Every time he throws things all over the apartment, unwashed dishes are constantly lying in the sink, and the floors are not washed for weeks.
Of course, in this case, you can be advised to hire a housekeeper or do household chores yourself, but where do you get the money for all this? Divorce in this case is a matter of time. If the situation does not improve, then you will be glad to end your relationship with your negligent wife.
Another aspect is the wife's unfaithfulness. She cheated on you, and you do not see much remorse in her behavior. This suggests that the betrayal can happen again and again. The unfaithful spouse can leave you at any time, as soon as times get tough. Why wait for a knife to be stuck in your back? When you get divorced, you can meet a worthy woman who will appreciate and protect you.
If a wife only does her own business: does her hair, manicure, and so on, flirts with men at every opportunity, then you should thoroughly think about divorce. A selfish woman will be with you as long as you pay for all her whims. Once you lose your source of income, your wife will leave you for another, more successful man.

Another sensitive problem is when you have been married to your wife for quite a long time, and you have not made any children. A family without children has no future. If the situation is hopeless and you have been thinking about divorce for a long time, then you should not delay the decision. Thanks to a divorce, you can find happiness in a new family and make a large number of children. Perhaps your ex-wife will find a man with whom she can have children.
You have met a woman you cannot live a day without. Your legal wife has been annoying you for a long time, and you dislike her only because she lives next to you. Don't torture your soul mate. Honestly admit to her of treason and leave the family. So you will commit an honest act, and two women close to you will not suffer from your indecision at once.
You and your wife are completely different people in views. Together you are bored, and even having children does not save the situation. It has been a long time since you became so distant from each other. Because of the current state of affairs, you are depressed. Then it is necessary to make a joint decision about divorce.
A careerist wife is another problem for a man who strives for a fulfilling marriage. The strange situation is aggravated by the absence of children and the coldness of the spouse. Usually in a family where the wife is only passionate about work, the spouse is outraged that his wife is never at home. Even on Sundays, she solves the company's problems over the phone. Current household chores are of little interest to her. And conversations that you want to have children as soon as possible only irritate such a woman. Run as far as possible from such a woman. Do this while you are still young. Of course, after a divorce, you will be able to find yourself a wife who can create comfort and harmony in your life together.
There are still many different aspects by which you can determine the hot points of a relationship. You should not bring the matter to an unbearable situation. Normal people understand that divorce is not a very favorable way out of the situation, however, there are exceptions to the rule.

How to make a decision?
Making any big decisions is always difficult. But if such a test has fallen to your lot, then accept it with due courage. In this case, it is necessary to calculate all the arguments "for" and "against". Of course, you can try to save the family and put all your strength into this. The human soul is a very subtle substance. It is impossible to set it up and go against your will. Even if this does happen, then over time you will either regret what you did or fall into complete despair. Neither side needs this turn of events.
If there is a child
If there is a child in the family, often the couple will not get divorced just because they do not want to hurt him. At the same time, you constantly catch yourself thinking that you are a deeply unhappy person. You don't feel like going home after work. And scandals are becoming common. Think about who your child will grow up to if he is constantly in such a tense environment? Get rid of dubious torment and make a strong-willed decision.

If there is no love
It so happens that the feelings have cooled down so much that it is difficult for you to be near your soulmate. You feel it with all the cells in your body. Nothing here will save your marriage. Everyone knows that families have relationship crises. They should by no means be confused with dead ends. The crisis can be eliminated through collective efforts. The spouses do not want a break, they feel that they need each other, and they don’t know how to continue to lead their life together.
Psychological assistance and the desire of the spouses will help save the marriage. At the same time, a completely opposite picture is observed, when both spouses have long been tired of the coldness in their relationship. In this case, divorce is the only correct decision. For example, if a spouse announced to you that they are leaving the family for your rival or rival. There is no need to set up obstacles. You will not achieve anything by this.
Cheating on your spouse calls into question your cohabitation. Every day you hate your soul mate more and more. Pictures pop up before your eyes, where your loved one is in the arms of your rival. With these thoughts, you go crazy and blame yourself for not being able to take the step towards divorce.
In this situation, deep down, you have already decided for yourself a long time ago, just your confusion does not allow you to take a step in the right direction. Gather your strength and file for divorce. You will feel better immediately.

Psychologist's advice
If you are sure that the problems occurring in your family are not just a crisis that may arise at a certain stage of living together, then divorce will be the undeniable way out of all your problems. And, nevertheless, in order to make a final decision, it is worthwhile to understand and think over everything well. If you are a strong personality and feel that you yourself can handle the questions that have arisen, then do the following.
- Pick a time when no one is home. Turn on your favorite and calm music, sit in a comfortable chair.
- Relax and breathe evenly. Let nothing distract you from your thoughts.
- Think back to all the moments that happened while you were married to your significant other.
- Think about bad situations first. Remember the details where you were not as comfortable in your marriage as you would like.
- Then remember those moments where you and your spouse were happy.
- Think about how you will live on without your other half.
- If you have thought about breaking up and this thought makes you feel better, then it may be worth taking steps to dissolve your marriage.
- If you do not come to a definite decision, then repeat these actions after some time.
- Remember that no one and nothing can help you and decide to divorce. You must do this yourself.
Go to the voice of your soul or your second "I", that is, the subconscious. Listen to yourself and you will not make mistakes.