Marriage registration

Are witnesses needed when registering a marriage?

Are witnesses needed when registering a marriage?
  1. What is the area of ​​responsibility?
  2. Are they always needed?
  3. Who can be a witness?

Family laws and folk traditions worry newlyweds when they start planning a wedding. Most couples think about the need for witnesses. It is easy to dispel doubts, it is enough to understand what roles are assigned to these people. The presence of accompanying persons is a tribute to tradition and is not regulated by law.

What is the area of ​​responsibility?

People who stand next to the bride and groom at the wedding are needed to help. The witness begins to show herself at a bachelorette party. It is this girl who must plan and organize everything. You also need to help the bride to choose the best dress, shoes and jewelry. On the wedding day, the girl should be the first to come to the bride and help her dress up.

The witness takes care of the design and distribution of invitations to the celebration. The girl must plan the ransom of the bride and help the toastmaster to lead the holiday. If there is no presenter at the wedding, then this role is played by the witness. Also, the bride's friend helps to accept numerous gifts for the newlyweds.

The wedding can be quite stressful for the bride, so the witness provides moral support. The girl should be close to the hero of the occasion and monitor her condition, appearance. It is the witness who tells the bride that it is time to fix her makeup or hair.

Much falls on fragile female shoulders, so it is worth clarifying the role of a witness at a wedding. The groom's friend is planning a bachelor party and is monitoring its progress. He must control the groom so that he does not drink too much. Men should also choose a suit for a wedding together.

All commercial issues are resolved with the help of a witness. This man is responsible for ensuring that all guests get to the place of celebration. Organization of transport for the newlyweds is also part of his duties.

The witness must come to the groom on the wedding day and make sure that nothing important is left at home. The newlywed friend should be reminded of the passport and champagne, and the rings should be taken away for storage. It is the witness who must prepare for the bride's ransom, stock up on alcohol, small coins, sweets, funny songs and toasts.

On the holiday itself, the witness must be active and draw the attention of guests to entertainment and competitionsconducted by the toastmaster or witness. A man is obliged to monitor the alcohol in the glasses of guests and newlyweds, topping up if necessary. In between active work, the witness supports the groom on the most important day of his life, helps to accept congratulations and gifts.

Are they always needed?

Newlyweds can choose solemn and non-ceremonial registration at the registry office. The first is considered more popular because many want to remember the wedding day for life. It is customary to observe certain traditions at the ceremony. In Russia, there are two witnesses at weddings, one on the side of the bride and groom.

Witnesses should not be married to each other or to other people. Such people also do not have to take their passports with them, because their presence is not officially recorded. Organizational issues of varying complexity often fall on the shoulders of witnesses. Remember that all requirements for accompanying people are purely traditional and are not regulated by law.

A large number of couples prefer non-formal marriage registration. The Family Code does not provide for compulsory certification, so whether or not witnesses are needed when registering a marriage, only the newlyweds decide.

If you have chosen a non-ceremonial ceremony, then it is worth discussing the presence of witnesses with the registry office in advance. A misunderstanding may arise, and the close people of the couple will simply not be allowed into the registration office.

Some newlyweds go to church after the registry office. The wedding ceremony allows you to receive a blessing for your future family life. The church has its own rules that are in no way connected with family law. Witnesses at the wedding must be required. These people support the bride and groom, hold wreaths over their heads.

The need for witnesses to be present depends on how you choose to tie the knot. You can sign at the registry office together, without the presence of other people. The presence of witnesses at the wedding is only necessary if you want to pay tribute to tradition. If you go to church, then you must have trusted persons with you.

Who can be a witness?

Choosing the people to accompany you on your most important day is not easy. There are some rules to be aware of.

  1. Any person, even a relative, can play such a role. It is desirable that the witnesses have reached the age of majority.
  2. The law does not give the accompanying person any special rights or obligations.
  3. There must be a woman on the side of the bride, and a man on the side of the groom. This rule is unbreakable.
  4. At the celebration, these people stand out from the crowd thanks to special red ribbons with marks.
  5. Traditionally, you cannot call people who are or have been married.
  6. Choose friends and family you can trust. Witnesses have many responsibilities and must be punctual and responsible.

In most cases, newlyweds invite relatives or close friends to the wedding. Witnesses should support the couple morally, because the wedding is often exciting.

Do you need witnesses at the wedding, see the video below.

1 comment

A wedding is a sacrament, not a ceremony. For the sacrament of the wedding, witnesses are not required.


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