Marriage registration

How to properly submit an application to the registry office for marriage registration?

How to properly submit an application to the registry office for marriage registration?
  1. Conditions for marriage
  2. Required documents
  3. Terms and rules for filing papers
  4. How to submit an electronic application online?
  5. Special cases
  6. Is it possible to pick up the application?

A wedding is always a special and exciting celebration. Two people who love each other decide to legitimize their relationship, creating a lasting and reliable union. But for the holiday to take place, future newlyweds need to go through a number of formalities, without which it is impossible to formalize relations officially. And the main stage in this event is filing an application with the registry office.

Conditions for marriage

Such a responsible event has its own rules, which must be respected both by the future spouse and by the spouse.

  • An adult couple is allowed to register a marriage - both newlyweds must be eighteen years old. The exception is the sixteen (in some regions, fourteen) age of one of the future spouses.
  • The decision must be mutually agreed and voluntary.

The reasons why employees of the registry office have the right not to accept the submitted application can be described as follows:

  • kinship between the groom and the bride;
  • the relationship of adoption between newlyweds;
  • marriage due to threats, blackmail or other coercion;
  • incapacity of the future spouses recognized by the court;
  • the presence of one of the pair of a stamp in the passport;
  • the state of intoxication among the newlyweds when making an application;
  • minority of one of the newlyweds (or both).

Previously, the place where the marriage was registered must necessarily coincide with the place of registration. Now this condition has been canceled - the newlyweds are free to choose any Russian city: from Moscow to the countryside. The registry office does not have the right to refuse to accept documents due to the discrepancy between the place of registration, otherwise the bride and groom can write a complaint and even resolve this issue in court. It is advisable to get by with a complaint, because the term for its consideration is 5-10 days, but litigation will last about two months.

Required documents

In order to apply for marriage registration, you will need to pay a state fee. In 2018, its amount is 350 rubles (only 245 rubles will be issued through an electronic application). Only one person in a pair needs to pay for it. The procedure can take place in any bank. Thus, in the registry office you need to show a receipt indicating that the state duty has been paid. A number of some documents will also be required, which will be discussed below.

  • Of course, the application will not be accepted without the newlywed's passports. Sometimes a military ID is enough, but it is still better to provide an identity document.
  • If one of the future spouses (or both) is not yet eighteen years old, then the permission for them to register a marriage union must also be confirmed with a document.
  • If someone from the future couple was already married, then this must be confirmed by a certificate. The same applies to the situation when one of the newlyweds is a widower or widow. In the event that one of the couple is still not divorced, the conclusion of a new marriage is impossible. It is worth noting that a certificate of dissolution of a previous marriage will not be required if it was dissolved in the same registry office.
  • It so happens that the groom or the bride is a foreign citizen, then a passport is required, and all documents must be translated.

The application itself looks quite standard and is easy to fill out. The spouses must indicate their last name, first name, patronymic, place of birth and residence, citizenship, nationality, as well as passport data and data on the dissolution of previous marriages (if any). When the registry office employee checks the submitted application with the documents, it will be possible to book the date of the wedding event.

Terms and rules for filing papers

For this, there is a certain procedure that must be followed. Some couples think that they will be signed the next day after they fill out the application, and are surprised by the long wait. It is imperative to take care of such an important point in advance, otherwise the late submission of the application can cause the collapse of wedding plans, especially the date of the painting, because the bride and groom usually want to celebrate their celebration on a certain day, symbolic for both of them. If the date plays a big role in the marriage, then it is better to apply for the painting as early as possible.

The minimum waiting time in line is one month. But the registry office has the right to increase this time, so some couples plan their wedding six months or even a year in advance.

It is important to decide on the Wedding Palace. It's worth getting ready for the queues right away. Each couple wants to choose the best date for themselves, especially for the warm season - few people want to get married in slush with rain or severe frosts. Some newlyweds can even spend the night at the doors of the registry office in order to be the first in line and get the coveted date. But such radical actions should not be taken - it is better to just think about this issue as early as possible.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the selected date will be already taken or that the registry office will not work on that day, so the ceremony may not take place. For this reason, you should study the timetable in advance. For example, some hold ceremonies only from Tuesday to Thursday or on weekends. It is better to have more than one scheduled date - this way there are more chances to take the desired date. When choosing a day for a future wedding, you should take into account some of the nuances - they are described below.

It's worth considering the time of year. Of course, if the date is planned for six months or a year, then you cannot predict the weather on a certain day, but nevertheless, the choice of the month is in many ways a guarantee that nothing will darken the wedding. For example, knowing in advance that spring brings mud streams and downpours with it, you should not be guided by the date of the future celebration for March or April. Usually the bride and groom want to get married in the summer, although winter and autumn also have their own charms.

It is important to think over the moment not only with the wedding, but also with the honeymoon. It is worth taking a vacation from work in a timely manner and predicting good weather in a hot country. The honeymoon will be ruined if the newlyweds find themselves on a luxurious tropical island, but during the rainy season.

Worried about a certain number of marriage, the newlyweds sometimes forget about the guests. In order for all close people to be next to the bride and groom on this day, you need to choose a date that would be convenient for them. In this case, it is better to separate the painting and the celebration. You can register a union on a chosen date, and organize a ceremonial part later so that all guests can attend this important event. Some couples, when choosing a suitable wedding day, may be guided by numerology, astrology, folk signs. Do not forget about the most popular dates, for example, 08.08, 11.11 and others - it is better to take them in advance.

The application procedure involves the choice of the type of ceremony. There are four of them, they will be discussed below. You can choose a simple option. It involves the arrival of the newlyweds at the registry office at the appointed time and day, their signature, obtaining a certificate and a stamp in the passport. The process takes about 10 minutes. As for the costs in this case, the money goes only to pay the state duty. Previously, witnesses of the bride and groom signed their signatures at the registry office, but now this is not necessary. Painting is only needed from newlyweds.

The choice of the solemn ceremony assumes that the newlyweds must appear at the registry office for registration on a weekend (it takes place on Saturdays). At the same time, the ceremony itself is accompanied by music and the work of a photographer. The procedure takes place with the solemn reading of oaths, exchange of rings and painting. After that, the newlyweds accept congratulations from the guests. This ceremony lasts from half an hour to an hour.

An important point - not every Wedding Palace allows the use of its own music. Usually the bride and groom choose one or another classic composition from the proposed options. It is worth submitting an application in advance, because many couples want to hold such a wedding. The price of such a service today is from 5 thousand rubles. There is an option for an on-site procedure. Usually, newlyweds choose a place somewhere in nature, for example, a park or square. Of course, everything around is decorated, musicians are invited, guests are present. Registration takes about an hour.

When choosing this method, the weather plays a decisive role - no one wants to freeze on the street in a downpour and slush. The cost of such a service is not cheap, and not all registry offices are engaged in on-site registration (only 20-30 in Russia). Moscow, for example, is famous for its Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, where such solemn events are often held. Today such an event costs from 25 to 100 thousand rubles.

Combined option

It includes simple and off-site registration. First, the newlyweds sign in the registry office without a solemn part, which includes music and a photographer, and on the day off, the bride and groom hold a ceremony in nature, where guests are also present. The procedure includes exchange of rings and vows. Often, newlyweds prefer just this kind of wedding. Not only the registry office is engaged in accepting applications - you can also submit an application at the multifunctional center (MFC).They are in every city, and their working hours - from 8 am to 8 pm - are quite convenient. The duration of the application procedure at this center is from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Registration of the application

To correctly place an application, you need to follow some of the rules described below. First of all, you need to choose the MFC, take an identity document with you, purchase a special coupon and wait for the moment when the consultant calls. Waiting in many centers is brightened by comfortable armchairs and watching TV, sometimes you can even find a coffee machine. Some centers offer online booking, but not all. This point should also be clarified in advance.

After the consultant calls the groom and the bride, you need to go to the appropriate window to fill out the application. You need to fill it in correctly, because it is a document. There will be two columns - for the groom and the bride. It is necessary to enter the data of passports, indicate citizenship with nationality, the desired date of the wedding, choose a surname. It should be added that according to statistics, about 60% of girls take their husband's surname. But this rule is optional - you can leave your last name and add a new one to it. Thus, you get a double surname (for example, Smirnova-Postysheva).

We must not forget that when you change your surname with an old passport, you can walk for no more than a month - during this time you need to change all the documents. A change of surname also implies a change in the work book, driver's license, housing documents and other events.

  • We must not forget about paying the state duty, which currently amounts to 350 rubles. It must be paid in advance - for this you need to come to any bank or make a payment at one of the MFC terminals.
  • After the end of the procedure, the consultants of the MFC will transfer the application to the registry office, which will be chosen by the newlyweds, after 2-3 days. After that, the registry office employees will contact the future couple to clarify the time of registration or to book a new one.

Usually the newlyweds apply together, but it also happens that one of the couple takes full responsibility. This option is also possible. For example, only a girl can come to the registry office, because her lover is on a business trip, at work, or even in prison. But the groom's statement in this case must be certified by a notary. He can personally transfer it to his future wife or use the mail to send it. The bride fills out her application at the registry office herself. The notary can come to the house if, for example, one of the couple is sick. No one is immune from force majeure. It so happens that the bride and groom need to postpone the date of marriage registration. If the time and day have just been booked, then there are no problems with the transfer - you just need to cancel the reservation and take another, more convenient number.

If the change in the decision on the date occurred after the registration of the application at the registry office, then the transfer is impossible. In this case, only a new application is possible. If the new date is much later than the one that was before, then you can write a new statement no earlier than two months before the celebration. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to approach the final approval of the date of the wedding with the utmost responsibility, because in most cases it is impossible to postpone it, especially with regard to earlier dates. The only exceptions are some cases, for example, pregnancy or serious illness.

How to submit an electronic application online?

A modern and convenient way of submitting an application is remotely, using the government services website. Thus, the bride and groom will not need to stand in lines at the registry office, while it is possible to more productively decide on the date of the future wedding. The step-by-step instruction looks like the one described below.

  • First of all, you need to enter the website and register. How to do this, you can find out on the site itself, following the prompts.
  • After registration, you need to fill in the fields with the data of passports and SNILS.
  • The application itself is located in the "family children" tab. To do this, you need to go to the "service catalog" and click on "marriage registration" in the same place.
  • In the section "Acceptance of documents", you must fill in each column of the application point by point. But the certificate itself is not issued in electronic form - to obtain it you need to come to the registry office.
  • It is also important to choose the registry office where the bride and groom plans to register the union, and book the desired date and time. It is better to apply in advance so that there are more places.
  • At the end, you should press the button to receive the service and wait about a day for the application to be approved. The result will be in your personal account, after which you need to come to the registry office with all the necessary documents.

If the application is pending for a long time, then you should write to the administration of the portal - perhaps there was some kind of failure in the system. Applying remotely has its pros and cons.

The advantages of this method:

  • you can apply not only from another city, but also from another country;
  • no need to adjust to the working hours of the registry office - you can submit an application on the website at any convenient time;
  • when booking, you can not be limited to one date, but just in case, book two at once;
  • data processing takes a short period of time;
  • to submit documents to the registry office after the approval of the electronic application, you do not need to stand in line, because the date with the time of arrival will be clearly determined in advance.

This method also has disadvantages:

  • if the bride and groom do not have experience with such forms, then it will be difficult for them to avoid mistakes when filling out the application, and the registry office employees in this case will not be able to help;
  • if the newlyweds do not come to the registry office on the day appointed by them after consideration of the remote submission of papers, then the application will be considered canceled;
  • not all registry offices have the technical capabilities to carry out the procedure for remote submission of applications, therefore, in some cases, the bride and groom will have to fill out the application in person.

Terms of consideration. Article 11 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation states that marriage is concluded 30 days after the application is submitted. This period is considered optimal for the future spouses to once again weigh this important decision. It also happens that the groom and the bride take away the application, suddenly changing their mind about signing. The law allows employees of the registry office, for one reason or another, to increase the term up to two months.

Usually, a couple book a date 2-3 months in advance, and sometimes even six months before the wedding ceremony. But the application is still drawn up in a month. That is, if the bride and groom want a beautiful symbolic date for themselves, then the registry office will need to come more than once. Thus, it takes 30 days to wait for registration.

Special cases

Sometimes there are situations when the waiting time for marriage registration is reduced. But for an urgent wedding, the couple must have good reasons, which will be discussed below.

  • The painting can take place earlier than 30 days, when the bride is pregnant or already in the presence of a child. A pregnant girl must have a confirmation stamped by a gynecologist. But it should be understood that if the due date is not close, then the registry office employees may refuse urgent registration, and it will take a month to wait.
  • If one of the couple is terminally ill, then this is a serious reason to reduce the waiting time for registration.
  • Emergency service in the army is also considered a good reason (the same applies to a long business trip of the groom or bride).

When submitting documents to the registry office, the application indicates the place of residence and registration. But according to the law, marriage registration is possible without registration - just a passport will be enough, because the lack of information about the place of registration does not mean that the document is invalid. In the application, the bride or groom will need to indicate this moment (there is no permanent place of residence).Civil registry employees have no right to refuse registration for this reason, otherwise the couple may resolve this issue in court.

Foreign citizens are also special cases. You must have a passport, a passport with translation and confirmation of legal residence in the country (visa, residence permit or temporary residence permit). It will not be possible to apply online for marriage with a foreigner - you need to come to the registry office in order to personally transfer all the necessary documents. And in advance it is worth finding out in which registry offices such an alliance is drawn up.

It is also important to understand here that each country has its own nuances and laws of marriage. For example, in Russia, the minimum age for registering a marriage is 18 (sometimes 16) years. And German boys have the right to marry only from the age of 21, or a foreign groom already has an official wife in another country where polygamy is officially allowed. Then the registry office has the right to refuse marriage to a girl from Russia.

It is imperative to take into account such differences, otherwise the painting may end up being fictitious or invalid.

Is it possible to pick up the application?

There are situations when, for one reason or another, the bride and groom change their minds to marry, then the application can be taken away, and this can be done both together and alone. Until the marriage is registered, the man and woman are not required to comply with any legal obligations. Some of the nuances are described below. If the newlyweds applied at the registry office, then you need to come back there, taking your passports with you. You will need to write a statement, the reason for refusal is indicated at the discretion (you do not need to write it). But it is worth remembering that the state duty in case of refusal to register, the registry office employees do not return.

If the bride and groom submitted an electronic application due to the fact that the registry office is not in their hometown, then it is enough just to call there to notify the employees of their decision. But many failed spouses choose another option - simply not to appear at the registry office without warning. There is no administrative responsibility for this. Thus, you can always pick up the application. Moreover, after this, the failed spouses have the right to submit it again with each other or with other people. As for filing an application for divorce, it is also important to know all the nuances and general rules, which will be discussed below.

  • The application must indicate passport data, place of residence. You cannot do without the details of the marriage registration certificate. After drawing up the text of the application, the spouses must sign and indicate the date.
  • The registry office divides people by their common consent and in the absence of children under eighteen years old. Both spouses submit such applications.
  • If there are minor children in the marriage, one of the spouses is incapacitated or has been in custody for more than 3 years, then only one person from a couple can apply for a divorce.
  • A court can divorce a husband and wife - then it is enough to appear at the registry office to submit an application to one of the spouses.

Thus, filing a divorce application includes the specified documents and a receipt for payment of state fees. Today it is eight hundred rubles (the total amount for both spouses). Divorce in court is accompanied by a conclusion. In general, divorce occurs thirty days after the filing of the application. This time is needed to think about the decision. During this period, the application may be withdrawn.

It is worthwhile to approach such an important event as the registration of marriage with all responsibility, because this is not only a beautiful celebration for yourself and your guests, but also the main step towards creating a full-fledged unit of society - the family. Therefore, it is worth considering in advance and weighing such a decision several times and only after that go to the registry office and submit an application.

For information on how to apply to the registry office through the State Services and directly, see the next video.

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