List of the best waterfalls in Crimea

  1. The most famous waterfalls
  2. Places that are difficult to get to
  3. Fading beauty
  4. Where is the best place to go?

Many people do not suspect that in the Crimea, in addition to the seas and warm climate, there is another attraction - waterfalls. This is understandable, because most of them appear from time to time.

The Crimean mountains do not have glaciers and therefore there is nothing to feed them on a permanent basis. They become full-flowing only during the spring melting of snow. And this lasts only two or three weeks. Then they dry up and disappear for a while.

Because of this feature, many vacationers are not even aware of their existence. It is noteworthy that each waterfall has its own life period. However, not all of them dry up and appear from time to time. There are also constants, such as, for example, Dzhur-Dzhur is the deepest waterfall of the peninsula or one of the highest (98 meters) is Su-Uchkhan.

The most famous waterfalls

Geographically, the most famous waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur is located in the Khapkhal gorge, in the mountain ranges of the Alushta region, near the village of Generalskoye. Its height reaches 15 meters, width - 5 meters. A large number of streams provide it uninterruptedly with fresh water all year round. This makes it possible to supply a third of the inhabitants of the peninsula with fresh water all year round. The water temperature does not exceed +7 degrees Celsius.

The name of the waterfall is translated as "the murmur of running water." Indeed, he does not rumble like most of his "brothers". Its waters gently descend along the mountainous terrain.

Among the locals, it is known as Murmuring.

Five baths formed at the foot of the waterfall. Each bowl, according to an ancient legend, has its own name and purpose.

  • Bath of Youth allowed everyone who bathed in its waters to rejuvenate their body and organism.According to ancient legends, anyone who bathed in it felt cheerful, fit and felt a surge of vitality.
  • Health Bath carried positive energy in its waters for everyone who plunged into it. The belief in the healing properties of water was so great that people with serious ailments came here in the hope of being healed.
  • The third is the bath of Love. Any visitor, if desired, can swim in it and in the near future find his true only love. Even those who have already found their soul mate bathed together in the waters of the Bath of Love in order to further strengthen their love.
  • Fourth - bath of Joy... Anyone who wanted to improve their mood had to enter a bowl of ice water. Coming out of the cold water, everyone felt indescribable delight.
  • Fifth - bath of happiness... If someone is looking for happiness in their life, then they should certainly plunge into this bath. After bathing in it, something very good must happen. Let not immediately, then, but it will definitely happen. There is, however, one condition - you have to believe in it.

If you take turns taking a dip in all five baths, you can gain great health, eternal love, great happiness, youth and joy. It might be worth checking out.

Highest waterfall Su-Uchkhan is located not far from Yalta, at a distance of 8 km towards Bakhchisarai. Its name is translated as "flying water". But this name suits him when he is full-flowing.

In the spring, in the process of snow melting, the waterfall reaches its peak, becomes turbulent and rumbling. In summer it calms down and is just a few streams. If the summer is hot, then it dries up altogether. And in winter, in the crackling Crimean frosts, it freezes and becomes like a giant icicle.

Arpat waterfalls are located on the border of two districts - Alushta and Belogorsky - at approximately the same distance (about 60 kilometers) from the regional centers. At its core, it is one waterfall that cascades into many small waterfalls.

Over the centuries, water has carved several baths from the stone. One of them is called bath of Love. The water boils in it like in a jacuzzi, reminding lovers of how their feelings and passion boil. According to ancient belief, if a couple in love bathes in this cup, then soon they will certainly become parents. If you want to be convinced of this, come to Arpat waterfalls.

One of the most picturesque waterfalls of Temiara is called Diana's font. It is located in the Temiar gorge. This is one of the most romantic places in Crimea. Water rushes down from the mountain ledges into a large stone bath (baptismal font) formed for centuries. According to an ancient legend, any woman, having bathed in Diana's font, will become younger and more beautiful than she was.

Just for the sake of this, it is worth going to the waterfall and making sure of the veracity of the legend.

But be careful. Even in hot summers, the water temperature in the waterfall does not rise above five degrees Celsius.

Amazing geyser waterfall located on the Alaka river. The stormy waters of this waterfall, falling from the heights of the mountains, hit multiple ledges and foam like a spray of a geyser. This was the reason for the name of this waterfall.

For many years, the ledges have been cut, but the name of the waterfall has not changed. In winter, the waterfall freezes and looks like the frozen foam or beard of Santa Claus. An amazing sight.

The most mysterious and inaccessible waterfall - Golovkinsky waterfall is located in the Alushta region. It was named so in honor of its discoverer Nikolai Aleksandrovich Golovkinsky. According to the stories of local residents, the place where this waterfall is located is called Yaman-Dere and is translated as "an unkind ravine." For this reason, the waterfall was unknown for a long time, since none of the local residents risked going to the "unkind ravine".

The waterfall itself is located in a remote mountainous area. It has 8 rapids.On the uppermost threshold at a height of 12 meters, the waterfall is divided into 2 streams. The water of these two streams crashes down the rest of the rapids, delighting visitors of the waterfall, regardless of age.

Jurla waterfall is located in the Alushta region near the village of Lavanda. Its name translates as "running water", which is true. The water rushes down from an 8-meter height and, overcoming numerous rapids, reaches its bath. In summer, the waterfall dries up completely, so you can admire it only in spring.

Bose Falls - the most visited waterfall in Crimea, as it is located in an easily accessible place on the Bose river. In addition, it has the perfect architecture of a classic waterfall. Water from five meters falls in a stormy cascade, forming a crystal flower above the bowl, and calmly flows out of it, rushing down the steps.

Such a bewitching sight will not leave anyone indifferent.

Three-stage Baga waterfall is located in the Baydar Valley, near the village of Novobobrovka. The waterfall itself is located in a narrow gorge between the rocks, which makes access to it difficult, especially in spring. But all efforts will be rewarded with a wonderful sight of the waterfall, winding through three cascades.

Places that are difficult to get to

The most picturesque place of Crimea is located in the Sudak district near the village of Lesnoye - waterfall Forest Fairy. The entire territory is covered with virgin deciduous forests, in the center of which this miracle is located. It is this circumstance that makes it an inaccessible place.

In a modest forest ravine, there is a 2-cascade waterfall with a barely audible murmur of water. Calm and surprisingly handsome, he really does not look like a fairy in a long white evening dress in his outlines, which determined his name. The waterfall is 9 meters high and 4 meters wide.

Impenetrable deciduous forests complicate the way to this place, but, having overcome them and come out to an inconspicuous ravine, you can enjoy the pristine beauty of the wild nature of Crimea.

The waterfalls of the Luka gorge are located among the rocks in the Yalta region. There are no hiking trails leading there. Only those who have at least basic training in mountaineering can overcome this path. If you want to see these places, bring an experienced instructor-guide with you.

On both sides, the waterfall is surrounded by rocky steep slopes. The bottom is littered with stones and crossed by many ledges of different sizes. The sight is not for the faint of heart, but the mountain wilderness is well worth it. Dthe achievements of civilization practically did not touch these places, therefore, there is no need to rely on any paths.

The waterfall makes its own way between the rocks and crashes down from two ledges with a crash. The echo only enhances the sound sensations, giving the picture of nature lively intonations.

Fading beauty

Despite the great variety of waterfalls in Crimea, few can boast of picturesque places. But there are such corners of the Crimean nature, seeing which you leave them in your memory for life. One of these places is Uskutsky waterfalllocated near the village of Krasnoselovka in a remote mountainous place.

Many who have visited here note the difficulty of the route, but having seen the virgin nature and beauty of these places, they are ready to go all the way again. Here you will not find any parking lots, places to sleep - all this is absent due to inaccessibility.

True connoisseurs of wildlife and fans of beauty can overcome the difficult route.

These places are often visited by history buffs and search parties. Here during the Great Patriotic War there was also an active partisan war. Until now, trackers find echoes of past battles.

It is better to plan a trip to these places in the spring, for at least two days. Although the Uskutsky waterfall belongs to the full-flowing waterfall, in the spring it is most vividly presented to visitors.For two days with an overnight stay, you can have time to admire the local nature and relax after a difficult journey, as well as gain strength for the return journey.

Another example of the inimitable beauty of Crimea - Suatkan waterfall. It is located in the Bakhchisarai region near the village of Bogatoe Uchelye. Its height reaches 13 meters. Overcoming many ledges, it brings down its waters into a small lake surrounded by a grove of relict trees - evergreen berry yews. This is a very ancient plant and it has survived only in such secluded places.

Cheremisovskie waterfalls in the Belogorsk region are located near the village of Povorotnoye. They flow along the Small Crimean Canyon. They are, like most Crimean waterfalls, seasonal, so you need to admire them in spring or autumn during the rainy season.

The place around the waterfall is arranged. Fences and railings have been installed in hazardous areas. Anyone wishing to admire the beauty of these places will be able to do this without much difficulty and restrictions.

Spring waterfall is located near the village of Sokolinoe, Bakhchisarai region. Its name speaks for itself. It is in the spring that it becomes full-flowing and can be seen even from the village. It takes the second name from the mountain range along which it flows. In some sources it is referred to as Boykinsky.

This is one of the highest waterfalls on the peninsula. This is what attracts all visitors.

At the very top, it is divided into two equal streams. Their waters seem to race down into a deep bowl. The rocky vegetation along the waterfall only enhances the impression of the beauty of this place.

In the Dead Gorge there is a small Green Moss waterfall. Its structure is very simple, water rolls down from a 5-meter height on stones covered with moss. This area is fully equipped for visitors.

The only reason not to see this waterfall is the seasonality. The fullness of the waterfall is highly dependent on weather conditions. It can only exist for a few days a year.

Where is the best place to go?

To answer this question, you need to decide what you want to get from your vacation in Crimea. If you see the wild corners of nature with rare plants and pristine beauty, then you should head to the seasonal waterfalls. If you just admire the beauty of nature without spending energy on the road and overcoming the route, then go to the deep waterfalls, equipped with all the amenities for tourists.

For lovers of outdoor activities and thrills, the hard-to-reach waterfalls in the Crimea mountain range are suitable. Having overcome all the difficulties of the route, you will be rewarded with views of primeval nature in all its glory.

The video below will tell you about the best waterfalls in Crimea.

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