Interesting facts about eyelashes

The beauty of the human body is a subjective concept. Everyone sees beauty in their own way. But a proportional figure, thick shiny hair, smooth clean skin, expressive eyes with long eyelashes have always been considered the standard of beauty. We can confidently say that most women at least once in their lives dyed their eyelashes with mascara to make them visually thicker and longer. But this is a very interesting moment: why exactly this detail is given such close attention in appearance?

Top information you did not know about
Eyelashes are the hair that lines the top and bottom of the eyes in all mammals. So Wikipedia reports. It can be added that even birds, for example, the Kaffir horned raven and the ostrich, have them. The main function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dust, insects and very bright light. And we could stop at this. But it turns out that everything is not so simple!

There are tons of interesting facts and information about this. Let's consider at least some of them.
Keratin protein - this is the main component of eyelashes (97%), however, as well as hair, nails and the upper layer of human skin, the rest is water.
Cilia appear in the child while still in the womb during pregnancy at 16 weeks. And naturally, their shape, bend, length and density are genetically based.
Every eyelash there is a life cycle: active growth lasts a couple of weeks, a dormant period of about 2 months, the next phase is rejection. In total, the average "lifespan" of cilia is approximately 3 months.
Eyelash by its structure has a stem and root with a bulbwhich is located under the skin in the follicle.Also, sebaceous glands adjoin each follicle, from which nutrition and oxygen are supplied, preventing dryness and fragility.
When the new root matures in the follicle, the old eyelash falls out... It is approximately calculated that if you put all the eyelashes that have fallen out in a line in a line, then the length of this chain can reach 30 meters.
Eyelashes grow in several rows along the edge of the eyelids, on the upper eyelid on average 3-6 rows, on the lower - 2-3. American actress Elizabeth Taylor had a genetic disorder (scientific name - distichiasis), in which another additional "set" grows.
Upper eyelashes are longer (about 1 cm), their number varies on average from 90 to 160. The length of the lower ones is shorter, about 7 mm, and their number is also less, about 80 on average.

Of course, all the numbers are very average, in fact, each person is unique. Although it should be noted that the type, length, color, density of vegetation are influenced by heredity and genotype.
The longest eyelashes in the world
Long eyelashes are always considered beautiful, but all is well in moderation. Too long vegetation in front of the eyes can cause inconvenience to their owners. For example, in the Guinness Book of Records were registered the longest eyelashes 4.7 cm from the Indian Phuto Rav Mawli... I must say that they interfered with him in everyday life and in communication with people, they had to be systematically cut. After all, it turns out that they will reach almost to the chin if you close your eyes.
It should be noted that this fact speaks of hormonal imbalance in the human body. But among animals, camels are the owners of the longest eyelashes.

Other interesting facts
There is such a method for determining the type of human personality by the external features of the face, which is called physiognomy. Eyelashes take a significant place in this definition of a person's character. Since one of the main functions of eyelashes is the perception of light, then people who have them long and thick, can look at the sun, because harsh tones are muted, which makes it possible to perceive the world in a more blurred form.
Therefore, such people are more vulnerable and sensitive, they have a more developed sense of compassion for others. This type of person has analytical skills.

But the owners of short and thin eyelashes are more rigid, categorical personalities. They make quick decisions without moral hesitation. For such people, there are no halftones. This is their strength and weakness at the same time. Also, by the color, shape, length, density of eyelashes, one can judge heredity, genetics, racial and territorial affiliation of a person.
Have Europeans eyelashes are thinner, longer and lighter, and the hardest and shortest belong to people of the Mongoloid race.
Women have shorter eyelashes on average than men; it is shorter for blondes, and for brunettes it is longer.
The colder the climate of residence, the less frequent and shorter eyelashes. They are thicker and longer where it is hot and sunny. This is due to the fact that they protect against the action of increased ultraviolet radiation.
Another interesting fact can be cited - not all nationalities consider long eyelashes a sign of beauty. In northern Tanzania, the inhabitants of the Hadza tribe believe in the existence of the sacred ancient people of Tlatlanib with a complete absence of vegetation on the body. Therefore, the inhabitants of this tribe, and especially the inhabitants, completely remove hair, including eyelashes and eyebrows.

Interesting facts about eyelashes are shown in the following video.