All about curlers

The exciting curl of the eyelashes makes the look more expressive. However, nature has not endowed all girls with such wealth. Some people curl their eyelashes with curling mascara, but if the hairs are tough, they cannot do without a special device. In such cases, use a curler. The device is simple and convenient, does not take up much space, and provides the desired result. Our article will tell you about the nuances of using the accessory at home.

What it is?
Mechanical curler is called a small tool that looks like a nail scissors... It consists of 2 plates that form a clamp. Between them is a rubber or silicone gasket. The device is controlled with 2 handles. At first glance, the device may seem intimidating, but if you follow all the rules of use, its use turns out to be quite safe.

Electric curlers may have different designs. There are options that resemble mascara, a thermometer, a small trimmer, or even a wax device. Here, the choice depends on personal taste. The principle of operation of the devices is the same - they curl the hairs. Only in this case is the high temperature action activated.

Why do you need tongs?
As already mentioned, the device in question is intended for curling eyelashes. Twisting occurs by placing hairs between the plates of the device... As a result, the gaze is more open.

Of course, today many girls resort to the extension procedure. As a result, their eyes are framed by a lush fringe, located along the ciliary edge. The effect lasts for several months.

However, the result of such a procedure is not always natural.In addition, if your own eyelashes can boast of density and good length, it is not entirely logical to glue artificial hairs to them. It is enough just to devote a little more time to makeup, and you will get a long-lasting natural curl.
Depending on the exposure time, you can vary the degree of bend, and mascara will effectively complement the image.

Benefit and harm
The advantages of the eyelash curler are obvious.
- Convenience... Home use possible. To achieve what you want, you do not need to go to the salon, contact a makeup artist.
- Fast results... It is enough to hold the device on the hairs for a couple of minutes, and the effect will last for several hours.
- Availability... The tools are relatively inexpensive. The assortment of stores includes both elite models and budget options.
- Durability. Mechanical models made of metal serve for several years without losing their properties and decent appearance. If the tool's mobility decreases, it is lubricated. If the compression ratio is weakened, it is enough just to tighten the screw that secures the parts of the product. Electrical options also rarely fail.
- Ease of care... It is enough to periodically wipe the place where the device comes into contact with the eyelashes with a disinfecting alcohol-free composition.

As for the shortcomings, only a couple of points can be highlighted here.
- The tool is not recommended for daily use. If you use the curler carefully and on special occasions, you will not harm the hairs. But if you overuse and curl your eyelashes daily, they can become dry and brittle.
- Danger... Some girls say that mechanical tongs ruin eyelashes a lot. To prevent hairs from falling out, they should not be curled with makeup. In addition, if you handle the device carelessly, there is a risk of damaging the skin of the eyelids by pinching it.

As described earlier, a mechanical curler is a pair of scissor-like pliers. Most of these devices are made of stainless steel. There are also cheap plastic models, but they are unreliable, since the fragile material quickly breaks. Quality tongs are available from professional makeup shops. Sometimes a good tool can also be found in the cosmetic section of a supermarket.
The main thing is to pay attention to the manufacturer and some of the characteristics that will be discussed below.

Electric tongs - these are devices with a heating element. The principle of operation of such devices is similar to the effect of a curling iron on the hair. Unlike hairdressing tools, eyelash curlers usually only heat up to 40 degrees. With such tools it is impossible to burn the hand or the skin of the eyelids.
However, frequent use of even this temperature for eyelashes is undesirable.

Therefore, no matter how manufacturers assure you of the safety of daily use of electric pliers, it is better to limit yourself to their rare use, especially if the eyelashes are prone to brittleness. Also, do not keep the device on the hairs for too long. A few seconds are enough.

How to use?
To curl your eyelashes for a long time without damaging them, you should adhere to simple rules. First of all, remember that eyelashes should be clean. Do not curl ink-painted hairs. It doesn't matter if the product is dry or not. In any case, you run the risk of injuring the cilia.

First, let's take a step-by-step process of using a mechanical curler.
- The device should be positioned as close to the upper eyelid as possible. Try to cover all the lashes.
- Gently squeeze the device.
- Release after a few seconds.
- If you want to consolidate the result, you can repeat the procedure.
- After that, mascara is applied. It is advisable to choose a product with a natural caring composition. This will help maintain the elasticity of the hairs.

Do not use the tool on the lower lashes. It can damage short hairs and the result will be disappointing.
Remember to clean the soft pad after curling. It is also recommended to change it occasionally. Often, manufacturers even include a replacement part in the kit.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly curl eyelashes with an electric device.
- If you have in front of you a thermoplastic for eyelashes, first you need to remove the cap.
- Then press the power button.
- After a few seconds, the appliance will heat up. As a rule, this is indicated by an indicator.
- After that, you need to gently run the applicator along the hairs. In this case, you need to move from roots to tips. The process is similar to applying mascara. At each site it is worthwhile to linger for 5-6 seconds.
- The result is a soft bend. If you do not like the result, you can moisten your eyelashes with clean water, wait for them to dry and repeat the procedure.
- The device turns off. The cap returns to its place.
- At the end (if desired) mascara is applied.
If you have purchased heat tongs, the difference will be in a few points. The heating of the device will be indicated by the silicone gasket, which will change its color. Then the device is pressed against the eyelashes according to the principle of the action of a mechanical instrument.

Model rating
First, let's take a look at the top best mechanical curlers.
- Shu Uemura. This company is very fond of professional makeup artists. The device has a soft silicone insert, is characterized by smooth running, optimal clamp size. Also, users claim that this tool has the most comfortable pen ring shape.

- Shiseido. This curler is similar to the previous one. The difference lies in the shape of the handles (they are drop-shaped). This tool can be positioned as close to the ciliary margin as possible, which is very convenient when working with a drooping eyelid.

- MAC... Another great option. The dense rubber pad eliminates the formation of "kinks" on the hairs. The only caveat is that such pads require more frequent replacement than soft ones.

- Zinger. Not a bad option from a well-known brand at a more affordable price (in comparison with the previous ones). Convenient to use, but not with an overhanging eyelid. Otherwise, it gives an excellent result - a soft natural bend.

- Sephora... This tool has a more bulky and stiffer shim than the MAC. Ideal for long and not too stiff lashes. The handles have silicone inserts for a more comfortable grip. The set includes 2 replacement pads.

As for the electric heat tongs, the popular model is Tinydeal Heated Eyelash Curler. Girls talk about the convenience of using the device and the excellent result it gives. The affordable price of the device is also pleasing.

If we talk about eyelash curlers, then there are many options. Let's highlight some.
- DiorShow Heat Curl. It is a device with a sturdy housing. The ceramic surface minimizes hair damage. There is a temperature control function, an indicator. It is convenient to comb your eyelashes with an additional attachment.

- Japonesque Heated Mini Eyelash Curler. An excellent device that gives a long-lasting curl. Convenient to use, has a laconic design.

- Panasonic Heated Eyelash Curler. Available in two versions - in the form of a clip with silicone pads and in the form of a volumetric eyelash comb.

Selection Tips
To make a successful purchase, you need to choose a quality curler. He should curl the hairs well without damaging them. Moreover, it should be comfortable and durable... Try to give preference well-known manufacturing firms... Cheap tools from obscure brands are rarely worth it. However, if you do choose from budget models, consider the main important characteristics.

Let's talk about mechanical pliers first.
- Case appearance. Check that the parts are securely fastened. Make sure there are no scratches or nicks on the metal.
- The presence of soft pad pads. This is a must.Otherwise, the tool will damage and deform the hairs. The spacers should be made of a dense and resilient material of decent thickness. The best option is rubber. In this case, the length of the pads should completely match the size of the plates. If the instrument is equipped with thin silicone elements, it is better to refuse the purchase. Also pay attention to the tightness of the gaskets to the metal.
- Quality of work... Check for smooth running. The plates should close easily and smoothly without requiring effort from the user. The fixation on the hairs must be reliable.
- Ease of use. Don't buy tongs that are too large or small. They should fit comfortably in your hand. Hold the tool, appreciate the convenience of the shape of the handles.
- The form... Both curved curlers and flatter options can be found on the market. When choosing a device for personal use, be guided by the shape of your eyes and eyelids.
- Package... Reputable brands sell curlers in cases that reliably protect the instrument from damage.

If you are purchasing an electrical appliance, make sure there is a heating indicator that indicates that the appliance is ready for use. Ideal if you can control the temperature. If this function is not available, check the heating temperature. It should be small so that there is no risk of getting burned.

Inspect the device for external defects, check its functionality. Detailed operating instructions are desirable. Before using the device, you need to study its content, because some models may have individual characteristics. Since electrical appliances are more expensive than mechanical ones, usually decent manufacturers supply such goods with a warranty card for a certain period, during which the user can repair or replace them free of charge.
Cheap options of dubious origin are often not guaranteed. This should be borne in mind.

Specialist recommendations
Some girls are wondering what can replace the curler.
Experts do not recommend using various metal and other items that are not intended for curling eyelashes. Experiments like this can be dangerous.
If the eyelashes are not too hard, you can try to do with a special curling mascara with a curved brush. In this case, the hairs are captured, curled and fixed in this position for a few seconds. If this doesn't work, it's best to get an inexpensive mechanical curler.

Some girls heat the device with a hairdryer to curl their eyelashes as much as possible. This is how they imitate the work of electric pliers. This technique can be used, but it is important to carefully check the temperature of the heated plates with your hand, and not apply them directly to your eyes. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning the eyelids.
Excessive heat can also damage the eyelashes.

It is worth recalling that even special electrical devices from good brands dry out the hairs with frequent use, making them weaker and more brittle. So don't forget to treat your lashes with nourishing oils and healing serums. This is done between the use of forceps.
It is not recommended to curl hairs with an oil or vitamin composition applied to them.

In the next video, you will learn how to properly use an eyelash curler.