Botox and eyelash lamination: which is better and how is it done?

Achieve a dramatic and expressive look with beauty treatments such as botox and eyelash lamination. They can bring remarkable results when done correctly. Many girls today turn to similar procedures to transform their eyelashes. In this article, we will take a closer look at what botox and eyelash lamination are.

What it is?
Before considering all the nuances and features of these procedures, you should understand what they are.
Eyelash botox is a procedure aimed at restoring the hair structure and protecting it from negative external factors. Also, with the help of such a cosmetic operation, fragility of the cilia is prevented, the bulbs are stimulated, and healthy growth is ensured. Do not confuse eyelash botox with a procedure in which botox is injected under the skin. These are completely different processes. In the second situation, the action is exerted by another active substance, namely, botulinum toxin, which is part of the administered agent.

Eyelash lamination is a coating of the hair with a high-quality protective compound that envelops its shaft, preventing possible damage. Due to the correct lamination, eyelashes become softer, acquire a dense structure, and are less exposed to substances (soap, decorative cosmetics) that can harm them.

What is the difference?
There is no point in figuring out which of the quality procedures is the best, since they are designed to achieve different goals and perform different functions. The latter complement each other, but do not replace. If you need to give the cilia a livelier look and temporarily make them voluminous, then lamination would be the best solution.

If the procedure is considered as a care and healing procedure, then it makes sense to turn to botox.
You also need to take into account that the effect of the procedures will be temporary. Simple lamination lasts much less time and is washed off 2-3 times faster. This is one of the disadvantages of such care - its effect is too short-lived. Lamination of cilia also has another significant drawback - it is difficult to access nutrients and components. The difference between Botox and lamination is that this procedure leads to a rapid and significant growth of hairs, the appearance of new ones.

The considered cosmetic procedures differ not only in the final effect, but also in how long each of them takes. Botox usually takes about 2 hours. If we are talking about lamination, then it takes a little less time - 1 hour is enough. When you decide to resort to eyelash botox, it is important to tune in to the fact that you will have to lie still for a couple of hours while the master works with you. Often, during the work of a beautician, clients listen to their favorite music tracks through headphones, so that 2 hours are not so boring and monotonous.

Both for botox and for lamination, special products are used, which contain various vitamin complexes, protein, nutrientsa. All of these components have an extremely positive effect on the cilia. During lamination, a very thin film is formed, which becomes an obstacle to the penetration of oxygen and other nutrient compounds that the hairs need.

Because of this, eyelashes in many cases become thinner, become brittle after applying the specified composition.
After Botox, a different effect is achieved. Hair, on the other hand, can absorb vegetable oils, which are usually used during skincare procedures.... Due to this, the growth of new hairs is stimulated, the old ones become thicker, and cell regeneration occurs. When the drug wears off, the hairs do not lose their acquired health and splendor.
After Botox, a positive result is noticeable almost immediately, but after lamination, you have to turn to a number of rehabilitative procedures. It is not allowed to paint, resort to water or temperature treatments. With freshly laminated eyelashes, you should not go to the pool or bath. Immediately after the procedure, the hairs look hard and sticky and fluff up only within 24 hours. Here is another difference between Botox and lamination: this treatment does not prohibit the application of makeup.

Lamination is a procedure that can be done at home. The main thing is to follow the instructions, act step by step, without neglecting any of the necessary steps. Many salons offer training in the art of eyelash lamination. If you decide to turn to just such procedures for eyelashes, there is no point in expecting a 3D or 2D effect, since all work is carried out with respect to natural hair.

As you can see, each of the procedures under consideration has its own pros and cons, but botox is a more effective and useful treatment of eyelashes. This procedure has much fewer contraindications and does not interfere with the subsequent application of makeup - coloring the hairs with ink does not nullify the results.
Lamination and botox can bring clear benefits to eyelashes, and can cause serious harm if you resort to such operations, having certain contraindications. Consider what hinders the care measures in question.
- It is advisable to refuse procedures during the menstrual cycle.
- It makes no sense to do pre-lamination if in the future you plan to resort to eyelash extensions. In such conditions, the drug simply will not stick to the hairs.
- A high level of tearfulness is also a contraindication. Together with tears, the funds can get on the mucous membrane of the eye, thereby causing a burn.
- You cannot resort to eyelash lamination and botox if you suffer from conjunctivitis or other similar diseases. Only after their treatment is it allowed to start processing the hairs.
- Lamination and botox are hindered by pregnancy and lactation.
- It is not recommended to try these treatments if your own lashes are naturally too short. After processing, short hairs can look ridiculous and unaesthetic.
- If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, botox and lamination are also not recommended.
- Recent eye surgeries are a serious contraindication.
- Do not use botox or lamination if an allergic reaction is possible.

If you are prone to allergies, you need to do a small test first. Apply a small amount to the inside of your wrist. If the skin becomes irritated, you should choose another method of treating the eyelashes.
Features of simultaneous procedures
Botox and eyelash lamination are procedures that have a lot of differences, however, they are recommended to be carried out at the same time by a professional lashmaker. As a rule, an experienced foreman spends at least 2 hours on all stages of work. In general, the procedure consists of several main stages. Let's consider each of them.
- First, the master selects and prepares a suitable set of cosmetics, which contain useful and effective ingredients.
- This is followed by the procedure for preparing women's eyelashes for subsequent operations. To do this, they are degreased.
- Next, you need to apply a special composition for botox.
- The next step is to allow the cilia to dry thoroughly, having previously fixed them on a special roller. This creates the desired attractive bend.
- After that, the pigment is gently applied to the hairs. Usually, his choice falls on the shoulders of the client - the ladies themselves choose which shade suits them best.
- Next, a special restorative agent (for botox) is fixed on the treated cilia by applying a preparation with keratin for lamination.

If you decide to choose a complex procedure using all the necessary and useful formulations, you should not expect that it will be very cheap. The price will depend on several factors:
- on the quality of all components and products that will be used during the treatment of eyelashes;
- from the level of professionalism of the master who will work with your eyelashes;
- from the presence of auxiliary care compositions that the lashmaker will use in the framework of lamination and botox of eyelashes;
- from the status of a beauty salon in which you have planned to receive a comprehensive service for the transformation of eyelashes.

Although there is a big difference between lamination and botox procedures, they can be combined together into one cosmetic "manipulation". During all stages, there is no pain, burning or discomfort. As a rule, all 2 hours that are spent on each of the steps are easy and effortless.
What effect should you expect?
Marketers "beautifully" advertise botox and eyelash lamination, saying that the gorgeous effect after them will last at least 8 weeks. Let's consider what effect is actually achieved.
- In reality, the effect of such procedures cannot last for 8 weeks. The maximum is 6 weeks. This is due to the standard regeneration processes taking place in the human body.
- Usually, an elongation of 2 times, according to marketers, cannot be achieved. The eyelashes cannot stretch to that extent.

The lengthening effect can only be achieved by painting burnt-out or thinned ends.
Follow-up care
After cosmetic procedures for eyelashes, girls need to remember the correct care measures. If you neglect them, you can face unpleasant consequences. Let's take a closer look at what care methods are needed after botox or cilia lamination.
- Try to avoid external exposure to the eyelashes and the area around the eyes in general.
- Be sure to avoid using sponges or cotton pads when removing makeup. If you use such devices, the effect of the procedures will not last long.
- You should not rub your face roughly, for example, with a towel after washing your face. Only soft, neat influences are allowed.
- In no case should you apply fatty creams that contain oils to the area around the eyes. The fact is that when combined with such products, all applied coatings may lose their effect and will not provide any benefit to the eyelashes.
- Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol.
- Do not use gel or liquid eyeliner.

So that the direction of hair growth is not disturbed, it is recommended to carefully comb them every morning. Thus, the cilia will be given a neat and well-groomed appearance after their chaotic position during sleep. It is recommended to carry out this care using a special brush. In this case, it is necessary to act very carefully and carefully, without making sharp and rough movements.

Excessive exposure to eyelashes will only harm them.
When washing, it is imperative to ensure that the water is at room temperature. Only using liquids of a similar temperature regime can one expect that the effect of the procedures will last long enough. If you use cold or hot water, then all the applied products will be quickly washed off.

Review overview
Lamination and botox of eyelashes have recently become one of the most popular and demanded cosmetic procedures. Many ladies resort to these grooming and transformative measures to make their look brighter and more attractive. Women of fashion leave a lot of enthusiastic reviews about the considered procedures, but this does not mean at all that disappointed responses are not encountered. First, let's consider what positive women have found for themselves in the procedures of Botox and eyelash lamination.
- Many ladies were pleased with the final result. According to fashionistas, the procedures have brought many benefits to the aesthetic qualities of their eyelashes - they have become more luxuriant, voluminous, well-groomed.
- The girls also liked the fact that after Botox and lamination, their cilia acquired a spectacular playful bend.
- Eyelash care after botox and lamination seemed to most girls very simple and affordable.
- The young ladies also liked the fact that after the performed manipulations, their cilia began to grow much faster and at the same time look healthy and voluminous.
- It could not but please the fact that during all stages of the work, the clients did not experience pain or discomfort. Many young ladies have resorted to such procedures while wearing lenses.
- Women remained quite beautiful and natural shine, which their eyelashes gained after all stages of processing.
- After all the operations, you do not need to use mascara, since the eyelashes are already quite attractive. This feature is noted by most of the ladies.
- The girls were pleasantly surprised by the fact that the lasting effect after the procedures lasts for a month. All this time, the eyelashes look beautiful and well-groomed.
- This procedure does not need periodic corrections. This quality is noted by many clients who do not have enough free time for frequent visits to beauty salons.
- Fashionistas are also impressed by the pigment that makes the eyelashes truly expressive and elegant. However, they look natural.
- It was noted that there are not so many restrictions for referring to this procedure, which also pleasantly surprised many.

As you can see, botox and eyelash lamination are in demand. Most of the positive reviews are addressed to the beauty and lengthening effect of eyelashes. We can say that such eyelash care is ideal, so you can safely refer to it in any case. However, there were enough girls who noticed some flaws in lamination and botox of eyelashes. Let's get acquainted with them.
- Most fashionistas were unhappy with the fact that every month this procedure has to be repeated, since the effect from it usually does not last longer. Repetitive work requires not only extra free time, but also additional spending.
- Some girls report tingling eyes at the end of all procedures. What is the reason for such sensations is not covered.
- For many women of fashion, the cost of a complex procedure seems too expensive, especially given the short duration of the effect achieved.
- In the course of carrying out all stages of work, some ladies noticed a specific smell from the means used by the master.
- Sometimes girls face allergic reactions. Of course, this problem can be avoided if the cosmetic formulations are initially tested on the skin in the wrist area, but not all women resort to such actions.
- According to the assurances of many ladies, it is difficult to find a truly experienced and knowledgeable master who will brilliantly carry out all the stages of the procedure, even in a big city.
- There were women who did not notice any significant changes at the end of the procedures. Their eyelashes didn't look longer or more dramatic.
- For some girls, such procedures did not work, because of which their eyelashes became glued and unattractive.
- Ladies are saddened by the fact that lamination and botox can be harmful while taking hormonal contraceptives and during pregnancy.
- There are girls whose eyelashes, after all the procedures, quickly began to break and began to look unkempt.
- Among the fair sex, there were those who had certain difficulties with applying mascara after cosmetic procedures. What kind of difficulties is not specified.
- The long duration of the procedure is one of the most frequently noted disadvantages.
- Some girls noticed that in their case, the effect of the procedure appeared only the second time, and this was unnecessary waste and disappointment.

Of course, all the noted disadvantages do not always take place. Much depends on the experience and level of professionalism of the master who deals with the processing of cilia. Proper care also plays an important role in the effect achieved after botox and lamination. If you neglect the peculiarities of the care processes after such a procedure, then it may seem useless and harmful. Many girls did not notice a single minus in Botox and eyelash lamination, noting only the positive results of such treatment.
For information on the difference between eyelash botox and lamination, see the next video.