How to remove lamination from eyelashes?

Eyelash lamination is a cosmetic procedure based on the healing process of hair fibers. After performing this procedure, the eyelashes are leveled, become thicker, and the girl's gaze becomes expressive. Due to insufficient practice in lamination, the effect after it may not satisfy the fair sex, so some girls want to get rid of lamination on their eyelashes.
Reasons for withdrawal
Lamination has many advantages, but sometimes the result is much worse than expected. However, the fairer sex should not despair, as everything can be fixed. The reasons why girls want to return the original condition of their eyelashes are as follows:
- swollen eyelids;
- the appearance of an allergy to the composition of the laminating substance;
- uneven curl of eyelashes;
- unnatural curl appearance;
- the disappearance of the bend, spontaneous alignment of the cilia.

The ways
In the case when the girl did not like the effect of the eyelash lamination procedure, it can be removed, washed off or eliminated in the salon. You can remove lamination from eyelashes at home.

The first way to eliminate the defect should be done no later than a day after the lamination. The whole reason is that the keratin solution quickly solidifies. To remove the result of the procedure, it is not necessary to wash your eyes, for this it is enough to perform the following actions:
- heat up plain water to a temperature of 45 degrees;
- moisten cotton pads in liquid and squeeze them well;
- put the discs on the eyes;
- wait until they cool completely.
Depending on how thick the eyelashes are, the duration of this procedure can be from a couple of minutes to one hour.
It is not recommended to rub your eyes with moistened cotton implements, as this can cause injury to the ciliary hairs.

If more than a day has passed after lamination, then you can help get rid of the ugly effect of the procedure second way. To do this, prepare warm water, tar soap, several cotton pads. The sponge must be moistened with liquid, and then rubbed with soap and applied to the eye. In this case it is worth carrying out light massaging.

To obtain the desired effect, this procedure should be repeated several times. At the end of the work, it is advisable to lubricate the skin near the eyes with a cream, since it will be dried after using tar soap.
Some girls find that the best option for fixing bad lamination is to use a remover. Experts do not recommend using this tool, as it can lead to some troubles. A remover is a special substance consisting of fine particles that destroy the laminated structure. Upon contact of this substance with the composition that is on the laminated eyelashes, an unexpected reaction may occur. The reason for this is insufficient study of the functionality of the remover.

Precautionary measures
There are many reasons why the result of lamination may not meet expectations. Women who wish to have a beneficial procedure for their eyelashes should be careful in the following cases:
- pregnancy or lactation period;
- taking hormonal drugs - this can cause uneven bending of the cilia;
- recent surgery on the organs of vision;
- the presence of intolerance to drugs and means with which lamination is carried out;
- high sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Tips & Tricks
Provided that the delamination was carried out correctly, the eyelashes will return to their original natural appearance. In some situations, after removing the lamination, the girl may notice an unpleasant effect. However, this is noted only in cases where the cilia were initially weak or damaged.
If lamination is carried out for the first time, then it is worth warning the master about this. To strengthen and restore eyelashes, professionals recommend proven methods, the most effective of which is the use of oils:
- castor;
- from grape seeds;
- peach;
- burdock;
- olive;
- from wheat germ.

The fair sex is recommended to choose one of the above substances or mix several in equal amounts. You can also add liquid vitamins A, E to a homemade remedy. When applying the substance, you should be very careful, since excess oil can get into the eyes and cause discomfort.

Also, experts recommend that women who use mascara always wash off their makeup before going to bed at night. Do not forget about general personal care, in particular hair, nails and eyelashes.

For information on possible problems with eyelash lamination, see the next video.