How to care for your laminated eyelashes at home?

Eyelash lamination is a very popular procedure among modern girls. It allows you to improve the volume, curl, color and shape of the hairs without additional build-up. The result of the procedure can last 2-3 months with proper home care.

Features of care immediately after the procedure
We can say that the final result of the procedure depends on the correct care on the first day. Subsequently, at home, you can not take care of the hairs so carefully.
The basic rule on the first day is that the eyelashes cannot be wetted after lamination. It means that you need to avoid contact not only with water, but also with any cosmetic products. It is worth considering in advance that you will have to do without makeup. Eyelashes may appear greasy or sticky, but they don't need to be parted, wiped, or curled.
Hair after the procedure is fragile, more susceptible to external influences. Therefore, they should be protected from mechanical damage.
In 24 hours, the lashes are completely fixed and take on a new curve. During this period, you need to handle them carefully, because they can be damaged, for example, from a pillow.

What to do next?
After proper care on the first day, eyelashes can be left without careful attention, since the solution has already been absorbed. To keep your eyelashes healthy and beautiful longer, you need to follow simple rules.
- Be sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed. Although you do not need to use mascara when lamination, all cosmetics must be carefully cleaned.
- Eye cosmetics should be of high quality. Watch the expiration date carefully.
- Protect your eyes from the sun in summer. Ultraviolet rays negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair, the latter become fragile and brittle.
- The lamination procedure itself is a care process, therefore, after its implementation, there is no need for additional funds.
- It is not recommended to use cotton pads when removing makeupor rather, do not put too much pressure on your eyes. It may not immediately worsen the result of the procedure, but it will contribute to the early wear of the hairs.
- Mascara can be used, but since the eyelashes after lamination are already more magnificent and have a greater curvature, it is advisable not to use it every day. It is recommended to choose mascara with a more gentle composition, for example, hypoallergenic or for sensitive eyes. You can also find nutrient products in cosmetic stores. You need to apply mascara in a thin layer, without lumps, without weighing down the eyelashes. The excess can be removed with a special eyelash comb.
- If you use facial scrubs or products containing alcohol, the area around the eyes should be avoided.
- Contraindications for visiting the sauna, bathhouse, pool and spa are valid only on the first day after the procedure. In the future, you do not need to worry, because the keratin on the hairs is fixed and will not be washed out.
- Every morning after sleep, it is recommended to comb your eyelashes with a special brush, which can be purchased at any cosmetics store. It is also advised to comb the hairs during the day to keep them curved. This should be done without strong pressure, because the material can be removed with a brush. And it is also worth once every 1-2 weeks to apply nutritious oil (castor, almond or burdock) to the hairs, carefully, without falling on the growth line, only from the middle to the ends. To improve the result, you can apply the oil overnight.
- When washing your face, the water should be at room temperature. Water that is too hot or too cold will negatively affect the condition of your laminated lashes. You should not strongly wipe your face with a towel - it will be enough just to get wet, the rest will air dry.
- If you wear contact lenses, when installing and removing them, you should carefully pull back the upper eyelid, without touching the eyelashes. There are no contraindications for using lenses after eyelash lamination.
- If on the first day after the procedure it was impossible to mechanically influence the hairs, including sleeping with your face in the pillow, then you can choose any sleeping position that is convenient for you.

At first glance, it may seem that the listed rules are too many, but this is not so. By following this simple guide, you will enjoy lamination on your lashes for longer.
How to recover from unsuccessful lamination?
The lamination procedure must be performed by a qualified technician with professional materials. It lies in the fact that a special composition of nutrients and minerals is applied to the eyelashes... If the technology was violated, then the client will have unpleasant sensations that need to be detected as soon as possible and the lamination removed.

An unsuccessful lamination procedure may have several symptoms.
- Hair can stick out in different directionsthereby creating a shaggy or tangled effect. In this case, you need to comb them on the first day and straighten them at the same time. The applied product with the help of these movements will be washed out, and the eyelashes will return to their original position.
- The hairs may bump into the eyelid. This leads to discomfort and discomfort in the eyelid area. After a few days, these sensations will pass, the eyelashes will become softer and will no longer rest against the skin. If you are concerned about pain, you can gently wash off the product with warm water.Moreover, this must be done within the first day after the lamination procedure, while the product has not yet fixed on the eyelashes.
- The hairs are curled in different ways. Due to the fact that the length and density of the cilia are different, the product is applied and absorbed in different ways. Therefore, after the procedure, the hairs can curl in different ways. Only a complete removal of the material will help, either independently or with the help of a wizard.
- Loss of eyelashes. This problem may arise due to poor quality materials or individual intolerance to ingredients. Unfortunately, hairs cannot be quickly restored. First you need to remove the coating, and then, if necessary, build up the missing eyelashes.
- Swollen eyelids, itchy eyes. Any client may experience an allergy to drugs used in lamination. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out a test in advance on a separate area of the skin. If redness, itching or swelling develops, you should immediately see your doctor so that he can prescribe the correct treatment.
- The hairs are not frizzy. The lack of a result of the procedure is possible for several reasons:
- low quality materials;
- inexperienced master;
- the reaction of the body;
- high levels of hormones in the body during pregnancy, breastfeeding or critical days.

Correction of an unsuccessful lamination result is possible only on the first day after the procedure, because later the drug hardens on the eyelashes and cannot be removed.
To remove lamination, it is recommended to perform several consecutive steps.
- Moisten cotton pads with warm water, possibly adding soap. Apply them to your eyes for a few minutes.
- Repeat the action until the product is completely washed off the hairs.
- Apply oil or gel to lashes to restore and care. In order to restore hairs after an unsuccessful procedure, it is recommended to use castor or burdock oil. It will help accelerate the growth of new cilia, strengthen and improve existing ones.

Before signing up for the eyelash lamination procedure, you should read the general recommendations.
- Although the procedure itself is not very complicated, there are some nuances in the technique that an experienced master should know. Before choosing a salon or lashmaker, it is advisable to read reviews about its work on the Internet (it is better if photos are attached to the comments).
- Make sure the craftsman uses quality natural materials, but in any case, it is better to test the body's reaction in advance.
- You should not count on a stunning result from the lamination procedure. It also depends on the original length of your hairs. Lamination only strengthens and nourishes the eyelashes, the coloring pigment in the composition of the material can saturate the color a little. Because of this, the look visually becomes wider and more expressive.
- Many girls want to save money and carry out the lamination procedure at home. It is not recommended to do this, because it will not be possible for oneself to carefully style the hairs, soak them with a product and comb them. Some ask their friends for help, but even they do not have the necessary skills and abilities to get a safe and positive result.

It is better to contact a professional who has already completed training and is familiar with all the subtleties and nuances of this procedure.
Eyelash lamination is a cosmetic procedure that is characterized by safety and a positive effect on the eyelashes. Unlike extension, the client does not need to come to the master to correct or remove the material. You can visit the lashmaker only when the product is washed off the hairs. As a result of lamination, healthy and beautiful eyelashes are obtained, which create a well-groomed look, and make the look deep and expressive.

For information on how to care for eyelashes after lamination, see the next video.