Can pregnant women have eyelash lamination and what are the restrictions?

Eyelash lamination is performed with the aim of strengthening and increasing the length. Thanks to this processing, the look becomes attractive. The cilia receive useful substances, the procedure restores their beauty and health. The fair sex resorts to lamination under various circumstances. But it is important to know whether such a procedure can be carried out during pregnancy and whether it will harm the baby.

If your eyelashes are not voluminous and shiny enough, do not rush to add fake hairs. Lamination will help to give natural eyelashes shine. This procedure has a healing effect. It was originally used to strengthen hair. A special substance envelops the hairs in a dense membrane, making them smooth and strong... Since the eyelashes have an identical structure, this procedure is also suitable for caring for them.
Lamination makes them more lush, there is no weighting effect. This procedure stimulates the growth of cilia, helps to restore their structure, and prevents fragility and loss.
By receiving additional nutrition, the bulbs are better able to withstand adverse external influences. The lamination product contains harmless keratin.

But the implementation of this procedure during pregnancy has some nuances. During the carrying of a child, various processes occur in the body, a change in the hormonal background is observed, the woman's health becomes more vulnerable. Most nursing procedures have to be abandoned until breastfeeding is complete.But lamination can be done for pregnant women.
Keratin is a naturally occurring protein. To enhance the action a variety of components are added to the lamination mixture that do not pose a threat to the expectant mother and child. The mucous membranes do not come into contact with laminatin, so it does not enter the bloodstream. Lamination is a useful procedure, but one must take into account the increased sensitivity of the pregnant woman's body to various stimuli. If previously the protein did not provoke reactions, then after conception, edema and redness may appear. Some women experience itching.

The changed hormonal background affects the final result. But negative reactions do not always take place. This usually happens in the first trimester of pregnancy.
If you want to make your eyelashes more lush and strengthen them, it is better to carry out the procedure in the second or third trimester. In late pregnancy, the hormonal background is normalized, the body turns on the standby mode. During this period, lamination will be useful, it will enable a pregnant woman to become more attractive.

Before the procedure, it is important to inform the master about the special situation. To check the likelihood of a negative reaction, a specialist will perform allergy tests. The composition of the lamination product will be selected individually. The amount of pigment can be reduced, and the procedure time can be increased, or vice versa. The craftsman needs to work with extreme care. In order not to harm the child, only the length is worked out, the root areas are not affected.
It is important to be especially careful during pregnancy. The correct technique for applying the composition will prevent it from getting on the mucous membrane and then into the blood.
There are also restrictions on the lamination procedure during breastfeeding. In the first months of lactation, the rejection of the drug by the body is possible. An individual qualified approach is required.

Before you go to a beautician to strengthen eyelashes with lamination, you need to study the contraindications for this procedure. You cannot laminate eyelashes to women:
- underwent eye surgery;
- allergic to the components of the drug;
- suffering from ophthalmic diseases.
Contraindications also include corneal damage and inflammation. The listed contraindications apply not only to pregnant women. The presence of such health problems is a reason to abandon the procedure or postpone it. Women with overly sensitive eyes should also refrain from lamination. In any case, it can be carried out only after consulting a beautician.
It is important to find a qualified master who is fluent in the technique of applying the drug and is able to select the composition for lamination in accordance with individual characteristics.

When can pregnant women have eyelash lamination?
When carrying out the lamination procedure, pregnant women should adhere to the restrictions in accordance with the trimesters. The greatest risk of developing adverse reactions occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancywhen the strongest changes occur in the body. Adverse consequences include:
- unnatural bending or maximum straightening of eyelashes;
- uneven color;
- excessive fragility;
- allergic reactions and irritations.

If the coloring is uneven, there is a risk that the eyelashes will take on an odd color. It is difficult for a beautician to predict how the main component and additional components in the lamination mixture will react to hormonal surges. It is better to wait for a more favorable period - the second or third trimester. Or postpone it for a longer period until the baby is born and breastfeeding ends.
If there are contraindications to this procedure, you can replace it with an identical one - botox. The hair treatment technique is similar, but the product has a different composition and differs in the principle of action.

It is possible to laminate eyelashes while waiting for the birth of a baby, but the procedure must be carried out with extreme caution. First, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, do not forget about the restrictions associated with the trimesters of pregnancy. If these conditions are met, the lamination procedure will not harm a pregnant woman, and will allow her to become more beautiful.

You can get acquainted with the lamination process further.