Absolute and temporary contraindications for eyelash lamination

Many girls know firsthand what eyelash lamination is. When deciding on such a procedure, it is important to remember that in some cases there are negative consequences. As you know, lamination refers to cosmetic procedures during which the eyelashes are covered with keratin: it nourishes them, making them healthy, beautiful and irresistible. Today, lamination is at the peak of its popularity, so it is worth considering in more detail what are the absolute and temporary contraindications to this technique.

Absolute contraindications
Lamination helps the lashes become stronger and healthier. We cannot talk about specific indications for lamination, since the choice remains with each representative of the fair sex, but one should be very careful with contraindications.
To begin with, we emphasize that eyelash lamination has almost no absolute contraindications... Those who are allergic to any components needed during work should be treated with caution. There are cases when the fair sex complain of intolerance to serums, which include keratin and other substances.

Most often, serums used during lash lamination are hypoallergenic.m, but you should not be completely sure of them, because there are cases when rashes and itching have appeared.
Usually, such reactions occur in girls who have sensitive skin. Then an allergic reaction may follow to any component of the serum.
Be sure to check the serum before lamination. The procedure looks standard. Just apply a few drops to the inner crease of the elbow. You won't have to wait long: in just 30 minutes you will be able to tell for sure whether it is worth lamination of your eyelashes. If there is any kind of redness or itching, then forget about the procedure once and for all.

A it is also necessary to pay close attention to the condition of the eyelashes, since this factor is the second in deciding whether to carry out the procedure... Very short eyelashes should not be stressed, because noticeable results will still not be achieved. The serum causes the lashes to curl, making already short hairs look even smaller.
Important: if the skin around the eyes is dry, it is better to refuse the eyelash lamination procedure.
It must be understood that the serum will lead to even greater drying of the skin in this area. Irritation and peeling will appear on the eyelids.

Temporary restrictions
In addition to absolute, there are also temporary restrictions on the procedure for lamination of eyelashes. It should be emphasized that they are usually short-term in nature, and also related to various pathological conditions. If you eliminate them, then there will be no obstacles to lamination. Consider in which cases the procedure should not be carried out.
- Ophthalmic diseases (precisely during an exacerbation). For example, keratitis or conjunctivitis, other diseases, lacrimation.
- Diseases of the eyelids, which are presented in an acute form: for example, blepharitis or barley.
- The use of hormonal drugs for the treatment of various diseases. It was during this period that lamination should be abandoned, as well as building up.
- Recovery after ophthalmic surgery or blepharoplasty. After such interventions, it is better to wait at least 7 months.
- Pregnancy and lactation. There are no studies that would confirm the negative effect of serum on fetal development, but it is better not to experiment with the health of the unborn baby. It will be correct to laminate the eyelashes after the breastfeeding period is over.
- If keratin was previously applied to the eyelashes, then lamination will not last long.

Some experts argue that during the menstrual cycle it is also not necessary to recover for the procedure, it is better to wait out a few days. This is due to the fact that a change in the hormonal background often leads to the loss of eyelashes. In this case, lamination can be considered short-term.
But there is no categorical prohibition, so each woman makes her own decision.

Experts note that there are also some other restrictions, which occur exclusively after lamination of eyelashes.
- It is necessary to give up washing your face for a day, you should not even use plain water. As you know, the serum is not afraid of water, but on the first day after application, keratin actively nourishes the hairs, saturates them with vitamins. If you rinse off the serum earlier, then the effect of its use can be considered only decorative.
- One day is not enough to form the necessary correct bend. This process usually takes 2 to 3 days. Experts advise not to sleep on your stomach, burying your face in the pillow. It is undesirable to rub your eyes or scratch them with your fingers, because such actions can break the bend.
- For the first 24 hours, you should also forget about brushing your hairs. Of course, after applying the serum, you will feel the effect of sticking or tightening on the eyelashes, but this is short-lived. The situation will improve significantly in a day.
- If you frequently use eye makeup and mascara, then avoid alcohol-based options.Fat-based products should also not be used as they will dissolve the whey. It is not recommended to dye the hairs in the first couple of days after the procedure.
Certain types of mascara can cause lashes to fall out or change their original color.

For more on the eyelash lamination procedure, see the next video.