How long does eyelash lamination last?

Even in the beauty industry, progress does not stand still. Eyelash extension is being replaced by a new way of improving your appearance - lamination of your own eyelashes, which saves time and money, while helping to create a natural well-groomed image. Consider how long lamination lasts on eyelashes.

Persistence of the effect
During lamination, the eyelashes are curled with a special chemical compound, and then the excess is removed with keratin and, as it were, the curved hairs are “packed” into a protective film. If desired, they are dyed with a special serum and nourished with formulations with vitamins, minerals, and sometimes medicinal preparations based on essential oils of medicinal plants. The result is well-groomed, keratin-elongated, curled and dyed eyelashes that look like you've painted your healthy, thick and long eyelashes yourself.
The result of the procedure lasts from 1 to 3 months. How long eyelash lamination lasts for a particular person depends on his physiological characteristics, the skill of the master and the quality of work, subsequent care and compliance with all recommendations.

A person loses several eyelashes every day - this is his physiological feature. That's why natural growth and replacement of eyelashes occurs during lamination, and in some cases this happens faster than before, due to the therapeutic effect and saturation with nutrients, which means that the visual effect of lamination in time will not be longer than the full cycle of regrowth and replacement of new hairs: 100-150 days. And usually it is enough for 1.5 - 3 months.
Removal of lamination is not carried out, it is not needed, also, no correction is required for hair regrowth - new cilia will add density and greater expressiveness.
The quality and result of this procedure will subsequently not be affected by atmospheric phenomena, nor by water, nor by high temperatures or steam. Therefore, with such well-groomed eyes, you can safely go to the bathhouse or sauna, visit the pool, sunbathe and swim at the seaside resorts.

The only recommended contraindications to this effect are pregnancy and breastfeeding.... This is due to insufficient study of the effect of hormones on the lamination result, it can be simply unpredictable, and the chemical composition itself during this cosmetic procedure can have a harmful effect on the mother and baby.
When using oral contraceptives or during the menstrual cycle, hormonal levels also change greatly, which can affect the result of eyelash lamination.

After lamination specialists do not recommend using waterproof mascara, since its removal requires stronger cosmetic products, and they can damage the keratin layer of laminated eyelashes. For the same reason do not recommend using products that contain alcohol or acid to remove makeup, use soap as a remover and use cosmetic sponges. Regular coloring with mascara is allowed the very next day.
If you want eyelashes with a dyeing effect, then it is advisable to apply the paint during the lamination procedure itself - this is the so-called coloring lamination.
If you dye your eyelashes after the procedure, you can damage the keratin layer and negate the entire effect of the lamination itself.

What affects the duration of the action?
Since lamination is a rather complicated and expensive procedure, it is better to have it done by a good specialist, preferably in a beauty salon. Home lamination kits and paints are on sale. However, it is difficult to do keratinization, curling and coloring for yourself., since you need to be with your eyes closed for a certain time, with fixed eyelashes, and it will be problematic to prepare the following components yourself. Although training in this procedure does not require special medical knowledge, and to each other two people at home can easily do this procedure.
Of course, in the beauty salon there is a guarantee of better quality work. It is made using well-known proven drugs and paint, pre-testing them for an allergen for the client. The beautician can select the individual parameters of the consistency and exposure time of the preparations. Depending on the wishes of the client, he will select the size of the roller for a more natural curl of the eyelashes. Will give recommendations before and after the procedure. He will advise when you can do it, how to pre-strengthen the eyelashes, how to care for the laminated ones.

The main thing is not to contact with the made eyelashes within the first 24 hours. - do not rub your eyes, do not come into contact with water, steam, paint, with a pillow during sleep. It is not even recommended to just touch your eyes with your hands. From the second day on, all these influences are no longer scary.
The quality of the preparations used also affects the duration of the result of curling and coloring. If they are from well-known manufacturers, then the effect of their use will last for 2 months, and a fake will not last even 2 weeks. In this case, it is better to use drugs from well-known Swiss brands.

How to prolong the lamination effect?
In order for all this beauty to last for a long time, and the result of dyeing and curling to please you, you need to follow simple recommendations.
- The first contact with water should be no earlier than a day later. That is, on the first day you cannot wash, take a bath, visit baths and saunas.
- It is advisable not to stand at the stove on the first that the steam when cooking food does not affect your eyes.
- On the first day, do not sleep with your face in the pillow, so as not to spoil the bend of the eyelashes. After you can sleep in any position, this will no longer affect the appearance of the eyelashes.
- For the first 24 hours, it is advisable, in general, not to touch the eyelashes with your hands., do not rub your eyes so as not to remove the keratin layer.
- Do not tint your eyes with waterproof mascara - it is better to use regular mascara. But it is better to use ordinary mascara as little as possible.
- Do not go to bed with painted eyelashes.
- To remove makeup, use gentle preparations, without alcohol and acids.
- Use in the diet vitamins and special supplements to strengthen and grow hair.
- For any discomfort during the procedure, for allergies to the formulations of drugs - stop exposure to eyelashes. Then there will be no complaints that the lamination effect was not for long.

The very transition from curled keratin eyelashes to their usual appearance occurs smoothly and imperceptibly: they do not fall out and do not look brittle.
And to give them a rich color, you can use special mascara - it is gel-based. Eyelashes do not weigh down and look well-groomed and colored for a long time.
A variety of vegetable oils can be used to care for curled lashes. The basic rule here is the same - start applying them only 24 hours after the keratin wave. The oil will help enhance the care of the lashes and maintain the lamination effect. You need to apply a small amount of oil, without weighing down the eyelashes, as this contributes to their faster loss. It can be applied either with an eyelash brush or with your fingers, being careful not to stretch the skin of the eyelids or pulling on the eyelashes.

In order for the eyelashes to retain their spectacular appearance as long as possible, experienced cosmetologists give additional recommendations:
- it is advisable not to sleep on your stomach with your face in the pillow, better on your back or on your side;
- at the very beginning, abandon physical activity, since sweat can get on the newly made cilia and damage the keratin coating;
- for the improvement of eyelashes, lamination can be carried out after removing the extension.

How often should the procedure be performed?
You can repeat this cosmetic procedure in 1-2 months, that is, no more than 3-4 times a year, which is very beneficial, since the procedure is not yet cheap. If the master invites you to a more frequent keratin correction, then you should think about the competence and skill of this professional.
The frequency of exposure depends on the condition of the hairs. If the hair is strong, healthy, then lamination is not scary to repeat once every 2 months.... If the hairs of the eyelashes are weakened, break easily, quickly fall out, then the procedure is carried out 1 time in 4 weeks.
In the intervals between lamination, it is advisable to strengthen the eyelashes with the help of drugs, vitamin complexes, oils, for example, burdock or castor oil. This is especially true for thin, weakened eyelashes. And then re-lamination will be available in a month and a half.

Review overview
According to the reviews of those who have already tried this procedure on themselves, it can be judged that the time and money spent are worth the results obtained. A woman gets a well-groomed look and an expressive look for a long time, she does not need to curl her eyelashes every day, paint her eyes, and at the same time she looks natural and respectable.
Due to its natural effect, this type of eyelash care is also used by men. There is a special procedure in beauty salons - male eyelash lamination.

You need to understand that all negative reviews about this procedure are based on non-compliance with the recommendations of specialists and the wrong selection of the procedure itself... It must be remembered that lamination cannot add extra volume and length to short and sparse eyelashes, broken off at the ends. Lamination is the care of eyelashes during curling and coloring, therefore it is suitable for people with medium thick and long effectively emphasize the eyes, open the eyes, make them more expressive. An experienced certified expert will tell you how to highlight your beauty better - whether you choose eyelash extensions, biowave or lamination.
For information on how to extend eyelash lamination, see the next video.